Originally posted by jaytip nsx:
hey D'Ecosse,
does that shift knob get hot in direct sunlight,and if so,HOW hot.
you also said that your shifter had been shortened,how did you do it?
Hi James - just put it on so can't tell you what it's going to be like in the summer in California - when I park I use a shade anyway. Now in your part of the world you only have to worry about it for what - 3 days out of the year?
The shift stick is pretty easy to remove if somewhat tedious because you have to remove the center console first - again not difficult, just additional work.
Then we just cut & shut the stick at my friend Phong's family body shop - close to the base end, removing about an inch / inch-1/4 (if you take it from the top, you will leave the stick too "fat".
An alternative is to get an exchange kit from Dali Racing - see it
here- pretty reasonable. However with shipping both ways (from Europe) for exchange unit etc its probably more effective to take you stick to a welding shop after you remove it & have them cut n shut it for you.
We had a fun day that day - three of us showed up at PhongNSX place to replace the side scoop plastic vent grilles with mesh & he was in the process of replacing his stick - so I jumped on the idea & did mine too.
Must say Phong was a big help in assisting me to remove my console - I was a bit nervous initially because I hadn't done it before & anxious about breaking plastic tabs etc. But it is not a big deal - helps to see it done though!
His brothers were awesome too helping us, especially with removing the side scoops which can be a pain! They turned out looking great too.
Sorry for of-topic - wanted to give credit where due. Thanks Phong!
[This message has been edited by D'Ecosse (edited 27 February 2003).]
[This message has been edited by D'Ecosse (edited 27 February 2003).]