Should I buy another NSX


Walk away slowly... enjoy the one you are with! The Blue is cool but the Yellow really is a striking cool and does get heads turning really easily, then again most NSXs do!

I think the While would have been a sure thing but the yellow should be yours for awhile, you got a great car, good accessories and a well documented car, ENJOY it. See you in the mountains and at C&Cs.

Walk away slowly... enjoy the one you are with! The Blue is cool but the Yellow really is a striking cool and does get heads turning really easily, then again most NSXs do!

I think the While would have been a sure thing but the yellow should be yours for awhile, you got a great car, good accessories and a well documented car, ENJOY it. See you in the mountains and at C&Cs.

Haha I'm going to pass on this one.

See ya in the mts. Michael!
Pardon the slight tangent here, but I see where a lot of NSX folks point to a color or exterior/interior color combo as contributing to "rarity". Colors can be changed, and it is such a personal preference anyway. The NSX is a very rare car in general, and that definitely contributes to the appeal, but does the "only ### color X with X interior were produced in <year>" really matter?

Not to me. If there was one Mauve car with a Chartreuse interior made in 1993, that wouldn't make me any more interested in it.

Now something like a post 94 coupe for those that prefer coupes, that would be a different story. Opinions?

The color combination rarity is usually based on the car's original stuff. Especially to most 'purists', any kind of 'paintwork' that indicates non-original paint will kill the value of the car.

You are correct. People can change the color of the car anytime. But the whole idea of the rarity falls back on what it originally was when rolling out of the factory.

I'm surprised no one jumped on your back yet for saying such a blasphemous thing! =P
They really did butcher my car concerning the stereo. The took out everything about 8-10 K worth. The ecu was above the ztoolman sub-enclosure. Very sad but the car was not driven in snow in both Naperville, IL and Eden Prairie, MN before I sold it.........Steve