Senna the movie netflix

It's been on iTunes since October.
watched it the other night and I absolutely loved it! if anyone else is into automotive documentaries, I would also HIGHLY recommend watching Love the Beast by Eric Bana. :biggrin:
Itunes said coming out in March 2012. Found it on Netflix. Loved it.
BTW guys, other than the movie, you see if you can find the "extra" stuff. It will make the movie more complete.
yup watched it last week, everyone should watch it

BTW why are there no American F1 drivers?!?!??
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Net flix canada sux.
I'm uploading it onto Youtube right now, may not stay. I'll keep you guys informed. The version I'm uploading is with director's commentary, something you don't get to see streamed.
I just watched the Netflix version last night, it's missing a lot of stuff when compared to the version we were able to download from torrents a few months back.
The more and more I learn of Senna, the more I love the guy. (no homo) I watched part of it on Netflix last night, maybe like 30 minutes worth.

Yeah, f*ck Prost.

I heard this fact somewhere:
More people visit the grave of Aryton Senna than of Elvis Presley & Marilyn Monroe combined.

Crazy how Bruno & Ayrton look alike.



I thought this one was really cool: Piggy Back Senna!

Great documentary really showed the way senna was his competitive nature and just how human he was.

As for Bruno Senna i was reading a magazine at walmart yesterday that did a feature on Bruno ...really interesting read ...basically its hard to say how good Bruno would have become if they had allowed him to continue racing...basically after his uncle died the family didnt allow him to race due to the emotional impact of Ayrton death. So at an early age he stopped racing for a good period of time the article basically said that he didnt have the time to really develop into a really good racer and that he had to play alot of catch up later on when he was older
I was watching the movie last night on NFLX but had to go to sleep as I was was losing focus hope to finish up this evening.

He probably would have been a great draw in NASCAR at 51. I expect M. Schumacher will show up there one day.:rolleyes:

After you guys watch the movie on netflix, please check out this thread.

Please respect the thread and follow my instruction on the opening post. I don't want my youtube account banned. Thanks.

I wil remover the video on Christmas day.
I thought this one was really cool: Piggy Back Senna!


That pic was taken at the Canadian GP. I love the fact that as soon as Senna got back to the pits, he went straight to his engineer and rattled off all the details he picked up of Mansell's car in the few minutes he was allowed to peer over his shoulder. Cutthroat competitor, even when he was offered a favour by his rival.:cool:
If Senna was still alive, would he be able to beat the Michael Schumacher? That would be an interesting fight. Both were capable of great wheel to wheel racing or punting each other into the walls:wink: