Shipping+Register+Transfer fees for California

17 February 2004
San Francisco

Seems like there's a bunch of ppl buying out of state NSX in California.

Well, I'm interested in one in NY and was wondering how much is shipping form there? How much to register (make it a CA registration)? and other fees required?

Basically, somebody who has brought a out-of-state NSX into California would probably be most helpful.

Thanks for any info. Hopefully I can join you luck NSX owners sooner with this info.

Hi Guys,

I think buying out of state is the best way to go, myself. It seems (at least in Southern California) that the NSX carried about a $5k premium over other areas.

Now for the registration fees....The big problem in California is that it is one of the few states that charges you sales tax on the purchase of a used vehicle. I believe the rate is 8.25% of purchase price. You could change title in the state in which you bought your car. If you don't bring in your car into the state, after 90 days you can change title without paying sales tax. Of course you could also bring in your car into California, and so long as you don't get a speeding ticket or parking ticket to alert the DMV to your car's presence in the state, you could then try and change title after the 90 days has expired. As a disclaimer, I make no recommendations as to which way you should proceed for I certainly would not counsel anyone into breaking California laws!

The only other aggrivation is that you need to have the VIN #'s verified (can be done at DMV or at AAA) and pass a smog check. Then you're done.
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Thanks paulviriyapan


Ok, so I buy an out of state car and I wait for 90 days to register it in California to avoid the tax fee....

But, what do I do about insurance?

How do I transfer the car into my name?

What happen when I get pulled over (in California) and the car is not in my name?

So far, out-of-state NSX seems to be at the best paulviriyapan said under 5k....which mean it is definitely worth persuing.

Continue the flow of info....Thanks guys.
tax from other states?

So, do I have to pay tax in another Texas?

And if so how much?
When you buy a car from out of State and bring it to California you will need the following:

1) The Title

2) Bill of Sale or Form 262 from DMV (You will be taxed based on the selling price and the County of residence) eg: If you register the car in San Francisco County your tax will be 8.5%
if you register the car in Marin County its 7.25% etc.

3)Your registration will be calculated by the DMV based on age and value of the car.

4) Smog Certificate (you can obtain one in California easily $50-$80) unless the Emmisions have been tampered with.

5) Proof of Insurance

The only way to avoid Taxes is if it were a GIFT (NOT PURCHASED)endorsed on the Bill of Sale or Form 262.

You do NOT need to pay sales Tax twice unless you plan on operating the car in that State.

good luck...
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Guys, I just went through this a few months ago and here's my $.02:

Just pay the damn tax and have piece of mind when driving. Based upon the purchase price, my tax was actually less than the cost of a PO box and time it would have taken me to try and swindle the state. If you can't afford the tax, maybe the NSX is not for you? What you gonna do when major maintenance time comes?

Please dont flame me... JMHO. this box big enough for the car? In here is 7.750. Even if the car is 10K reported reasonably on a 91, that is a good 750 bucks which can go toward something a used exhaust or whatever.

my tax was actually less than the cost of a PO box
PO box was about 1/100th of the cost of Tax (roughly $2k).... i was mainly referring to my time involved with doing all those things. Time = $$$$ for me which added to the misc costs was actually more than my tax. Believe it or not. ;)

p.s. LA County tax is 8.25%
Well the point is, imho, is that I believe the majority of the states do not charge tax on a USED vehicle purchased from a private party or significantly less than California's 8.25%. Fact is, California is in a money crunch due to the energy crisis that other states do not have to deal with. Arizona and Nevada charge no tax whatsoever on a used car, and Texas (I forgot what the rate was) was signficantly cheaper (I forgot what the rate was but it is cheaper for a car over 10 years old). 8.25% on a car still worth $25k-30k is still alot of money, about $2-3k.
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again're right LA tax is even more expensive. now lets dig this down a little deeeper about time versus savings :D i am NOT going to use paul's figure of 2-3K. I am just using 10K car w/ 8.25% tax....if we are to talk about "time", it takes the same hour whether you register the car now or 3 months from now....what really matter is "when". You can go to the dmv now and pay 825 bucks or wait 3 months and save are not wasting or putting anymore time than required to get the car registered. if we were to use paul's figure in relations to "time".............can i get a job;) ?

