Should I sell my NSX?

12 October 2004
Orlando, FL
You guys are probably going to think i'm crazy.....but here's the situation. I recently purchased an 03 NSX about four months ago, and have been in awe ever since. It's probably the best car I've ever owned! It's just the coolest feeling everytime I get behind the wheel. I'm sure you guys know what I'm talking about. So anyway, here's the deal. Now that I have the car of my dreams, I find myself "afraid" to ever drive it. I'm extremely paranoid to take it anywhere! The mall, the movies, out to eat etc. So now I'm thinking of just selling it or even trading it in for a new S2000. What do you guys think? I love the's literally a dream come true to own one. But if I can't enjoy driving it places, I really don't think it's the car for me. I know for a fact that I'd miss owning it, yet at the same time I just can't justify having it if I never really "USE" it. :confused:
I know how you feel about leaving it. I am the same way with mine and it is 10 years older than yours! My buddy here has a 98 and he takes it everywhere and he has never had a problem. And if there is one, that is what insurance is for anyway.

I think what you need to do is join Chin Motorsports and get that baby on the track and enjoy it. Do that, and you will never want to sell it!

I am confused though. Why do you want to trade it in on a S2000 when you already have one according to your sig? :confused:
Just drive it. As rare as they are, they are capable of being repaired and common enough to be replaced with reasonable effort.

Avoid the mall and other public parking areas if you can't handle the possibility of a door ding.

Drive your TSX to the places you won't bring the NSX.

Drive your NSX for the sake of driving, not the destination, and you never have to worry about parking again.
NetViper said:
I know how you feel about leaving it. I am the same way with mine and it is 10 years older than yours! My buddy here has a 98 and he takes it everywhere and he has never had a problem. And if there is one, that is what insurance is for anyway.

I think what you need to do is join Chin Motorsports and get that baby on the track and enjoy it. Do that, and you will never want to sell it!

I am confused though. Why do you want to trade it in on a S2000 when you already have one according to your sig? :confused:

Yeah, I have an 03 Suzuka Blue......If I sell the NSX, I would get an 05 Yellow S2000 and swap driving back and forth between the two to keep the miles down. I like the engine in the 03, but like the body styling and interior better on the 05.

A dealer here in Orlando is offering me an 05 Yellow that will be in in March for just above invoice and what they are willing to give me on a trade for my NSX is more than I paid for it (I got a good deal on ebay) between that and not having to pay sales tax because of the trade, it would be a really good deal on the S2K.

I just don't know what I should do.....I love the car but feel like I'm crazy to spend so much on something that I only drive about 100 miles per month because I'm afraid to take it anywhere.
brahtw8 said:
Drive your TSX to the places you won't bring the NSX.

I'm never able to drive that, my girlfriend drives it all the time because she hates driving the 6 speed cars. :rolleyes:
You're not nuts, I think we can all relate to a certain degree. You just have to let go a little. Try changing your behavior before changing your car - DRIVE IT and see what happens. Worst case, you sell it and are no further behind.

All that being said, you don't have to justify it. You just have to enjoy it. Do whatever gives you the most joy. If its a garage queen, fine. If its 400,000 mile daily, fine.

If it makes you feel any better, I can't make up my mind between the daily and the garage queen so I am thinking about one of each. Maybe you might not ought to take advice from me after all.
tbck2793 said:
Yeah, I have an 03 Suzuka Blue......If I sell the NSX, I would get an 05 Yellow S2000 and swap driving back and forth between the two to keep the miles down. I like the engine in the 03, but like the body styling and interior better on the 05.

Keep the miles down on a S2000? Are you freaking kidding me. It is not a Ferrari. :rolleyes:

On second though, I say sell the NSX to someone who will enjoy it.
tbck2793 said:
Yeah, I have an 03 Suzuka Blue......If I sell the NSX, I would get an 05 Yellow S2000 and swap driving back and forth between the two to keep the miles down. I like the engine in the 03, but like the body styling and interior better on the 05.

A dealer here in Orlando is offering me an 05 Yellow that will be in in March for just above invoice and what they are willing to give me on a trade for my NSX is more than I paid for it (I got a good deal on ebay) between that and not having to pay sales tax because of the trade, it would be a really good deal on the S2K.

I just don't know what I should do.....I love the car but feel like I'm crazy to spend so much on something that I only drive about 100 miles per month because I'm afraid to take it anywhere.

So let me get this straight, you are trading even an 03 NSX for an 05 S2000??
Thats bad math. Why not sell the NSX on prime for the fair market value, buy your S2000 and have money left over for many mods?
Park your TSX next to the NSX. Then repeatedly open and shut the door. Do this a few times varying the parking location of the cars. You'll have enough minor door dings that it won't matter any more where you park it. Now you can enjoy your newly broken in NSX. And DO NOT get the nicks repaired. It'll put you back at step #1.

Actually, you need to get it in your head that it's ONLY A CAR. They can be replaced. It's not a big deal. Drive it and enjoy it. Hell, you'll get to a point like me where washing it doesn't even come into play. Mine is black and I think it gets washed 3-4 times a year. Rain does more to keep it clean than I do. It doesn't even get the garage, it gets parked on the street in front of my house. 1991 or 2005 model, I make sure I OWN the CAR, the car DOES NOT own me!
So let me get this straight, you are trading even an 03 NSX for an 05 S2000??
Thats bad math. Why not sell the NSX on prime for the fair market value, buy your S2000 and have money left over for many mods?

No, not trading even......they would give me $66,725 for the NSX and I would pay 30,799 for the there would be no sales tax because the trade is more than the cost of the car I would be getting.
Deuce B said:
Park your TSX next to the NSX. Then repeatedly open and shut the door. Do this a few times varying the parking location of the cars. You'll have enough minor door dings that it won't matter any more where you park it. Now you can enjoy your newly broken in NSX. And DO NOT get the nicks repaired. It'll put you back at step #1.

