Snow !!!!

22 December 2002
Sector 001, the Terran System
it snowed all day yesterday so i decided to take a pic after i shoveled the driveway...

i know that the people out east get alot more snow at once then we do here in alberta.. but this snow is not going to melt anytime soon....
if you guys notice that the snow bank is higher than the car and that was only with half the driveway cleared off...

hope you guys with great weather are still enjoying driving the X...

opps let me resize pic...

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Lot of snow early up there. I too envy those in the warm parts of the world that can use their cars year round. Just bought a winter set of tires and wheels for my M5. Family and great job keep me here.
Zman --> family and work keep me up here as well..

there are only 2 seasons up here..winter and pothole season...

but where else would people get a slurpee when it's -20C out...only here...
Zman said:
I too envy those in the warm parts of the world that can use their cars year round.
Sometimes. But I know that if I lived elsewhere, I would miss the 5-6 weeks in autumn when the foliage is a riot of brilliant red, orange, and yellow.
While I would love to join Ken in admiring the beautiful foliage, I must say that I'd rather have our average January temp of 55 (downside disclosure - our average in August approaches 100!). There are some areas in the Hill Country not far from here that make a nice family day trip to enjoy nature. And, while I was looking at the pics of all the snow, I glanced outside at my thermometer and noticed it is pegged at 75 today - off comes the targa!

Here's to global warming!

P.S. What are "snow tires"?;)
it was kind of funny when i took this pic....i backed the X out of the garage and the moment the tires were on snow.. the tires spun leaving me with very little traction and that was with tcs on...

i had to show the X some sunlight again even though the driveway is all the X has been a month since the X has left the garage.....
As nice as a red/yellow/orange autumn sounds, I don't at all envy anyone living outside of SoCal. I love it here. Sunshine and tan lines at Christmas time. :D
it snowed all day yesterday so i decided to take a pic after i shoveled the driveway...

i know that the people out east get alot more snow at once then we do here in alberta.. but this snow is not going to melt anytime soon....

Yikes! The only major city in NA that I know of - Calgary, Alberta - that can have snow in the middle of the summer - on August 1, 2002 - followed by hot temperatures days later!

On the Left Coast I drive my NSX every month of the year. And last winter I did not even put my winter tires on my daily driver.
Brian2by2 --> i admit i did photoshop a little..i took the pic on a 5 meg camera so the pic size would have been too large for uploading i cut the edges of the original and i save the photo for web..killing over 4 megs from the original...

if you look at the shadows of the car they would be consistant with all the other shadows and you can clearly see the outline frame of the garage door through the windows of the X.... :)

i'm glad to report that it has warmed up..but the street now are all brown from all the sand now i have to wash my winter car every second day ....

i should take a pic of some of the cars and how they look from across the city...

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