So I just upgraded from an iPhone 4 to a Samsung Galaxy S III

I'm sitting here with my Sprint Evo 4G with a shattered glass. Dropped it. They break. :mad: A new glass/digitizer is on it's way $10 via Ebay.

I traded my EVO 4G in for the G3.

Everything on that phone but the screen broke. Battery life was 2 hours, kickstand wouldn't stay closed. Internal and External speakers blew within first year and the phone became very slow and choppy.
I traded my EVO 4G in for the G3.

Everything on that phone but the screen broke. Battery life was 2 hours, kickstand wouldn't stay closed. Internal and External speakers blew within first year and the phone became very slow and choppy.

I'm in the same boat. My wife and I both had EVO4G when they first came out. She broke her screen multiple times and the battery life is a joke on both of our phones. She didn't like hers, so I got her an Iphone 4S when our contract was up in June. I can't stand her phone and kept my EVO until some of these newer phones are coming out, like the Galaxy III.

It's that good eh? I'll have to check it out.

As far as screen size goes, I felt like I was holding a Pop Tart to my head when I first got the EVO. Now I wouldn't mind the screen being a little larger.
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As far as screen size goes, I felt like I was holding a Pop Tart to my head when I first got the EVO.

That's a good analogy for the form factor, what's cool is that when I had my iPhone 4 in my jeans, equipped with a bumper, you could see the outline and you could feel it when walking. Now I slide this poptart-sized phone into the same pocket, and you can't see it at all, and it doesn't feel like it's there. Perhaps somewhat telling is the rumor of a larger footprint for the iPhone 5, apparently this larger size is going to become a standard.

I picked up an AppRadio2 and android interface Today, to replace my original AppRadio; assuming the connectors are available locally, I will probably stuff it in the NSX Tomorrow. I was actually hoping to switch to a Sony MirrorLink deck, but apparently the US decks have this feature stripped from them, so you must run Korean firmware.

Edit for Video from CES '12:

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I'm not sure if the S3 has a leak yet, but you guys should flash a Jellybean ROM ASAP. It's a LOT better than ICS, surprisingly.

One reason why I love the bare-bones AOSP Nexus phones (e.g. my galaxy nexus) is that updates are leaked within a day or two, and once you unlock the bootloader and root it, you can do almost anything with it.

With phones that have Samsung Touchwiz, HTC Sense, Moto Blur, you are going to have to wait months for an update.
I am very close to going with the S3. I carry two phones right now, my iPhone 3GS and a 4S for work (both jailbroken). My wife has the 4. I've been out of contract for at least 2 years as well. I did break the front screen on the 4S by dropping it without a case (too slippery without one), so would definitely put a case on any phone. I'm not paying extra $$$ for insurance. The Galaxy Note 2 is not all that far away which appeals to me quite a bit, the iPhone 5 is around the corner as well..... so I was debating hanging on a few more months, but I still have the 3GS because the 4 and 4S didn't may me go 'I have to have that!!'. I think what's mostly holding me back is my investment in apps, both standard and cydia apps.

This thread may push me over the edge into the S3 though. I have to give back my work phone soon and can't imagine living with the slowness of the 3GS as my daily use phone. I rarely use it for anything since I have the 4S in my pocket as well.
Very interested in one for my NSX too. Which one did you buy?

That's a good analogy for the form factor, what's cool is that when I had my iPhone 4 in my jeans, equipped with a bumper, you could see the outline and you could feel it when walking. Now I slide this poptart-sized phone into the same pocket, and you can't see it at all, and it doesn't feel like it's there. Perhaps somewhat telling is the rumor of a larger footprint for the iPhone 5, apparently this larger size is going to become a standard.

I picked up an AppRadio2 and android interface Today, to replace my original AppRadio; assuming the connectors are available locally, I will probably stuff it in the NSX Tomorrow. I was actually hoping to switch to a Sony MirrorLink deck, but apparently the US decks have this feature stripped from them, so you must run Korean firmware.

Edit for Video from CES '12:

<IFRAME height=315 src="" frameBorder=0 width=560 allowfullscreen></IFRAME>
I'm not sure if the S3 has a leak yet, but you guys should flash a Jellybean ROM ASAP. It's a LOT better than ICS, surprisingly.

One reason why I love the bare-bones AOSP Nexus phones (e.g. my galaxy nexus) is that updates are leaked within a day or two, and once you unlock the bootloader and root it, you can do almost anything with it.

With phones that have Samsung Touchwiz, HTC Sense, Moto Blur, you are going to have to wait months for an update.

I'm not sure I want to root my S3. Once I rooted my EVO 4G and started throwing ROMS on it, things started going downhill with the phone. Choppyness, Battery Life Etc Etc. The only reason I rooted my EVO was to have access to the Hotspot and since I get that free now with the S3, I'm not sure what the point of it would be?
I'm not sure I want to root my S3. Once I rooted my EVO 4G and started throwing ROMS on it, things started going downhill with the phone. Choppyness, Battery Life Etc Etc. The only reason I rooted my EVO was to have access to the Hotspot and since I get that free now with the S3, I'm not sure what the point of it would be?

