So....Is anyone interested in forming a formal NSXCA Chapter for the Bay Area?

7 January 2004
Silicon Valley
Given the success of the NSXCA chapter up in Sacramento.

The amount of participation, involvement, sharing and partaking that goes on in the Bay Area on an informal level. :biggrin:

Is there interest by the Bay Area contingent to formally start a Bay Area Chapter of NSXCA?

It would be set up in the traditional Board of Directors structure …..President, VP, Treasurer, Secretary and with monthly meetings having a published agenda.

We would be entitled to funds from the National Club (where our NSXCA dues go) for use at our discretion.

Those that have an interest and would like a Chapter of their own please list your name or Prime handle.

1.NSFRBLX (Carlos)
Given the success of the NSXCA chapter up in Sacramento.

The amount of participation, involvement, sharing and partaking that goes on in the Bay Area on an informal level. :biggrin:

Is there interest by the Bay Area contingent to formally start a Bay Area Chapter of NSXCA?

It would be set up in the traditional Board of Directors structure …..President, VP, Treasurer, Secretary and with monthly meetings having a published agenda.

We would be entitled to funds from the National Club (where our NSXCA dues go) for use at our discretion.

Those that have an interest and would like a Chapter of their own please list your name or Prime handle.

1.NSFRBLX (Carlos)

You Go Carlos:biggrin:

Awesome Carlos!

I think the Bay would greatly benefit from creating a Bay Area Chapter of the NSXCA. I'm fortunate enough to be a part of the Sacramento Chapter and based on my experience in the last year (since moving up here), I think the Bay Area crew would really benefit from having a similar set up.
I think a Bay Area chapter is long overdue. We certainly have enough participation in events. But while there are a lot of owners and a lot of people who come to the ad hoc events, I don't know that we have a large enough group of NSXCA members (do we?). I wish I could volunteer for a position on a new chapter but I imagine that I wouldn't have the free time available to devote to the group as I think it deserves. I'm actually just guessing... does anyone know what kind of time commitment is required to be involved? I'd like to hear from those of you who might be reading this and has had experience running a chapter.

It's likely that a smaller, unofficial role in planning events and coordinating them or whatever fits my availability more?

I agree that the Bay Area Chapter is way overdue, especially since Shane was stepping down from organizing events in Dec 06. I know that some names were mentioned to potentially take over, including Carlos, so it really makes lots of sense that Carlos started this thread:biggrin: . Why don't we see how many members will sign up first, then we can organize a meet to vote for roles and responsibilies.

1.NSFRBLX (Carlos)
2.REDNSXT (Phong)
I think a Bay Area chapter is long overdue. We certainly have enough participation in events. But while there are a lot of owners and a lot of people who come to the ad hoc events, I don't know that we have a large enough group of NSXCA members (do we?). I wish I could volunteer for a position on a new chapter but I imagine that I wouldn't have the free time available to devote to the group as I think it deserves. I'm actually just guessing... does anyone know what kind of time commitment is required to be involved? I'd like to hear from those of you who might be reading this and has had experience running a chapter.

It's likely that a smaller, unofficial role in planning events and coordinating them or whatever fits my availability more?


I think we have enough members to get started and...forming a Chapter would promote membership! It really is a no brainer for me, the discounts on parts alone have covered my dues each year. Besides no one would be turned away. Though members would hold priority to special or sponsored events.
(Just a thought....maybe some folks haven't joined due to the lack of structure in the area.)

As for commitment of time... what ever is comfortable to you. I've served on HOA boards in the past. I can't see this needing to consume more time than that would, plus this would be a lot more fun. You could just show up for the meetings or events when time permits if that's all you care to do.

I'm not asking for commitments right now, just a show of hands of those that think this would be worth while.

I'm not asking for commitments right now, just a show of hands of those that think this would be worth while.

Well then, I think that our own chapter would be worthwhile. And if it's really true that the demand on time isn't that bad then I could probably also participate as a representative of the chapter. I was just worried because I see all the work that the Sac chapter puts into it and I know I can't commit that kind of time. We'll see...


