Baah, my son has a t-ball game in the am. I'm out.
Bummer, [email protected] time hope you can come out!
Here's an updated list of those that signed up for the drive. If there are any other SD'ers or even LA/OC'ers that would like to come out-Please sign up!!! :biggrin: Can't wait for Saturday-the weather is going to be AWESOME!!!
SD Drive & Slideshow 4/30/11 (10am)
1. liftnot (Tim)
2. BryziNSX (Bryana)
3. LMR (Les & Irene)
4. Thanhnsx (Thanh)
5. tbNSX (Troy)
6. FuryNSX (Randy)
7. Chiefcurtiss (Roy)
8. MarineNSX93 (Michael)
9. Abe Froman(Michael)