
26 May 2001
Cape Canaveral, Florida
Please don’t hijack someone else’s thread with an off topic lesson in social responsibility. I was answering a question from Saturn. First, the emotions icon was an admission of guilt; also, I already have a daddy and a preacher, and bin Laden is doing just fine as a martyr, so please take your opinions to the off topic section in the future for those that have vacancies for the aforementioned. Based on your concern, you should be advised that glad bags and plastic containers are biodegradable since they are a by-product of OIL that comes from earth; therefore, you should consider discarding oil as a natural reclamation process (from earth … to earth). Any concern should be from the paint on the oil filter that we all trash. In addition, an oil extractor delivered, a case of oil, and a case of filters exceeds $150, so this is not about spending a few extra bucks. It would be less expensive to have the oil changed but it would not meet my standards. I would rather spend any extra bucks on bottled water.
Slingshot, the concern with motor oil is not biodegradability (btw-the plastic making process for things like garbage bags result in polymer chains VERY different from that of motor oil, not to mention all the additives in motor oil), but that all it takes is a DROP of motor oil (a carcinogen) to contaminate thousands of gallons of drinking water.

It is very difficult to get oil contamination out of water and when your oil goes to a landfill, it will eventually make its way into the ground water.

I really hope that you will reconsider and take the extra 5 minutes to drive to a local auto parts store to drop off your oil in the future.

slingshot, that line of logic - from earth... to earth - is one of the most rediculous things I have heard. the oil you are talking about is refined and used, not what came from earth. you are guilt of littering and pollution. if you are going to take the time to drive to 7-11, please just go to an oil drop station instead. unreal....
Slingshot, I wasn't preaching, I made a very simple statement in response to your comments on that thread. To suggest that I should have taken it off-topic is pure BS. But now that we're here...

You on the other hand were quick to go off and begin spouting a bunch of nonsense. As byang correctly points out, your lack of knowledge on the subject is what makes you dangerous. Is it a big deal? I suppose in the overall scheme of things it's but a fly spec. I'm not an over zealous environmentalist by any means, I just expect intelligent educated people to do the right thing when there is no excuse to do otherwise. When I see someone toss a bag of trash from a fast-food joint out the window of their car, I want to flog them. Not because they do any real harm, after all, it's biodegradable, but just because stupid ignorant people with no respect for anyone or anything should be slapped, or berated. I may not be able to get away with slapping anyone, but since I live in the USA I will feel free to berate them.
Attitudes as expressed by Slingshot are why so much of the world hates Americans...
Please stop polluting my world, every little bit helps. Don't you want to leave the world a better place for your kids and grandkids?
By the way, only a very few plastic products are designed to be degradable, and usually only as exposed to sunlight, but it still takes a long time. The oil IS NOT biodegradable, and is very poisonous to the environment. Keep it up, and before long even your expensive bottled water will be poisoned. Our bodies are the only things we humans produce that are truly biodegradable.
Dust in the wind...........
Sorry Slingshot - you're off base and out of line on this one. The notion that a refined petroleum product is going back where it came from by dumping it in the earth is ridiculous. Used oil from one single oil change is supposed to be enough to ruin one million gallons of fresh water! Heavy metals from used oil are absorbed by plant life and then eaten by animals - poisoning the food chain and affecting human health.
Your response to sjs was way out of line, IMO.

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