So what do you guys think? (big pic)

22 March 2000
Planet Earth
Here is a sample of what I've been learning the past few days with my new Canon 10D for macro photography. I hope to be able to take before and after pictures of all my patients for them to take home.

Next I have to learn how to take nice action shots at the track.


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Dr.Lane said:
Here is a sample of what I've been learning ... I hope to be able to take before and after pictures of all my patients for them to take home.
Before and afters of a shave? :D
The 10D looks like a nice camera.
PHOEN$X said:
That camera shows too much detail (I can see the mustache!), exchange it for a lower quality one!


:) I think I need one of those $5.00 disposables. They get much better images from what I've heard.

But on the otherhand, now I can hire someone to do electroylsis in my office.
Looks like the person belonging to that mouth had fruit for breakfast and is a light coffee drinker. The top-left-canine tooth may require dental attention. :p j/k

amazing clarity & detail.
More facial hair :D

Here's a shot I took with my D60 and my 70-200mm lens...


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<B>Akira3D:</B> *jaw drops* Such a simple photo with no real subject, but the quality is breathtaking! The sharpness and clarity of detail in the cat's fur, as well as the color, is absolutely superb.

This is one of the photos on the other thread you tried to post, right? I'd love to see the other one.

From this one photo, you got me thinking about that 70-200mm L lens i never bought...

Since we're posting pictures of cats, here's one of MYNSX's cat ;)


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The sharpness and clarity of detail in the cat's fur, as well as the color, is absolutely superb.

Actually, you really need to see the 6 megapixel version to fully appreciate the detail in the gets a little soft off center due to the really narrow depth of field I chose. It's a bounced flash shot too.

This is one of the photos on the other thread you tried to post, right? I'd love to see the other one.

Actually, this wasn't. I'll go post 800x533 versions of them in the other thread.
Neo: That's not MYNSX's cat, this is his cat (note the yellow eyes). :D

NeoNSX said:
Looks like the person belonging to that mouth had fruit for breakfast and is a light coffee drinker. The top-left-canine tooth may require dental attention. :p j/k

amazing clarity & detail.

he he LOL!!! :)

Too funny.
Some nice photography you got happening there Smoothaccel... although too bad the mantis has jpeg artifacts. what equipment you using?

<B>Phoe<FONT COLOR=red>N$X</FONT></B>: LOL... my mistake... that is definitely Bill's cat. It had to be shaved completely before surgery (after that nasty ceiling-fan and wall-hitting 'accident' :D)...
any other pictures of puss, akira? what kind of cat is it? persian?
i wanted a manx but with a tail, i want a breed that is big, so i can take it for walks and scare the dogs here in Japan ;)
on the same topic, i was riding my bike to the shop the other day and an old lady was taking her dog AND cat for a walk, no leash!