Should I care who I sell my car to?

28 June 2002
Corrales, NM
I edited the original post because I think the background story became a distraction.

Do you care who you sell your car to? Even if you see it around town after it's sold?
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A car like the NSX, I would def. care who I sold it to. Its your pride and joy, you wouldn't like to see it hurt, would you?
Silly...if you have it up for sale and the prospective buyer meets the price SOLD SOLD SOLD...later! If you love it so much it probably would not be up for sale! Sell it and move this economy you are lucky that you have a potential buyer!! JMHO....
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Why should it matter who you sell it too? It's not like you are giving your child up for adoption. Someone once said to me "the day you fall in love with a car is the day you should sell it." Who cares how well the new owner takes care of car or what he/she wants to do with it once they own it. They might even care for it better than you did while you owned the car. Furthermore, your car is only worth what someone is going to buy it for in cash at that moment, otherwise it's just a hunk of metal sitting in your garage. I've sold some very rare cars and haven't given it a second thought about who the new owner is or how they will treat the car. I enjoyed the cars while I owned them and that is all that matters.

If the guy calls you Monday and has the cash to buy the car, sell it.
He's not going to buy your car. He just wants to know where you live and then he is going to come over and steal it.:tongue:
He's not going to buy your car. He just wants to know where you live and then he is going to come over and steal it.:tongue:

I'd have to agree, this thought popped into my head after I read the first post. Given the description of the potential buyer (nothing to do with stereoyping gangs..etc.) but just how I tend to be on the cautious side. I hope you didn't give out your address.
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Silly...if you have it up for sale and the prospective buyer meets the price SOLD SOLD SOLD...later! If you love it so much it probably would not be up for sale! BTW...I myself have a bunch of tattoo's and would cringe at the thought of someone not wanting my money or PRE-judging me because of that!!! Sell it and move this economy you are lucky that you have a potential buyer!! JMHO....

I know what you mean. It's not just the tattoos, it was the overall appearance. I didn't describe him in detail, but you would be cautious as well if you met him. I don't like to pre-judge people, but at times it's prudent to follow your instincts. I have nothing agaist tattoos. All of my daughters have some. :biggrin:
Hahah. I have seen this sh1t before, like you said he didnt even ask for the year or take a good look at your car. 100% he is not going to buy your nsx, just a dreamers
Hahah. I have seen this sh1t before, like you said he didnt even ask for the year or take a good look at your car. 100% he is not going to buy your nsx, just a dreamers

I agree that it's unlikely that he will actually follow through. It was just the background for the real question of do you care who you sell your car to. In the past I didn't care who bought my home/car/boat or what they did with it. Now I'm sort of torn. Would I sell it to someone who will trash it? Probably. Would it hurt? A little. But then I'd get over it.
Keep us posted. I wouldn't care who I sold it to if they had the cash.

Was he polite and genuine in his conversation?
I kinda see the point of the previous responses about just being grateful you're getting your asking price and who cares. But I think it depends on how many hours you have spent modifying and taking care of your car. I would definiately prefer to have somebody purchase my car that would appreciate it as much as I did. I have spent many years seeking out and purchasing immaculate vehicles and have run into people that have purchased my cars years later. It's nice to see a pristine vehicle get taken care of.
I keep business cards from car salesman just for this purpose. Whenever I meet someone I never want to hear from again, I hand out a card I got last time I test drove a car.

Why yes, I am Morgan Spurlock from Joe Bob's Dodge/Chrysler/Plymouth.


:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: That's funny.
you should be careful with shady people, someone was recently murdered when he was selling his car on after this incident, there was quit a few people who either got robbed or car jacked as well when they were trying to sell their vehicle.

just be careful.
I sold one of my Grand Nationals years back and I'll swear on my mothers life on this. The guy paid me $10 grand in all 10 and 20 dollar bills, LOL. He was a known drug dealer but hey, his money was green. Of course I made him go to the bank with me.:rolleyes:
What made this guy look so suspicious? This sounds terrible from my point of view. Let me get this straight.
You are selling your car. A person who has tattoos on his body asks you about it and wants to possibly buy your car which you are selling. Now you critisize him to a group of strangers on the internet because you are judgin this guy based on appearance?

Look, you are selling the car. Talk to the guy some more and don't make rash judgements. Now you have 2 other people here replying thinking he might steal your car even though THEY haven't met this person. Everyone relax and just tell him to wait and see if he calls. I know lots of people with money that don't dress like it. I sure don't.
What made this guy look so suspicious? This sounds terrible from my point of view. Let me get this straight.
You are selling your car. A person who has tattoos on his body asks you about it and wants to possibly buy your car which you are selling. Now you critisize him to a group of strangers on the internet because you are judgin this guy based on appearance?

Look, you are selling the car. Talk to the guy some more and don't make rash judgements. Now you have 2 other people here replying thinking he might steal your car even though THEY haven't met this person. Everyone relax and just tell him to wait and see if he calls. I know lots of people with money that don't dress like it. I sure don't.

Well I guess if some stranger approaches you at a gas station that wants to buy your car and conveys an unfortable feeling to you, you might become a little suspicious. Remember the guy didn't even ask the year of the car.:confused: Did you ever have a gut feeling about anything?

Many, many years ago I spoke with some guy about purchasing some of the parts off a car I owned. Showed them everything, but didn't really feel comfortable with them. Two days later they tried to steal the car.

I think it's best to go with your gut.

Say, you don't happen to have tattoos do you?:rolleyes:
What made this guy look so suspicious? This sounds terrible from my point of view. Let me get this straight.
You are selling your car. A person who has tattoos on his body asks you about it and wants to possibly buy your car which you are selling. Now you critisize him to a group of strangers on the internet because you are judgin this guy based on appearance?

Look, you are selling the car. Talk to the guy some more and don't make rash judgements. Now you have 2 other people here replying thinking he might steal your car even though THEY haven't met this person. Everyone relax and just tell him to wait and see if he calls. I know lots of people with money that don't dress like it. I sure don't.

Like I said, this isn't about tattoos. And I'm not criticizing him. The situation seemed odd to me and made me think about who would buy my car. That's all there is to it. If I had my preferences, I would hope that whoever bought my car would love it as much as I do. Maybe it's this guy. But I didn't get the best first impression.
here is the link to the news about the murder during the sale of that evo.

whenever i sell my car, i never do it alone, i never see a car alone, and i never ever show them the car at my house.

those are the basic rules to just being careful, you can never be too safe or too sure.
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What made this guy look so suspicious? This sounds terrible from my point of view. Let me get this straight.
You are selling your car. A person who has tattoos on his body asks you about it and wants to possibly buy your car which you are selling. Now you critisize him to a group of strangers on the internet because you are judgin this guy based on appearance?

Look, you are selling the car. Talk to the guy some more and don't make rash judgements. Now you have 2 other people here replying thinking he might steal your car even though THEY haven't met this person. Everyone relax and just tell him to wait and see if he calls. I know lots of people with money that don't dress like it. I sure don't.

You weren't there so why do you give a feck? Besides, maybe he had a spider web tatoo on his elbow or a tear under his eye.