Sedona Run from Watson Lake

1 April 2002
The O.C.
If a group was going Donna and I would love to do this. Anyone thinking about this sidetrip? Only THREE MORE WEEKS!! :biggrin:
You definitely wouldn't be disappointed with the trip. If you haven't gone to Sedona previously, it is pretty remarkable. The red rocks are just stunning! I'm sure that you'll get a group going up there. We would have actually gone to Sedona for the drive, however the logistics of getting through Sedona are just too difficult.

Do keep in mind that we highly recommend going directly to Pinncale Peak afterwards, as there would most likely not be enough time to get to the hotel, and then back up to Pinnacle Peak. So plan accordingly for change of clothes, etc. This is pretty convenient as far as driving goes since Pinnacle Peak is pretty much on the way back down from Sedona.

Have fun if you get a group going! :smile:
Hi Gil,

I don't know the return route for the prescott drive, but if it simply backtracks and time permitting, I'm interested in joining you.

tbNSX said:
Hi Gil,

I don't know the return route for the prescott drive, but if it simply backtracks and time permitting, I'm interested in joining you.


Sorry that it's been awhile, but just noticed we didn't reply with what the return route will be. Full directions will be provided at NSXPO in the form of a Supplement Packet. So.....the return route doesn't backtrack, but is a relatively quick return primarily on I-17. This road is quite winding as it descends down from Prescott to the Phoenix Valley and is somewhat scenic. Those going to Sedona will also come down this same stretch of road, just from a little bit further north.

For those with the time we'd highly recommend a trip up to Sedona to enjoy the gorgeous scenery.