So....Is anyone interested in forming a formal NSXCA Chapter for the Bay Area?

I'm pretty sure it will be raining, or poor weather.

How many NSXs are planning to show?

I would like to but I am gonna e based on two things, whether I am over this bug that is going around, and how bad its raining.. I don't mind light rain but I wont drive in crazy storms, call me a sissy but I am not comfortable with myself in heavy rain with my car:redface: I keep hoping the wheather will change just for us :p
I won't be able to make it after all. Leaving for Tahoe tonight. Anyone else plan on going to S. Lake Tahoe? Let's have a meet on the slopes! I'll be at Sierra Ski Resorts!
1. BATMANs (Alan)
2. Racer-ex (Bill)
3. NSFRBLX (Carlos)
4. calexand (Chip)
5. MikeC_587 (Mike) Daly City
6. BlurryNSX (Danny)Fremont yay for sunday meetings!!!
7. Queenlives (hal)
8. Whatisreal7 (Allen)
9. s4play (Rick) will be there in my GT3 most likely....
10. yojack1 (Jack & Yolanda)
11. Ashik (San Mateo)
12. REDNSXT (Phong), Dublin
13. iCEE (Chuck)
14. smooth (Tariq)
16. NSX-Tuner (Gary)
17. nsxtaxi (Lynn)
19. AP1_NA2 (Ben + wife) Burlingame (bring the 03 out)
20. 02#154 (James) Fremont
21. Jimbonuttz (Jimmy) Milpitas
22. LarryNSX (Lawrence)

Can't make 2/24 Date
2.CiaoBoy (I can make Saturday, 2/23 though.)
3.02#154 moved to confirmation list above...
4.Jimbonuttz moved to confirmation list above...
5.NMYMIRR - I will also be in Lake Tahoe that weekend
6. EndLeSS - Extremely busy that weekend, and I always have church on Sunday, until 1pm. If it is later, I should be able to make it.
7. emeraldtt (I'm only available on Sat 2/23 and not 2/24. Maybe next one guys) I'll be putting on my new exhaust system on my NSX
8. otto_joe - Will be with my kids at a friend's bday party.
9. ryan1926
10 carmar -stuck with other commitment
11. amgnsx (ariel) working
12. makena88 (steven) next time, busy at the shop cleaning up sorry
13. juejaimon (steve) ECU missing and won't be back in time... transplanting
14. slamstrom (Alan) just woke up and my cold's not getting any better.
A recap email will be going out to everyone today that attended either meeting.

I know a few of you aere asking about the minutes here they are:

[FONT=&quot]Minutes from 2/24/08 NSX Meeting[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Brian’s Restaurant – Los Altos[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Meeting brought to order by Carlos Molina at 1:28 P.M.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Reviewed February 2, 2008 minutes. Motion made by Carlos to approve minutes, 2nd by Gary Swiger. Motion Carried.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Yolanda Atkinson was given $10.00 by Carlos Molina that should be placed in the future NSXCA-Bay Area Chapter Fund Account. Monies were from an excess tip collected.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Yolanda Atkinson needs to make up a list with all members information to forward to Tom Kohrs. Tom Kohrs to notify us when approved zip code list is available. This information is determined by the national organization. NSXCA-Bay Area is open to everyone but will be based on zip codes.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Hal Carroll has established the Yahoo Group – NSXCA – Bay Area. Need list of emails to be able to send out invitation to join the group. Hal informed Carlos that he will not be in a position to handle the Moderator position so Mike Cruz and Carlos Molina will jointly handle. Yolanda Atkinson will forward list to Mike and Carlos of all individuals currently interested in joining the NSXCA-Bay Area Chapter. Once the group mail list is up and going, it will send private emails to all members and will have list of details of all run when posted by an individual[/FONT][FONT=&quot].[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Yolanda will also send out email to all participants at both meeting to make sure their email address is correct and to add their cell # to the list. The cell number will help in instances of a run in case a member needs to be contacted.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]There will be a separate area for cell numbers on the Yahoo site for all members to access.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Yolanda Atkinson will be sending out the letter of our Intent to Officially file for an NSX Club – Bay Area Chapter.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The next discussion was regarding members interested in the Concorso Italiano on[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Friday, August 15th. Everyone was informed that if you register by 2/29 the price for the Non-Italian Vehicle Corral is $100 (you receive 2 admissions and lawn parking). After that date the price goes up every couple of months until the event price of $200. Chip Alexander will post information on NSX Prime regarding the Concorso.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Jack Atkinson then talked about the NSX Run on Hwy 25. The route will be changed to go east toward Coalinga and have lunch at Harris Ranch then back west to Hwy 25 and home. A discussion was held about being responsible when driving on a run.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Mike Cruz had a suggestion that all members should do a self check prior to a run of their vehicles.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]James Ubarro had a suggestion for a future event of Indoor Carting. Carlos Molina mentioned that it would be a good idea to give people time by planning a meeting[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]out a few weeks as a club event that will be posted through the Yahoo email group.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Yolanda Atkinson then mentioned about the Motoring J Style Show. We are currently at 18 people signed up for the NSX Corral. People were encouraged to send in their money to secure their site. The cost is $25 per car with $5.00 of that going to offset the mailing with the additional money going into the NSXCA-Bay Area Fund. Money will be sent to Ken Sax to add to our account once we are an established chapter.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The final discussion – logo submission. We are open to design submissions from members to be voted on by the members. Any logos should be sent to [email protected] or bring to the next meeting.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Meeting adjourned at 2:39 P.M.[/FONT]
Hi guys and gals,

