shouldn't you put pics in your FS thread?

18 January 2008
City of Sin
I am just amazed at how many ads I see where it is only text and no pictures. I can understand the link outside but even that is lame. How hard is to post a real ad with pictures inside the thread? The most recent one has an ad but it doesn't work. People, that is the most important part of a for sale ad.
I am just amazed at how many ads I see where it is only text and no pictures. I can understand the link outside but even that is lame. How hard is to post a real ad with pictures inside the thread? The most recent one has an ad but it doesn't work. People, that is the most important part of a for sale ad.

Completely agree.
Maybe the person don't really want to sell it that quickly.:wink:
You would think this elementary concept would be understood - especially considering those selling something have certainly (at some point in their life) have been frustrated when trying to by something with shitty or even no photos at all.

I'm even more dumbfounded when I look at real estate ads with no photos.
I have seen a few realtor ads with one picture but never none. One picture is still lousy for selling a house. The pictures in the "For Sale" section are pretty critical. I see people give a 6 line ad and then say, "Email me to pictures" WTF? Why make the buyer go out of his way to see what your car looks like. I have sold things and rented out houses and pictures tell a thousand words for people. I remember having a Craigslist ad for a rental property and at first I had no pictures. I added them later on when I got time and I begun to get responses. I didn't get a single response based the prior ad with no pictures.
Yeah, if you're selling a heap for scrap value then pictures aren't that important, but we're talking about a (relatively speaking) high-dollar item here, and furthermore, the buyers of this particular vehicle are very much interested in cosmetic flaws. A lot of people might think that no picture = scam too.

Oh well; the sellers will either wise-up or lose money due to fewer prospective buyers or won't be able to sell it at all.