1.NSFRBLX (Carlos)
2.REDNSXT (Phong)
3.02#154 (James)
People in the Bay Area are busy working compared to the ones in Sac ;)

Haha. That's true. Some of us had enough, sold our Bay Area homes and are relaxing up here these days. :wink: :biggrin:

But seriously, I know what it's like to be busy in the Bay. Lots of work to do, lots of commuting to do and lots of things to do. You have several NSX owners down there who are natural leaders and although they would love to commit, it's hard due to having enough time.

My advice: you leaders know who you are (don't make me name names :tongue:). The time committment isn't that much more beyond what you are doing now w/ the informal events, meetings, etc. You same guys go to all of the events now, so take advantage of forming a chapter and get all of the benefits it brings to you and your fellow Bay Area NSX enthusiasts.
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Is there interest by the Bay Area contingent to formally start a Bay Area Chapter of NSXCA?
We would be entitled to funds from the National Club (where our NSXCA dues go) for use at our discretion.
If you want to form a chapter, you are welcome to do so. The club has a written policy document that outlines requirements for forming chapters, which are subject to the approval of the club's Board of Directors.

That being said, I would like to clear up what may be possible misconceptions about club chapters.

For one thing, you don't have to form a chapter to hold activities. If you want to hold dinners, social activities, even track events, you can (and are welcome to) do so. In the absence of a formally-designated chapter, such activities take place as part of your region (Northwest Region). Anything that a chapter does, can be done as a regional activity too.

Furthermore, forming a chapter may mean that there is less funding available for your activities, rather than more. The statement quoted above makes it sound like only chapters have funds available for activities, and this is not true. A portion of the annual club dues for each club member - currently $5 - is set aside for regional and chapter activities. If the member is in a chapter, the funds go to the chapter's treasury; otherwise, the funds go to the region's treasury. There is a Northwest Region treasury, funded by dues allocated to club members who are not in the Sacramento Chapter, whose funds are available to sponsor/subsidize events held in the SF Bay Area and anywhere else in the region. In the past, all of the activities in the Northwest Region have been held in the SF Bay Area, none in other parts of the Northwest Region (e.g. Seattle, Portland). So what this means is that the SF Bay Area is currently using more money from dues allocations than it would have available if it formed a chapter with its own separate treasury. (Note - all members in a region, including those in other parts of the Northwest Region, are welcome to plan activities in their area and to have club funds used for those activities, so there are no guarantees that there won't be future activities elsewhere in the region; OTOH with NSXPO in Portland this year, that's unlikely for the immediate future.)

One final point is that most of the Northwest Region (excluding the Sacramento Chapter, which is separate) lives in the SF Bay Area. Club membership as of 1/1/2008:

88 in SF Bay Area
19 in the rest of Northern California
42 in OR, WA, MT, BC, AB

As you can see, well over half of the Northwest Region is in the Bay Area.

Again, you're welcome to form a chapter if you like, but it may be a disadvantage financially, and I'm not sure there is anything it enables you to do that you can't do already.
That being said, I would like to clear up what may be possible misconceptions about club chapters.
Thank you...:smile:
For one thing, you don't have to form a chapter to hold activities.
Yes we this is the current state of affairs in the Bay Area.
If you want to hold dinners, social activities, even track events, you can (and are welcome to) do so. In the absence of a formally-designated chapter, such activities take place as part of your region (Northwest Region). Anything that a chapter does, can be done as a regional activity too.
This would require that someone in the BA to get buy in and coordinate with the region (aka. Tom Kohrs) on a particular activity/event. It then would only be fair that any money provided by the Region be distributed only among members, requiring non members to pay their own way....In my opinion, just too much work to promote, sort out, oversee and account for not to mention divisive in nature.
Furthermore, forming a chapter may mean that there is less funding available for your activities, rather than more.
To the best of my knowledge the Bay Area hasn't requested any money from the region for any events or activities. Probably due to lack of organization and structure. So any money earmarked for our chapter would be a positive. Besides the amount of money we are talking about ($5 per member) is a small figure in the scheme of things. As a chapter we will need to find ways to raise money or find sponsorships in some way. This is something that isn't happening now.
The statement quoted above makes it sound like only chapters have funds available for activities, and this is not true.
I apologize if you interpreted it in this manner, certainly was not my intention.
A portion of the annual club dues for each club member - currently $5 - is set aside for regional and chapter activities. If the member is in a chapter, the funds go to the chapter's treasury; otherwise, the funds go to the region's treasury.
Not to beat a dead horse but since we are not a chapter where is the money spent. I'm not asking for an accounting. I trust Tom has looked out for our best interest. Anyway it's not up to Tom how the money should be spent, we all should have a voice in this matter.
There is a Northwest Region treasury, funded by dues allocated to club members who are not in the Sacramento Chapter, whose funds are available to sponsor/subsidize events held in the SF Bay Area and anywhere else in the region. In the past, all of the activities in the Northwest Region have been held in the SF Bay Area, none in other parts of the Northwest Region (e.g. Seattle, Portland).