Actually, you need to get it in your head that it's ONLY A CAR. They can be replaced. It's not a big deal. Drive it and enjoy it. Hell, you'll get to a point like me where washing it doesn't even come into play. Mine is black and I think it gets washed 3-4 times a year. Rain does more to keep it clean than I do. It doesn't even get the garage, it gets parked on the street in front of my house. 1991 or 2005 model, I make sure I OWN the CAR, the car DOES NOT own me!

I know.....I'm just crazy when it comes to a car.......if any of my cars are out in even a drizzle for just a few minutes and have some dirt spots on drives me crazy to drive them again until I wash them.....when I go to the mall, even in my S2000, I park as far away from everybody else as possible because I can't stand having even a small blemish on a car. If I had a ding in any of my cars and it couldn't get sucked out so it's gone....I'd probably have to sell it.

I know it's crazy....but that's how I am with a car. That's why I just don't know if I should keep this car or not.....I'm worried about it the whole day when I drive it to work or anywhere.
I rebuild apartments for HUD. I have been driving my car to these properties for the past couple days until I get my truck back.....Keep in mind mine is a 94.....Yours is an 03'.....Cars are kind of like your children.....With the first one, you're always afraid your gonna do something wrong and kill him.....the second one can be playing with knives and it doesn't even phase you. DRIVE THE DAMN CAR :biggrin:
After reading your various responses, my opinion is that you should sell the NSX. There is no reason to keep it if you are only driving it 100 miles a month. Sell it and save the money on insurance, registration and car payment. The $25k+ you will save in payments, registration and insurance over the next two years will pay for your 05' S2000 if you decide to puchase one. Also, I definitely would not keep the NSX if you are so paranoid of leaving it alone unattended. Life is too short to worry about little things like that.

In regards to having two S2000; It just does not make sense worrying about putting too many miles on the car. Keep in mind that it is a Honda, not a collectors item. You will lose a lot more money in having two S2000s between double depreciation, insurance payments, registration and etc.

Why not choose something different for your second car? There are a lot of good cars in the $30k price range (350z, Evo8, RX8 and etc.) Or maybe you should just modify your existing S2000 with a supercharger and other mods and forget about a second car.

Most of all, try to relax, it's just a car. :smile:

Good luck with your decision!
There is, of course, another option. Sell your 03 and get a 91-94. Same money as the S2000 and you would still have a NSX that you might not be as paranoid about.
I agree with Sandy, if you don't drive it, than sell it. I got my 04 a year ago, and for the first 2 month I only put 1500 miles on it, but after that all hell broke loose. Now it has over 26k and counting. :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: I just can't get enough of it, my wife keep telling me to drive the G35 to dinner and other events with her, but other than that, I drive it EVERYWHERE. Work, Mall, Shopping Center, Supermarket, you name it, I propably been there, or from time to time, just drive to enjoy the car for a hour or 2 is alway a great little getaway.

You should enjoy it all the time to keep it. Just my 2 cents
I would sell it. I did mine, kinda. The wife is paying for it now because I no longer have the passion for it like I once did.
On the rare occasions I do drive it, I don't care where I go. Mall, movies, grocery store, I dont' mind. It is just a car. :rolleyes:
I get more enjoyment from my TL than the NSX.
my .02
92NSX said:
I would sell it. I did mine, kinda. The wife is paying for it now because I no longer have the passion for it like I once did.
On the rare occasions I do drive it, I don't care where I go. Mall, movies, grocery store, I dont' mind. It is just a car. :rolleyes:
I get more enjoyment from my TL than the NSX.
my .02

Sounds like it is time to give your NSX a new home. Your posts are all the same now about your NSX.
I'm battling the same feeling. I've decided to either sell/trade it and my unrelable/expensive to fix audi on a new RL or TL, which would be my daily driver or keep the audi for really nasty weather and start driving the NSX more as an every day car.

I worry about the depreciation of putting miles on it, but i'm losing more just letting it sit. It's depreciating anyway.

So, like you I have to decide to sell it, or use it. It doesn't even feel good to just let it sit.

Best of luck.
Wow... now possibly 3 NSX's for sale from one thread! I feel bad for you guys that no longer love your NSX's. -- actually, I feel bad for your cars! :biggrin:
Sounds like you guys shouldn't have purchased such newer year'd cars. If you went with an early 90's model not only would you have a lot of money to spare, you might not feel so bad taking it places as it didn't cost so much. Plus, your depreciation would almost be non-existant compared to what you see with a 2000+ car.

I've got a 91 and I'm kinda the same way. I only use the car for the joy of driving and the occasional grocery errend. I bought the car knowing that it will only see my garage, my parents driveway for visits, or a very very safe place to park. Otherwise I go for a drive, get my fix and come straight home. Kinda expensive hobby I know, but this is the only thing I enjoy doing other than tinkering with it.
You have got to be kidding me. Just drive the damn thing. If it gets dinged, it gets dinged. If it gets keyed, it gets keyed. Don't let such minor things prevent you from owning/driving such a wonderful car.
How bad will you feel if you sell the NSX? Would you miss it and regret selling it? The answer should tell you whether or not to sell it.

I think buying a new S2000 so you can keep miles down on your current S2000 is silly...
It's unfortunate you can't let yourself enjoy such an awesome machine. But, they are offering you an unbelievable trade-in price for it. It's hard to imagine they think (or know for certain) they'll be able to resell it and make a substantial profit. It is afterall, a 2 plus year old car.
If you don't mind the depreciation value of the car, insurance coverage, maintenance costs, etc by having the car sit in the garage, then keep it.