PO box was about 1/100th of the cost of Tax (roughly $2k).... i was mainly referring to my time involved with doing all those things. Time = $$$$ for me which added to the misc costs was actually more than my tax. Believe it or not. ;)

p.s. LA County tax is 8.25%

I originated this tread (my first) and surprised how many replies I got, which is a good thing by the way.

Thanks to everybody who took their time to reply and give their input. Very much appreciated!!!

Ok. The reason for all the out-of-state questions was not only to save on taxes. It's gives me a wider range of NSX to choose from. Plus, I'm in California, where I noticed NSX are a little more expensive. I have about a $30K(+/-) to work with and here are the two scenarios I see:

California NSX: $27,000 for a 91/92 with around 80K and pay 3,000 with the tax and registration.

Out-of-state: $29,000 for a 91/92/93/94 with around 40K and pay around 1k for fees to get it into the state. Assuming I don't have tax.

Both situation have pros/cons. One would save time and one MIGHT get me a better car, but with more fuss. What would be great if somebody knows of a really good NSX in CA in my price range. :D . (I have a thing for AUTOMATICS, by the way<---it's a luxury thing for me)


:) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Maybe one of these things may deter you

Before you spend too much time trying to commit a crime call the DMV. I would bet that most states, like NY, do not allow someone to register a vehicle without a street mailing address in that state.

One of my past tenants is now in jail and will be there for the next five years for trying to avoid paying sales tax on his Mustang Cobra.

A friend of mine tried to get out of paying for a DWI insurance increase by applying for a license in PA and driving on it in NY. He was pulled over and found out. Paid a fine equal to 5 times what he would have had to pay in the first place.

My advice to you is to just pay what is due and enjoy the car.

I must say that I do-NOT intend to do anything illegal at all.

I intend to pay taxes where they are due. I'm just curious as to how other state taxes work. Somebody posted that some states do not have tax on personal sales. Other's posted that the tax are lower in other states. I just want to understand how each system works to get a better estimate of my final cost. That's all.

So, I agree with you "pay what is due and enjoy" and thanks for the advice.
I dont know where you guys got the info about NO TAXES in California if vehicle were purchased out of State :confused:

If you buy a Vehicle out of State or from a Private Party you DO NOT PAY TAXES TO THEM DIRECTLY but when you REGISTER THE CAR @ the DMV they will need the Bill of Sale or (Form 262)and Tax you based on the sale price and your County of Residence.

If you are looking for a State without Taxes, register the car in Oregon..
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Umm this is to clarify. You don't pay taxes if you bring in a title, with your name already on it, from another state and register it in California. What you are thinking about is if you buy it from another state and try to change the title in California into your name (for the first time--i.e. you are both doing a title change and first registration). What I was referring to was changing titles in another state which doesn't require sales tax on private party used car sales (Arizona, Nevada, and many other states which I don't know off hand). If you leave the car out of state and don't bring it into california, you do not have to pay taxes on it. In response to other comments, this is not a "scam" and I am not talking about ripping off the state. You can call the DMV and ask yourself and they will tell you the same thing. Ask them this: "Can I purchase a car from another state, leave it there for 90 days before I bring it in and avoid paying sales tax?" Their answer will be yes. Is it legal? Yes. Before I get flamed I would like to leave with this thought: former president George Bush (not W) has had his legal address be a hotel room in Texas for the past 20 years for tax purposes.
Thanks you SOOOO much paulviriyapan for clearing everything up.

I think some people just skimmed this tread and got the wrong impression. I'm glad you understand my out-of-state car questions and have answered them. I appreciate everyone's input and opinions.

Now anyone have a AUTOMATIC NSX in California or out-of-state they want to sell? All NSX considered.

:D :D :D :D

[email protected]
Why dont you just buy an NSX from a private party (In or Out of California) and have the owner sign the Bill of Sale for $100.00 therefore you are only obligated to pay $8.25 for taxes.

This is a lot easier than registering the car out of State and having to worry about CHP's, Metermaids, Insurance, Cops and Curious Neighbors for 90 days :rolleyes:
Why not a gift???