We have had several members in the Bay Area ask to be counted as part of the Sacramento Chapter recently. I can't understand that trend if ........
"all of the activities in the Northwest Region have been held in the SF Bay Area, none in other parts of the Northwest Region (e.g. Seattle, Portland)."
So what this means is that the SF Bay Area is currently using more money from dues allocations than it would have available if it formed a chapter with its own separate treasury.
Again I don't see this happening in the Bay Area...please tell us how this is happening.
(Note - all members in a region, including those in other parts of the Northwest Region, are welcome to plan activities in their area and to have club funds used for those activities, so there are no guarantees that there won't be future activities elsewhere in the region; OTOH with NSXPO in Portland this year, that's unlikely for the immediate future.)
Not sure what you meant to say here. If think you just repeating yourself
One final point is that most of the Northwest Region (excluding the Sacramento Chapter, which is separate) lives in the SF Bay Area. Club membership as of 1/1/2008:

88 in SF Bay Area
19 in the rest of Northern California
42 in OR, WA, MT, BC, AB

As you can see, well over half of the Northwest Region is in the Bay Area.

Again, you're welcome to form a chapter if you like, but it may be a disadvantage financially, and I'm not sure there is anything it enables you to do that you can't do already.

I still don't see your point about this being a financial disadvantage..since we rarely get the opportunity to dip into the Regional treasury. Aside from NSXPO and the ALMS events. Please correct me if I'm in error.

The Bay Area is a diverse area with passionate owners. I personally have had the most fun with my car when around other owners that share the same delight for the NSX. The fact that some owners are asking to be part of the Sacramento Chapter indicates a void that exists in the Bay Area.
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Given the disclosure in the last couple of posts....I still ask if people feel having their own Bay Area Chapter is worthwhile.

I have taken the liberty of pasting your names here. If you should have a change of heart please remove your name and continue the list.

1.NSFRBLX (Carlos)
2.REDNSXT (Phong)
3.02#154 (James)
I am one of the few who have asked to be a part of the Sacramento Chapter. I only did so, since the meets that we were having, just stop occuring. On my hand with three fingers, I can count how many times I participcated in a Bay Area meet in the last 18 months and I woould still would have one left over :biggrin: I digress...

Back to the question posed by Carlos.

To answer the question whether it's worth while to form an NSX Bay Area Chapter; Hell Yeah!!!

Even if I have to pay for two NSXCA memberships. (Would that mean I would be eligible for a higher discount? :wink: )

1.NSFRBLX (Carlos)
2.REDNSXT (Phong)
3.02#154 (James)
4) MikeC-587 (Mike)

This would require that someone in the BA to get buy in and coordinate with the region (aka. Tom Kohrs) on a particular activity/event. It then would only be fair that any money provided by the Region be distributed only among members, requiring non members to pay their own way....
Chapters work the same way, with money subsidizing activities only for club members. Were you not aware of that? Or are you suggesting that you want to form an NSXCA chapter so that club funds could be spent on behalf of activities for the benefit of non club members? :confused:

