Should I care who I sell my car to?

here is the link to the news about the murder during the sale of that evo.

whenever i sell my car, i never do it alone, i never see a car alone, and i never ever show them the car at my house.

those are the basic rules to just being careful, you can never be too safe or too sure.

good man, i'm just as cautious as you, if not more.

#1, I never ever give out my phone # in the beginning. I call them with instructions on where to meet me, and etc..
#2, I always bring my two older brothers along with me. Heck, when you're dealing with large amounts of cash, you can't be too cautious. Better to be safe than sorry.
#3, I always meet them at a location, never at my home. I never give out my address. If someone wants to meet me and check out my car/parts, i always meet them up in a well populated area.. Too many crazy ppl out there.

I've dealt with a lot of sellers in the past and they would give me their address.. They are really trusting because I never am. Have to earn my respect/trust, ya know?

Oh and be cautious who you give our your cell # to. These days with the internet, you can look up their billing address and all you need is a #.
here is the link to the news about the murder during the sale of that evo.

whenever i sell my car, i never do it alone, i never see a car alone, and i never ever show them the car at my house.

those are the basic rules to just being careful, you can never be too safe or too sure.

I don't personally know the deceased, but he was a friend of a friend. After I got an email about it, it was really scary. I would advise to be very careful in any kind of sale. I have to sell my parent's old Mistu VR4 soon, and this has me thinking twice about how to do it.

If the buyer made you feel uncomfortable, don't meet that person. And take all precautions...perhaps do the transaction at a bank. As for what somebody does to the car, I probably wouldn't care. A sale is a transaction of goods for money. Take the cash and move on.
you guys dont need to bash on him just because he doesnt think every person in the world(including but not limited to: gang bangers, osama bin laden, sadam, drug dealers, etc) is as innocent and harmless as a little bunny rabbit hoping around in a field of flowers.

im sure if he asked any of you guys for a "ride" in the nsx, you (if smart) whould shy away from that.

If the car is for sale, it is up to the seller to demonstrate smart behavior. Tell potential buyers should probably be met at a local/convenient coffee shop, gas station, etc. if you are concerned about them stealing your car from your home. Initial telephone screening is the biggest factor in screening out people who just want to play with a NSX or scout out your home.

But, in the end, if they show up with cash, I don't really care if the car becomes a circus clown car after that. It is just a car. I might be disappointed, but money talks.
Can I come look at your nice sportscar? I write in big letters so I can see better. Here is picture of me looking at your ad on the world wide web.

I agree that it is always a plus to have someone show genuine interest in the vehicle so you get a feeling that they will continue to take care of it. Otherwise, it is all about getting your price.

I had a weird experience while selling my speedboat. A couple of gang looking dudes came over to look at it and they were heavily negotiating on the price (sort of a tag team). I normally wouldn't have done it at my home but I had to hook it up to the hose so they could hear it run.
When they came back to pick it up they showed up in a Lincoln Navigator and paid me $30K in cash (I wondered where they came up with all that $$$ on a Sunday). :eek: . It took forever to count it. I was worried that after they left, they might try to come back for their cash so I had my firearms ready...I was thankful they didn't.
Never hurts to be careful. I few years back when I had my GS400 for sale, I had a gentleman from Michigan drive down all the way to Kentucky to check the car out. We talked about price and everything, and I was excited about the idea of selling. Well the day of the sale, he called and changed the meeting place. Really shady all of the sudden. I called my father and he brought a little backup along with myself having a gun. When the gentleman saw I wasn't either a pushover, or by myself, he literally wasn't interested in the car and just looked dazed while he was in the front seat passanger and i was driving, and my dad was in the back.

It's never wrong to be prepared, but people should give the benefit of the doubt to some as well.

here is the link to the news about the murder during the sale of that evo.

whenever i sell my car, i never do it alone, i never see a car alone, and i never ever show them the car at my house.

those are the basic rules to just being careful, you can never be too safe or too sure.
I purchased my 1991 nsx sept 2007. During the course of completing the transaction, the former owner remarked on how pleased he was to selling his car to some one who had taken the time to research and obtain so much knowledge on such a awesome vehicle. He also stated that he had a few other opportunities to sell his nsx but didnt feel comfortable selling it to someone who he believed would not take care of it. HE WANTED IT TO GO TO A GOOD HOME !!!! AND TRUST ME IT IS. Sure, money is a good thing ,
but hey !!!! WE ARE TALKING NSX...