Sean's new (Very Sweet) ride!


Experienced Member
1 July 2006
London, Ontario
Just went for a quick :-) spin in Sean's new ride. (Porsche GT3)

Very nice, very nice indeed. Lots of little ponies all singing together
in perfect harmony. I looked for them just infront of the rear axle, but
couldn't find them. (Isn't that where the stable is suppose to be?)
Maybe they got lost and were hanging out on top of or behind the axle
for some weird reason. Oh well, wherever they are they were singing pretty well together.

I had a bunch of camera gear with me, but its hard to do a black car justice in the dark.
I'll have to follow-up with some pictures later.

I guess to make this post legit for prime I should say that we at least parked
my X beside the GT3.

Drive safe, and may your car never pass through a radar gun at more than 12km over.



Oops, apparently we do have a pic to include...

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Whats a Porsche C3?
C2=Carrera 2
C4=Carrera 4 (awd).

Ah! Wow, great car! So I guess an NSX is no longer on the radar?
congrats Sean!
what a better choice!
I see a Porsche on my radar next as well
GT3 or 996 Turbo
Zak, I tink Alex (puma) is still looking to trade his 996TT for an NSX+cash. He's here on Prime.
Thanks guys.

The car is great. I'm still getting aquainted with it, as it's completely different than the NSX. It's very raw and very very fast. It's by no means too much to handle, but I would never recomend a GT3 to someone who doesn't have significant experience with high performance sports cars.

Rides are available when we get together next!
Thanks guys.

The car is great. I'm still getting aquainted with it, as it's completely different than the NSX. It's very raw and very very fast. It's by no means too much to handle, but I would never recomend a GT3 to someone who doesn't have significant experience with high performance sports cars.

Rides are available when we get together next!

Keep Dave AWAY from it!!!!!:eek:
Keep Dave AWAY from it!!!!!:eek:

Ya, he's pretty stoked to see it.

I am afraid he'll kidnap my car, and tell me I don't take good enough care of it, or maintain it well enough, so he has to take it, you know like he tries to do with our wives.

Congrats. Be sure to keep it in good shape so that I can buy it in a few years:smile:


Actually my neighbour is talking about getting one in the spring. He was coaxed out of retirement to oversee the construction of a new building in Kitchener and said that will probably be rewarding himself with a Porsche next spring sometime when the job is done. Unfortunately that means that I may be losing my garage space next door where I keep the X tucked in at night. Time will tell.
Sean bought the GT3 awhile ago instead of another NSX.

No, not you too! Seems like a lot of NSX owners are moving on to P-cars :confused:

I see now...I am so out of the loop here.

BTW Dave I had this weird dream this weekend that you bought a yellow C5 Z06. Funny thng was you had it kitted to look almost like your NSX! :tongue:
The reason guys move from NSXs to P-cars is that there is no new NSX available.

I'm not getting another NSX anytime soon, but I was talking to Brad last night (Ody) and mentioned that I may pick up an 02+ in a while to cruise around in as they come down in price.

For now, it's me and a GT3.
The new NSX is called the R8 :)
The new NSX is called the R8 :)

The R8 holds some serious possibility. Will see what the price does over the next couple years.
Aluminum and the power plant sits in the correct position.

Right now, bang for buck, the NSX fits the bill very well.

Bah, I saw my third R8 this AM and I will take the yellow car over it all day long.

And Sean, it is not that I cannot wait "to see it". Its more like I cannot wait to "drive the shit out of it".

The good news for you is that youll be driving the shit out of the yellow car at the same time. So it will be even Stephen.

You'll get all the chicks in the yellow car, too.
Thanks guys.

The car is great. I'm still getting aquainted with it, as it's completely different than the NSX. It's very raw and very very fast. It's by no means too much to handle, but I would never recomend a GT3 to someone who doesn't have significant experience with high performance sports cars.

Rides are available when we get together next!

I have to agree that it is completely different than the NSX especially in the corners.I am thinking once it gets loose in a corner "Hang on" might be a bit tough to correct !

Nice car !

Congrats swbatte, that is quite an adjustment!
Keep posting here to fill us in. It is the only P-car I (would) aspire to.
After first overtime, Detroit feels Stanley is at hand.
I'm just worried you'll start hanging out with all the P-car guys and forget all about us :-(

That won't happen. Besides, I need you guys so I can get my NSX fix once in a while! :)

Go Pens!