To the best of my knowledge the Bay Area hasn't requested any money from the region for any events or activities.
Not true. The following Bay Area activities have taken place within the past few years, funded by the region:

- Oct - ALMS race at Laguna Seca (individuals paid for their tickets, club funds were used to pay for mementos given to members)
- Aug - Pizza and drinks for Marin County drive
- Jun - Barbecue at Driving Ambitions

- Aug - Food at Topline
- Jul - Event at Infineon
- Jun - pizza lunch at Harry's

- Nov - Micro Brewery
- Oct - Prizes given away at meeting
- Sep - Legos
- May - Condon Cannonball t-shirts

So any money earmarked for our chapter would be a positive.
No, what it means is, you would only be able to draw from money earmarked for members in your chapter, rather than money earmarked for all members throughout the entire region. So you would have a smaller pool of money available to you. Whereas now, it's a larger pool of money, but no one else is drawing on it.

As a chapter we will need to find ways to raise money or find sponsorships in some way. This is something that isn't happening now.
That's fine. Of course, you could still do that now, on behalf of the region. But if you actually do raise a significant amount of money in some way, that is one way in which you will be financially better off as a chapter. But otherwise, that's not the case.

Not to beat a dead horse but since we are not a chapter where is the money spent.
See above.

I still don't see your point about this being a financial disadvantage..since we rarely get the opportunity to dip into the Regional treasury. Aside from NSXPO and the ALMS events. Please correct me if I'm in error.
The money from the Northwest Region has been spent for activities in the SF Bay Area, as listed above. No funds allocated to the region have been spent for activities held by members elsewhere in the region (excluding the Sacramento Chapter). In other words, money has been allocated to the region for all members in the region (exc Sac), including those in the Pacific Northwest, the Bay Area, and the rest of NorCal, but only the Bay Area has used those funds.

The Bay Area is a diverse area with passionate owners. I personally have had the most fun with my car when around other owners that share the same delight for the NSX. The fact that some owners are asking to be part of the Sacramento Chapter indicates a void that exists in the Bay Area.
Then organize more activities in the Bay Area! You can do that whether you're a Bay Area chapter or part of the Northwest Region. It's the activities that matter, not what you call yourself.

Please understand, I really don't care what you do; I'm just trying to explain to you how it works. If you want to apply to form a chapter that's separate from the rest of the region, you've got my blessing and it's not my job to talk you out of it. However, knowing how the dues get allocated to build the treasury, I can tell you based on past experience that you will have greater financial benefit by conducting those activities as the Northwest Region, than by forming a chapter whose finances are separate from the rest of the region. Unless you bring in a whole lot of money through those activities, as noted above, in which case yes, you're better off being a chapter.

To sum up: You're welcome to form a chapter, and I'm not trying to talk you out of it. However, it is my personal opinion that you would be better off financially by not forming a separate chapter.

Carlos, I'll e-mail you the club's policy document on the formation of chapters, and if you would still like to do so, it should give you all the information you need to submit the application to the club's board at:
nsxca dash board at yahoogroups dot com

I think what's been lost on you is that we do organize events and activities. Unfortunately not on a regular basis. Some like coffee meets some want drives, others attend car shows and lets not forget the track "go fast" junkie! Since there is no established calender for the members it's always an improvised and often impromptu event coordinated on Prime.

Having a place for all those folks to get together at the same time I think would be fantastic. We all might learn something from one another.

It appears to be working in the Sacramento Chapter.

I don't want this to turn into a pissing match about who's right or wrong, what is the best way or not.
But...I'd like to respond to some statements you made because I feel they misrepresent how things played out.

Since you aren't a local guy you might not be aware that some of those events you listed where organized by Sacramento Chapter or they were promoted by an individual in the Bay Area. In either case these events were attended by Bay and Sac folks.
NO ONE from the Bay Area requested funds to be spent on our behalf. The gesture was offered by Tom on behalf of the Region because funds were available and they weren't being spent. Generous and appreciated by all. At these events non-members were in attendance but funds were not shared with them.
Up to this point the only way funds have been spent on Bay Area members has been if Tom attended the event or reached out in advance with an offer.

