Snap ring failure

19 September 2000
Overland Park, KS, US
Ouch!!! I exprienced the "Snap ring failure" about three days ago. I took the car into the dealer and they looked at the tranny and determined it needed replaced at the cost of ~ $7,800 parts and labor. I read in the FAQ section that this is a documented problem for the 91-92 models with tramsmissions within a certian range. It also talks about Acura goodwilling the parts and labor, but it is the call of the regional rep. Any advise on what the best approach would be to getting this goodwilled? I live in the KC area.
Goodwill on snap ring failures seems to be on the decline. Being polite and offering a compromise (they pay parts, you pay labor, etc.) if it doesn't seem to be going well would be my only advice.

If they deny goodwill coverage, do not pay $7800 for anything. You can get a fully rebuilt transmission for about $5000 less and it's just as good. Call Mark Basch at Basch Acura Service for more info. 602-244-8010. Tell him I sent you!
Sorry to hear your news. I recommend that you make at least one attempt with Acura headquaters in CA -- try the President. You may wish to consider a registered or Federal Expressed letter. He may respond.

Now if Acura treated its customers better...
Originally posted by shadoexx:
Ouch!!! I exprienced the "Snap ring failure" about three days ago.

Just out of curiosity did you verify that your transmission fell within the recall range?

[This message has been edited by Jonathan (edited 20 September 2000).]