"So now this is happeneing..." Jeremy Clarkson suspended?

I hope netflix hires clarkson, hammond, and may to do a car show.

and I hope clarkson gets help for his anger issues.
I hope netflix hires clarkson, hammond, and may to do a car show.

and I hope clarkson gets help for his anger issues.
Netflix does not have the budget money for a show like Top Gear. Never mind the deep pockets it will take to hire Clarkson and gang. TOP Gear is BBC's most expensive show to produce. Netflix could be the broadcaster, if someone else produces and pays for it.
tis official, his contract will not be renewed (bit different from being sacked!)


James May has said they come as a package, so some very serious thought needed. all 3 presenters had their contracts up for renewal at the end of the month anyway....

Presenter James May has given his reaction to the BBC's decision not to renew Jeremy Clarkson's contract, calling the situation "a tragedy".

"I'm sorry that what ought to have been a small incident sorted out easily has turned into something big," he told reporters outside his house.

The broadcaster said he was "sure Top Gear will continue in some way" but refused to confirm whether he and Richard Hammond would remain on the show.

"I think we are very much, the three of us, a package. It works for very complicated reasons that a lot of people don't fully understand.

"So that will require a lot of careful thought."
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No matter how much I like the show and Jeremy, I really gotta admit one thing:

The guy sounds like a spoiled brat. I could understand all this nonsense after working a 16 hour day in a coal mine....but come on....it's reported he makes 7-figures. Everyone loves him, he raises hairs with everything he says and they let him get away with it....and how does he thank the world/BBC for these things?

Acts like a drunken abusive father over a plate of food.
No matter how much I like the show and Jeremy, I really gotta admit one thing:

The guy sounds like a spoiled brat. I could understand all this nonsense after working a 16 hour day in a coal mine....but come on....it's reported he makes 7-figures. Everyone loves him, he raises hairs with everything he says and they let him get away with it....and how does he thank the world/BBC for these things?

Acts like a drunken abusive father over a plate of food.

Yep, I'm with you. I too like the character he's created for Top Gear but I fail to have any sympathy for a public figure that treats his entourage with contempt. I read some news reports that he "verbally and physically assaulted a member of the production crew"... he's done his time, there are decent guys out there to take over.

As Britlude says above, all that has happened is that the contract (expires tomorrow) hasn't been renewed. I predict that after a cooling-off period, an apology and a bit of adjustment, Top Gear UK will be back with JC, RH & JM on a new contract. Whether it will be produced by the BBC or Sky is up for grabs. My money is on the BBC in 2016.....
Wouldn't be surprised. TG makes more money for BBC than any other show on BBC2, not to mention the take from BBC-Worldwide. On that topic, I read that BBC-Worldwide would likely have to return MILLIONS to affiliates like "BBC-America" when the fail to deliver the last three episodes of the current series as contracted for.
Yes- people these days really need to stop searching for something to get upset or offended about.

Clarkson's jabs are usually in good humor....for example he is constantly bagging on U.S. cars/lifestyle/history.

Take the episode of the ZR1 vs. the Audi R8. Count how many jabs he makes against the U.S. Do you see any of us flailing our arms in protest? :biggrin:

He even makes jabs at the Germans. Are they starting a war?

This calling everyone a 'racist' is out of hand. :rolleyes:

NOW - striking a coworker is a different story. However- none of us know the full story and should probably reserve judgement until we do.

Good luck Clarkson - you are a gifted entertainer.
My neighbo(u)r is part of the camera team filming Top Gear amongst lots of other things. He's told me a few stories about what has gone on on set. Much as I like the show and don't in anyway mind Clarkson's style of humo(u)r, some of the things he done off camera makes me wonder why is isn't in jail. The public and private persona can be so different..
Well I wouldn't want to get my pal in trouble but let's just say that during the hovercraft episode some people ended up well submerged in the water that shouldn't have been as the result of an individual..

Do you have any examples?
So sad - nowadays people would rather sink talent...than aspire to have talent themselves. :frown:
The irony of the whole thing is--in my opinion:

1) Although people went to vast measures to show the world they want top gear back, nobody can possibly refute that it is completely Clarkson's fault and he was beyond out-of-line as an adult man...and it kinda-should have happened this way.

2) The BBC is pissed because they are a business out to make money, and because of a couple idiot employees fighting they now had to take a side in the matter(the ethical side) and financially shoot themselves in the foot.

3) The guy who was assaulted can't possibly shake the fact that in reality, him saying something cost the BBC millions upon millions of dollars and pissed off more fans than you can shake a short-throw shifter at. No matter how right he was by whistle-blowing, he's still got the same shitty job, and the entire world knows his name......can anyone say death threats and eternal harassment?

So what irony do I speak of?

Clarkson is pissed because it happened, but it's technically his fault.(He hit the motherf#%&er)

BBC is pissed it happend, but it's technically their fault. (They're ethically obligated to report/confirm that it happened vs. push under a rug)

Producer guy is pissed it happened, but it's technically his fault. (It made him mad enough to speak up when he could have stayed quiet)

Nobody get's what they wanted. Nobody truly loses either. WOW. That is the textbook definition of the shitiest situation in entertainment history.
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3) The guy who was assaulted can't possibly shake the fact that in reality, him saying something cost the BBC millions upon millions of dollars and pissed off more fans than you can shake a short-throw shifter at. No matter how right he was by whistle-blowing, he's still got the same shitty job, and the entire world knows his name......can anyone say death threats and eternal harassment?

Actually, Clarkson reported the incident to the BBC. The producer he assaulted did not.

He turned himself in. Which, all told, was the right thing to do.
Not that I condone violence in the work place but s$#t happens and maybe we as a culture should give a guy a pass if he messes up once in a while. Not that I'm for totally letting him skate. Make Clarkson pay a painful amount of money, anti violence TV ads for BBC, suspend him from Top Gear for a while.....but firing him??? Think about how many people this affected.....I'm sure the Top Gear "machine" employed hundreds of people who are now sweating it out. Not sure what the answer is but it sucks that Top Gear as we know it is no more.
I would have let the producer get a good cheap shot back at clarkson...case closed....on with the show.
Actually, Clarkson reported the incident to the BBC. The producer he assaulted did not.

He turned himself in. Which, all told, was the right thing to do.

I did make my statement incorrectly and did forget Clarkson spoke up(although I don't know if he reported it first or the producer did, I don't think any of the articles went in depth enough to state exactly who spoke up first). I meant from the standpoint that the producer could have said, "Nope, nothing happened at all". Yes Clarkson did report it, but it was up to the producer to cooperate.

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