No, the whole sales thing for "$100.00" is really up to the seller and what their comfortable with.
Hi all, first post here on NSX prime.

Just a FYI, in NY State, if the car you're registering at the DMV is older than 7 years, they do not require a bill of sale.

I asked the attendant at the counter when registering my Legend, and she told me to put whatever number I wanted in the sale price box.

Not sure if this applies to other states, but it wouldn't hurt to ask.
What many people here dont realize is that the California DMV is the most ANAL auto registration organization in the USA. I wish our DMV was as "flexible" as other state's DMV's.

In Cali, if you even try to mark $100 on a bill of sale for a vehicle that is so obviously worth much more, you will most definately experience with the wrath of the DMV agent! Be prepared for the never-ending bitter questions about your purchase: "So sir... how exactly did you pay for your vehicle? By cash? Check? Do you have a copy of the check for verification?" Oh and the always wonderful: "did you know that its a crime to falsefy registration documents?" I tried this with a motocross bike last year and got busted.

Also, im all for saving $$$ any way possible. If you can withstand the withdrawels of not having a paid-for NSX to drive while you wait 90 days then go for it and save the bucks and buy the exhaust as Poohbear states. Excellent idea! But... bringing the car and hoping not to get noticed by a cop for 90 days is definately not worth it. Do you really expect to not get noticed? Come on.... almost every cop that sees me follows me and runs my tags. I guess I look like a thug.

If you choose the “save” route plan to double the DMV visits. Once in the state where you buy to get a proper out-of-state title (which means you have to travel to that state), and again in the state you live 90 days later. I spent over 4 hours the first time at the DMV only to find out they wouldn't accept the title because the owner forgot to sign the odometer portion. DOH! Can you say A-NAL? As if the signature releasing titleship wasn't enough... no! They want 2 signatures. So basically a week later I spent another 3 hours finishing up the registration and getting the car inspected. So 7 hours minimum for me in Calif only. Imagine if I had to travel out-of-state and spend time at another DMV. Then have to wait 90 days to drive it to Calif!

So choose what’s best for YOU.
What many people here dont realize is that the California DMV is the most ANAL auto registration organization in the USA. I wish our DMV was as "flexible" as other state's DMV's.

In Cali, if you even try to mark $100 on a bill of sale for a vehicle that is so obviously worth much more, you will most definately experience with the wrath of the DMV agent! Be prepared for the never-ending bitter questions about your purchase: "So sir... how exactly did you pay for your vehicle? By cash? Check? Do you have a copy of the check for verification?" Oh and the always wonderful: "did you know that its a crime to falsefy registration documents?" I tried this with a motocross bike last year and got busted.

This is how the DMV is here in NY where I live. They look the value of the vehicle up in a NADA type book and if you are not within the high low margin you better have some real good documentation. The lines are long and the wait is usually 45 minutes at the minimum.
Last time I was there I waited for one hour and fifteen minutes. When I was the next to be called two of the DMV agents went to lunch and closed their widows for business. At the end of the velvet rope was a sign that read "please wait here" someone had penciled in ...and wait, and wait and wait. When I finally made it to the window I was informed that I had filled out the wrong form and had to fill out a different form. The agent hands me the form to fill out and I start to write. She informs me that I have to step away from the counter and fill the form out and then wait in line again. Total time to fill out the form 45 seconds. Time in line again 45 minutes. When I was the next to be called the F ing B..tch that sent me to the back of the line looked at me smirked and closed her window.

When I was about 8 years old I was at the DMV with my mother. While there a guy jumped over the counter and started beating the DMV lady, now I know why.
paulviriyapan said:
If you leave the car out of state and don't bring it into california, you do not have to pay taxes on it. In response to other comments, this is not a "scam" and I am not talking about ripping off the state. You can call the DMV and ask yourself and they will tell you the same thing. Ask them this: "Can I purchase a car from another state, leave it there for 90 days before I bring it in and avoid paying sales tax?" Their answer will be yes. Is it legal? Yes.

So what you are saying is that if some one bought a car out of state and leave the car as is in that particular state but have title in hand, it is perfectly legal to be excuse from paying tax after 90days?