Shaq , Gasol and Webber: Western Moves

8 October 2006
San Francisco
Interesting week in the NBA. First the Warrior's get C-Webb, then the Lakers land Gasol and today Phoenix nabs Shaq. What were the Grizzilies thinking when they gave away their franchise player to the Laker's for free? Most GM's thought it was a trade similar to McHale giving away Garnett back to his old team, The Celtics. I can only hope that my Warriors can maintain their winning momentum into the playoffs.
The Suns are thinking short term right now, and I think they made a wise decision. Everyone here is complaining that we're getting a player that will only last a year or two, but I didn't see Marion lasting more than a year anyway. We've always longed for a good center, then when we get one of the best centers in the league and everyone is upset. I can't wait to see what Shaq can do with Nash at the point, and for Amare to play his true position.
Everyone here is complaining that we're getting a player that will only last a year or two, but I didn't see Marion lasting more than a year anyway.

I'm not sure Shaq will last more than a week or two :eek:
Number 24 offered some interesting commentary on his new teammate.

Kobe Bryant on Pau Gasol in the triangle offense:

"I watched him play so many times, I know his skill level and what he can do, and this offense is perfect because he can showcase his versatility as opposed to being in Memphis where he had to hug the post or go out and set pick-and-rolls," Bryant said. "Here, he's being asked to make plays and asked to make decisions with the basketball, and he can showcase a little more of what he has, which is what he does for the Spanish national team. He's an incredible player. He makes everybody's life easier. It makes the game simple. It's fun."
I'm not sure Shaq will last more than a week or two :eek:

They can always just prop him up under the basket with a couple sticks. He just needs to scare people and his job is done. Remember Chewbaca...errr I mean Mark Eaton...:tongue: :biggrin:
I'm ecstatic the Lakers picked up Gasol for nothing...=) And that Shaq trade to Phoenix is going to be interesting. If he's healthy, he can definitely help the Suns, but staying healthy will be his biggest challenge...
I'm ecstatic the Lakers picked up Gasol for nothing...=) And that Shaq trade to Phoenix is going to be interesting. If he's healthy, he can definitely help the Suns, but staying healthy will be his biggest challenge...

His first challenge will be passing the physical!:rolleyes:
The Grizz wanted to free up cap room and since Kyame only has one year left on his contract, the Grizz will have room in the future to go the direction they want. But you know that future is going to be w/o Kyame.

But the Lakes definitely got the better end of the deal. 'Bout time Mitch Jockstrap made a good trade.
After a few weeks, I think the Lakers will really start to tear it up. Just by Gasol being on the floor, Fisher is getting a lot of open looks. Opponents have to guard 5 guys on the floor now, not just four.

By the way, my man Dirk is one rebound away from getting his first triple double =)