seems like alot of new owners the week of 10/3/2011

30 January 2001
Is it me or do we not have a bunch of new owners who also have found prime...good for blood:biggrin:
In addition to search school, so many more grammar and spelling lessons to be given!
Once we get communication resolved we will be able to share many experiences with the young'uns.
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In addition to search school, so many more grammar and spelling lessons to be given!

ME GET A NSX and LUV it is 4 me!

I agree, English lessons aren't the ruler-whapping events of my youth. Back OT, I also noticed last evening that there are a few more newbies (me included) to the NSX ranks.

For me, the incentive was trustable, manageable performance in an unusual and beautiful wrapping. I think the NSX scores in these categories, but no justification for the recent flurry.

Maybe the NSX Prime KoolAid is working!
If you were to look at owner demographics you will notice a higher than average # of engineers ....says alot about the car.
My bad grammar is by far one of the top ten . but I get my point across LOL

I was thinking the same thing do you think all the older gents are selling their prizes off to help fund the next recession?

maybe instead of buying that F-car or Lambo should have put that money into a savings account. having a big house, 5 cars and a boat is so 80's. If they had got one car for the wife, and one for him and banked the rest they wouldnt have to sell the best car on the planet to pay for their wife's re-accuring breast lifts ever 6 years. when they start to sagggggg.. what are those going for these days? 20-30K.

I dont mind talking to the younger guys, ( im 35/36 in November )new to the NSX but the new ones that already know it all I dont reply to.

you cant tell a know-it-all anything so walk away

but new blood it is.

I just dont like them tearing up these mint NSX's to put 30 inch rims that ruin the look of the car and makes us all look bad. the term ricer come to mind no offense to anyone.
Your right! There has been maybe 6 to 8 new owners this week? Most of them seem pretty young. I saw one guys post today saying hes 19 and has two NSX's now. The poor guy works 60 hours a week. Sooo he worked really hard for them. That would of been sweet to get a NSX at the age of 19. I really believe we are going to see a lot of young new owners for many years to come. They are finally touchable for us younger people. I went to NSXPO 2011 and I think I was maybe the youngest guy there. There was only two owners that maybe were younger then me. Im 28 by the way. I guess some of the younger owners are more out west.
Your right! There has been maybe 6 to 8 new owners this week? Most of them seem pretty young. I saw one guys post today saying hes 19 and has two NSX's now. The poor guy works 60 hours a week. Sooo he worked really hard for them. That would of been sweet to get a NSX at the age of 19. I really believe we are going to see a lot of young new owners for many years to come. They are finally touchable for us younger people. I went to NSXPO 2011 and I think I was maybe the youngest guy there. There was only two owners that maybe were younger then me. Im 28 by the way. I guess some of the younger owners are more out west.

Yes, all out west. Rolln deep in socal lol. There are so many new owners because summer is over, time to sell lol.
I just purchased my first NSX and plan to pick it up this weekend :biggrin:
I was thinking the same thing. It seems like there has been a lot of new owners.

Indeed, it would seem that early Q4 '11 secondary market acquisitions are on an upward-trending trajectory as noted here on this fancy line chart

Whereas the demographics on the fancy scatter chart clearly illiustrate a generalized decline in the average owner's age at the time of first acquistion

...uh yeah, dude... what you said, lots of new owners

Congrats guys !
Dang there are newbies coming out of the woodwork! I remember how excited I was when I picked up mine...couldn't get the smile off my face. :smile:

Enjoy the Good Times :cool:
I know of one new owner - LRAO - he's the guy that bought my car. I put it on a transport trailer last Saturday and bid a fond fairwell to a beautiful fun car that I will miss. That is till I get another one and one day I surely will.

The proceeds from the sale have already been applied to paying off my mortgage! We only have 20k remaining before it is all ours! Now that is a good feeling.

Cars will come and go but when time comes for retirement - you gotta get ready! So it may be a few years but another NSX will grace my carport with it's presence! Temporary lapse in auto excitement that's all.
Can't wait to make my own "back in the saddle" thread. I was one of the Prime youngins and now I'm starting to feel old.
I just dont like them tearing up these mint NSX's to put 30 inch rims that ruin the look of the car and makes us all look bad. the term ricer come to mind no offense to anyone.

Actually, I've seen many of these new youngins putting their cars back to stock. It warms my heart. :) I'm a little worried about the guy who bought Bromley's mint Sebring though...leave it alone! :biggrin:
Whoa, lots of response to this thread. I was noticing and talking to Les (LMR) about it. Happily been an owner for over three years and I would like to entertain the idea that my English is better than most, however I suffer from "Lazy-itis" frequently.

Welcome to all the new owners, I hope to soon be a newbie to the "Owns two NSXs for no goo reason" club. :biggrin:
Honcho Im tring to but its hard to see it ripped apart

I am glad some new owners are putting the cars back to stock.

I am actually thinking about having my OEM 15/16 refinished
the chrome is peeling bad so they had to go to the shed.

if I could only find performance tires for 15/16 sizes. I gave up at one point.
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jealous of all the new owners! congrats, especially to the younger guys who can afford them. granted many of the cars aren't crazy expensive; but its a great accomplishment nonetheless.

i think mild mods look great keeping the beautiful stock lines intact. but the 2000 Fast and furious stylez look horrible; especially on an nsx.

I just dont like them tearing up these mint NSX's to put 30 inch rims that ruin the look of the car and makes us all look bad. the term ricer come to mind no offense to anyone.