How do you get that free?
A brief snag on the AppRadio2 installation; apparently Pioneer's Android interface is setup for 5-pin MHL adapters, while the Galaxy S3 uses a new 11-pin version. When plugged into the Pioneer interface, the Galaxy S3 will charge, but it's not recognized by the deck. The solution is to replace it with an MHL adapter built by Samsung for the S3; this is PN EPL-3FHU.

This adapter is available for around $40, and allows you to save the MSRP $120 for the Pioneer interface (which won't work). You would then pair the Samsung adapter with an HDMI cable, and a microUSB charger (you can disassemble an inexpensive car charger for this). Since the S3 is pretty new, nobody has this adapter locally, you will need to purchase it online.
They are different animal of.phones. No question the galaxy s3 will be superior but the new iphone 5 will makeup some of that ground. I still prefer android but....

We live un a great age of gadget / smartphone wars. We win.
1.5GHz QUAD CORE! :cool:

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and more smart phones :)

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I tried it today. That phone is huge. Seemed very fast and looked great. Very light. I am not sure I would want a screen that big though.
PDA net allows you to use you phone as hot spot as long as you have ics or higher.

Just wanted to add that you can use PDA net for free (and access https sites) by "acting like you're going to pay for it". Once you go to the screen where it asks for CC information it bypasses the https blocking feature, and voila!
Anybody using these phones on Sprint? Do you have LTE in your area yet? What's the verdict? They don't have where I live yet. I was never impressed with 4G as it drained my battery in 30 minutes. My Wifi is always on.
Anybody using these phones on Sprint? Do you have LTE in your area yet? What's the verdict? They don't have where I live yet. I was never impressed with 4G as it drained my battery in 30 minutes. My Wifi is always on.

Not on Sprint since I'm in Toronto Canada but I have LTE almost everywhere here and I drive around quite a bit. The connection is blazing fast.. Even faster than my home connection
So I just moved to the S3 from an iPhone and .... you know, I'm not really digging it yet. The UI is a clusterf**k. It's not intuitive and it's difficult to find the stuff I want. There is no built in visual voicemail (the aftermarket apps don't integrate with the regular phone application) and I can never seem to easily locate how many calls missed, voicemails I have, new messages, new emails, etc. I ran a 5K today and I typically use Pandora for music and Runkeeper and switch back and forth between the two. The 'task manager' was too much vs the simple icons on the iphone.

I'm sure all of this can be set up nicely to do what I like, but I'm not familiar enough with the phone yet to get it to that point. I installed Apex to replace the Samsung UI but there are just too many 'screens'. It seems like there are screens like the iphone screen, but they are all custom tailored to show what you like, then there is the REAL app screens which lie under the other screens that have ALL the apps. Then you have the dock at the bottom. There are so many places for screens and I keep finding myself in the wrong place. Nice screen though.
So I just moved to the S3 from an iPhone and .... you know, I'm not really digging it yet.

The GUI is fully customizable, including the number of screens, their order, and their contents. The 'apps' button is more of a reserve for all of your installed apps, but those which get use can be put on the main screens, or what's nice is you can add widgets in place of a couple icons.

For instance, instead of an icon for pandora, I have a mini pandora player with some basic controls on my home page. I have a widget from Waze (navigation) which calculates the time it would take me to drive home, in current realtime traffic, and by clicking it Waze will launch, and start navigation.

The curve is similar to swapping between a PC and Mac a couple of years back; everything is different in a subtle way, and if you don't allow yourself to become frustrated, you'll be up to speed in about 30 minutes.

I'm on AT&T, and use their app for visual voicemail; not as clean as the iphone setup, but then again, the android OS does many things differently, which are better. eg widgets, mentioned above, the ability to launch apps from the lock screen, and motions, which take a little getting used to, but are pretty slick once dialed in.

The two things which bug me are the battery life (with all antennas fired up and full brightness I get about 7-8 hours), in power-saving mode this stretches to about 14-16 hours, then again, I make a lot of calls. For reference, the iPhone 4 would last about 14-16 hours without any power saving mode, then again, the GS3 is 4G LTE, with GPS, WiFi, Bluetooth, and many apps using its location services - it's kind of amazing it gets the battery life it does.

Some google searches will help you configure your android pages; if you hold an icon down like with iOS, you can then drag and drop it from the apps reserve onto a page. Same thing with widgets; under the widgets tab. On the main screen, click on the 'details' light up button on the bot left on the phone, and you can reorder, or delete, pages. Under security settings, lock screen, you can change your lock screen apps, add a news or stock ticker, etc.
Anybody using these phones on Sprint? Do you have LTE in your area yet? What's the verdict? They don't have where I live yet. I was never impressed with 4G as it drained my battery in 30 minutes. My Wifi is always on.

I'm with Sprint. I've jumped from Sprint to Verizon and back about 4 times. I just follow the cool phones. The call quality and reception is identical in the areas I've been to. And it's about $30-40 cheaper per month on Sprint.

I'm not an LTE/4G fan. My last phone was one of the first 4G phones in America and I never turned it on. It drained battery really bad. 3G loads webpages fast, and 9 times out of 10 I'm on wifi anyway.

LTE isn't in Richmond yet, but when it comes I probably won't use it much after the first few weeks of geekish interest unless the battery drain is a lot better than it used to be.

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