I just sent out a batch of invites to join the Yahoo Group for the Bay Area Chapter

Here is the URL to the group:

If you don't receive an invite and you are a member of NSXCA and attended one of the first 2 meeting please send me a PM.

Hi guys and gals,

I just sent out a batch of invites to join the Yahoo Group for the Bay Area Chapter

Here is the URL to the group:

If you don't receive an invite and you are a member of NSXCA and attended one of the first 2 meeting please send me a PM.


For those of you that haven't attended one of the last 2 meeting for the Bay Area Chapter and would like to be included.

Please PM me your Name, NSXCA membership number and the City and Zipcode you live in and your cell number.

I will forward this info to our Club Secretary Yolanda.

I then will send you out via email an invite to join the Yahoo group.
Hi guys and gals,

I just sent out a batch of invites to join the Yahoo Group for the Bay Area Chapter

Here is the URL to the group:

If you don't receive an invite and you are a member of NSXCA and attended one of the first 2 meeting please send me a PM.


For those of you that haven't attended one of the last 2 meeting for the Bay Area Chapter and would like to be included.

Please PM me your Name, NSXCA membership number and the City and Zipcode you live in and your cell number.

I will forward this info to our Club Secretary Yolanda.

I then will send you out via email an invite to join the Yahoo group.

The following list have been sent YahooGroup invites. No sign ups yet though... I want to make sure you received your invite.
Please, if you haven't received your Yahoo invite send me a PM.

Hi guys want to remind you the next meeting date is set for Sunday
April 6th. The agenda for the meeting will be posted before hand.

No suggestions for a location have been made to date. I am looking at
the South Bay for this meeting. If I don't get any suggestions I'll
pick a place and post it.

Leave that Sunday open and hope to see you there!

how about Santana Row back parking lot where they used to hold the exotic meets?

At the last meeting a point was made to establish some criteria for selecting a location.

1. Centrally located....with the membership being scattered form Monterey to the South Tracy to the East and Marin to the North and the Peninsula to the West a central location was requested. We may venture to the outer edges at some point in the future.
2. Car Friendly...parking and ease of egress, especially for our lowered brothers.
3. Semi quiet/private room to hold meeting. Don't need to fight over noise to be heard.
3. Good food!
Hi guys,

Sorry haven't posted something up sooner. The Family is dealing with the sudden loss of one of our pets this weekend.

Since I didn't receive any suggestions and I am stretched a bit thin right now. Why don't we meet at Carino's again in Fremont.

Please sign up so I can give the restaurant a head count. Thanks.

NEW DATE: Sunday April 6th 12:01 PM
PLACE: Pacific Commons Retail Mall. It's located at the corner of Hwy 880 and Automall Pkwy in Fremont

43406 Christy St.
Fremont, CA 94538

