small survey

First year I had mine I drove it whenever possible through the winter when it was dry and salt free. The following years I stored it through the winter just like all other anal OCD NSXers. Then last year I drove it only 3 times and this year it never came out of storage since last year and probably won't until next year. Though I will have a registration/inspection issue if it is no registered over a year. Can't register it unless you inspect it, won't pass inspection unless you drive it 50 miles or more to reset the ECU, can't drive it unless the registration is current...this is a NY DMV circular argument. Don't have the time to go to DMV and beg for a 10 day temporary reg to drive it may be easier to let it laps and just do all the paperwork over again next year...provided I have the time to take it out of storage.

BTW the problem with the salt is getting into all the nooks and crannies under the bodywork and front compartment, you really gotta rinse that out really well.

Damn Tytus, what a waste!!! You need to let that VW on steroids, with "flappies" take a rest during the summer, and drive the real car!!! I think I put on close to 4,500 miles this year on the NSX and just over 2,000 on the GT!
it is not that I don't want to drive the original thread even if I drove to work every day I would average maybe a mile a week...I live that close to work...we also have a new m3 convertible that I truly love driving and with kids and top down...
Generally I don't worry about mileage at all, although my current NSX has 53k miles and I dread the visit to Larry B at 60k
For NSX's driven less than 15K miles per year, such as yours, scheduled maintenance should be done based on time rather than mileage.

Also, most scheduled maintenance is not particularly expensive, with the exception of the timing belt replacement.

sometimes I have a problem getting my MDX into the driveway.

I did too. The 4wd system is not the best design for snow. I had a second wet of wheels and tires for the winter with snow specific tires (Blizzaks) and only then did the vehicle behave like a proper snow vehicle. Still got that winter set of tires/wheels though the MDX is long gone.
Damn, Joe, I wish I had known; I would have taken them! I just went out and bought a set two years ago. Ah well.
Damn Tytus, what a waste!!! You need to let that VW on steroids, with "flappies" take a rest during the summer, and drive the real car!!! I think I put on close to 4,500 miles this year on the NSX and just over 2,000 on the GT!

Agreed! Tracking the Porsche and not having time to deal with removal of the NSX from storage has hampered my use of the car. Gotta kill an hour getting it and back and have to plan in advance and make arrangements, a real PIA. If it was at home and readily available I know I would use it a lot more. Now I understand how cars become not used by many collectors when they are out of reach in storage. Gotta figure out a way to get a garage closer to home as I am pretty constrained in being able to expand ym garage in any direction.
I have a simple connector to my float charger for the battery that I connect once its regularly below freezing. I drive the car if temps are above 35F, due to summer tires having poor traction below that, and if there's been a least one rain since the last time the roads were salted.

Be careful relying on commercial car washes to flush off the salt. A number of years ago I read that to conserve water, many simply filter & recycle water. That doesn't remove the salt, so they can actually spray it up deeper into the nooks and crannies.
I use my STi as the winter car but still take the NSX out when it is a nice day and if the salt isn't to bad. Hell, the damn car is going to outlive me, so I'll get my fun in and let my heirs deal with the results - you only live once.

I even ride the motorcycles during the winter on the nicer days. You'd be surprised how toasty you can be with a heated jacket... ;>)

p.s. With winter wheels & tires the STi will go anywhere - up any hill around any curve!