Search Engine Optimization

19 April 2001
Does anyone know how to do search engine optimization? Specifically, how to get a website listed as one of the top sites when doing searches on yahoo, google, msn, aol etc.

If you know anyone with experience in this field who is looking for full time, part time, consulting, or anything else, please let me know.

I have had fantastic success with a couple of the pay-per-click sevices. Particularly Overture and Google's adWords program. If the business model can support a dime a click, this is the way to go IMHO. Email me if you want more details.
I would love to pay 10 cents per click. Unfortunately, most of the search phrases we want range between $1 and $3 per click. That is too expensive.
Search engines seem pretty arbitrary. For years this site would simply not show up on Yahoo searches. Now if you just type "NSX" it is the #2 site after In fact the sites and order they are returned on Yahoo are now the same as on Google, so I assume they're using the same database and rankings.

But Yahoo still hasn't listed this or many other major NSX sites in their hopelessly outdated directory here