The only event listed that I saw you at was the ALMS at Laguna Seca.
I think you have good intentions here but you obviously have heard the wrong story.

This has nothing to do with what we call ourselves.

The idea is to organize and utilize our talents to promote some fun and fellowship. My hope for having a chapter is to provide the structure or vehicle to achieve this.

Finances are certainly important but they are not everything.

I look forward to receiving your email.

But right now I hope this tit for tat hasn't soured anyone on the idea for a local Chapter.
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One final point is that most of the Northwest Region (excluding the Sacramento Chapter, which is separate) lives in the SF Bay Area. Club membership as of 1/1/2008:

88 in SF Bay Area
19 in the rest of Northern California
42 in OR, WA, MT, BC, AB

As you can see, well over half of the Northwest Region is in the Bay Area.

Does this mean that if we were to form a B.A. Chapter, will most of the funds be allocated to the BA region? Since over 50% of the members reside in B.A.?

You got my vote!

1.NSFRBLX (Carlos)
2.REDNSXT (Phong)
3.02#154 (James)
4. MikeC-587 (Mike)
5. juejaimon (Steve)
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One final point is that most of the Northwest Region (excluding the Sacramento Chapter, which is separate) lives in the SF Bay Area. Club membership as of 1/1/2008:

88 in SF Bay Area
19 in the rest of Northern California
42 in OR, WA, MT, BC, AB

As you can see, well over half of the Northwest Region is in the Bay Area.

Does this mean that if we were to form a B.A. Chapter, will most of the funds be allocated to the BA region? Since over 50% of the members reside in B.A.?

You got my vote!

1.NSFRBLX (Carlos)
2.REDNSXT (Phong)
3.02#154 (James)
4. MikeC-587 (Mike)
5. juejaimon (Steve)

1. NSFRBLX (Carlos)
2. REDNSXT (Phong)
3. 02#154 (James)
4. MikeC-587 (Mike)
5. juejaimon (Steve)
6. emeraldtt(Gabe)
7. LarryNSX (Lawrence)
I look forward to receiving your email.

But right now I hope this tit for tat hasn't soured anyone on the idea for a local Chapter.
I've sent you the document I mentioned.

Again, I wasn't trying to talk you out of it, only to point out what I felt were things you would want to consider before proceeding.

Does this mean that if we were to form a B.A. Chapter, will most of the funds be allocated to the BA region? Since over 50% of the members reside in B.A.?
The way it would work is, at the time the chapter is inaugurated, funds currently in the regional treasury would be pro-rated based on membership, between the chapter and the rest of the region (and yes, that means over half of what's in there would become the chapter treasury - and you would not be able to draw on the region treasury funds for your events). From that point on, dues allocations would go to the chapter treasury for members in the geographical area defined by the chapter, and to the region treasury for members elsewhere.

One more point, just so you're aware of it - club members who are part of any region or chapter are entitled to attend events held anywhere. If there is a subsidy involved, the funds come from the treasury for the region or chapter to which the member belongs. For example, if there is a $X per person subsidy at a meal or activity held by the Sacramento Chapter, that amount comes from the Sacramento Chapter for chapter members, and from the Southwest Region for club members who travel to the event from Southern California.

Let me know if you have any questions. Good luck.
1. NSFRBLX (Carlos)
2. REDNSXT (Phong)
3. 02#154 (James)
4. MikeC-587 (Mike)
5. juejaimon (Steve)
6. emeraldtt(Gabe)
7. LarryNSX (Lawrence)
8. BATMANs (Alain)
9. edub (eric)

Thanks guys for expressing your position...
For those members opposed to the idea of a local chapter ...please voice your considerations also.
I think an open dialog from the folks in the Bay Area is a good thing in the end.
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For those members opposed to the idea of a local chapter ...please voice your considerations also.

OK, ok. I'm against having a Bay Area Chapter. I want you guys coming up to Sacramento. :tongue: :tongue:

Just kidding. I think this will be good for the Bay Area NSXCA members. :smile: