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28 May 2007
im so frustrated at this time so i am posting here hoping that i can get some type of response from scorp. it has been over 60 days now since i purchased a spoiler he had IN STOCK. and i have been waiting and waiting patiently listening to all of his excuses. i heard from I SENT IT OUT to IT WAS LOST IN THE SHIPPING to IM GETTING ANOTHER ONE MADE FROM THE MANUFACTURER. he seems to do a lot of business here and MOST of the transactions seem to be with no headaches, which made me wait this long for the spoiler, but i think waiting over 2 months is long enough. i have sent him many PMs and i get an excuse back once in a while. and i can understand that people are busy, but who isnt? i have my own business and i still make time to respond to my PMs promptly. i am in the process of making a claim with paypal since i have asked for a refund with no response from him. am i getting this bad service because i am in HAWAII and i can just drive over to talk to him face to face? hopefully this post will help him realize that i will not sit here waiting for another excuse. i even offered to take other parts in a trade for the spoiler instead of a refund and still NO RESPONSE. JUST GIVE ME MY FULL REFUND INCLUDING THE SHIPPING COST SO I CAN GET THE SPOILER ELSE WHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
I am working with Mike to resolve this situation, it should be fully handled by this coming Monday (27th); the initial spoiler, the one I had in stock, did not arrive to its destination in Hawaii, and the delay has been in the construction of a replacement unit, as the mold had been modified for producing LED spoilers, and had to be reverted back to make this final piece.

This is not an excuse, for sure this length of time is unacceptable, but unfortunately my orders are small scale for the factory I have been using for these spoilers, as nsx parts are more of a side business; this is why I prefer to sell only what I have in hand, in SoCal. In this case I was given an estimate by the factory, which I forwarded to Mike - this estimate was optimistic, by a considerable margin, and I had been unable to contact the factory directly until tonight, hence the difficulty and confusion.
John's a great guy. I've bought from him in the past and he's a very honest seller. If anything went wrong I'm sure it was somethig out of his control and that there is a very reasonable explaination for it.
im so frustrated at this time so i am posting here hoping that i can get some type of response from scorp. it has been over 60 days now since i purchased a spoiler he had IN STOCK. and i have been waiting and waiting patiently listening to all of his excuses. i heard from I SENT IT OUT to IT WAS LOST IN THE SHIPPING to IM GETTING ANOTHER ONE MADE FROM THE MANUFACTURER. he seems to do a lot of business here and MOST of the transactions seem to be with no headaches, which made me wait this long for the spoiler, but i think waiting over 2 months is long enough. i have sent him many PMs and i get an excuse back once in a while. and i can understand that people are busy, but who isnt? i have my own business and i still make time to respond to my PMs promptly. i am in the process of making a claim with paypal since i have asked for a refund with no response from him. am i getting this bad service because i am in HAWAII and i can just drive over to talk to him face to face? hopefully this post will help him realize that i will not sit here waiting for another excuse. i even offered to take other parts in a trade for the spoiler instead of a refund and still NO RESPONSE. JUST GIVE ME MY FULL REFUND INCLUDING THE SHIPPING COST SO I CAN GET THE SPOILER ELSE WHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Be calm and breathe, everything will turn out ok. We have all felt this frustration some time or another and whenever someone purchases something online and have to deal with third party shipping company, a slime chance of something going wrong is very likely. It's "newton's law". If you ask around prime "who has had a bad experience dealing with shipping companies or various vendors" i'm sure you will we a very high response.

As for Scorp, I can gurantee you that he is doing his best to resolve the situation. I have bought many things from Scorp before and when shipping company screws up my orders, Scorp has always worked with me to resolved any issues.
ok i checked the tracking number with UPS, FED EX< and EMS which is the international shipping co. but that tracking number is not valid with any of them. oh by the way just to make sure i did each of the 3 times over. what shipping company is it for? i dont want to be checking all the companies in the world.:confused: :confused: :confused:
Looks like an EMS number. This will most likely be delivered by USPS via EMS.

You can check the status on www.usps.com

Here is the tracking status so far:

Label/Receipt Number: EE45 7881 776T W
Status: Foreign Acceptance

Your item was accepted in TAIWAN on August 23, 2007 at 4:47 PM. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later.

John is a stand-up guy, and very accommodating.
It's with the United States Postal Service here:

Label/Receipt Number: EE45 7881 776T W
Status: Arrival at Unit

Your item arrived at 5:28 AM on August 25, 2007 in HONOLULU, HI 96819. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later
finally after weeks and weeks of waiting the spoiler is in my hands. but it is not what he said it would be. i ordered a spoiler with no 3rd brake light and he gave me the story about how the factory had to redo the mold since they are making it with the 3rd brake light only and thats is why it is taking so long BLAH BLAH BLAH..... but when i opened the spoiler, there is a place for the 3rd brake light, it's just not cut out!!!! so it looks really thick in the middle for nothing. and the weave for the carbon fiber isnt even straight. that is not all folks. there are parts of the spoiler that they missed when they gel-coated. and to even top that off, the passenger side fits ok, but the driver side does not fit at all. two out of the three bolt holes barely line up and there is a 1/4 in gap from the trunk and the spoiler. all i could say was WOW, all this waiting for more problems. this spoiler sucks and it is not worth the money at all.
well i tried to post a reply but it didnt come up so im posting a update. after weeks and weeks of waiting, i finally got the spoiler here and im just discusted that i had to wait so long for such a poor quality spoiler. first off, the spoilet does not fit. the passenger side fits ok but the driver side bolt holes are way off. two barely, and i mean barely fit, and the third hold is not even close. secondly, the spoiler does not sit flush to the trunk. the curves are off. third the carbon weave isnt even straight. and last but not least, the gel-coating on the spoiler is not on the entire spoiler. it had areas where there are no gel-coating at all. man, after all this waiting just to be dissapointed by a POS spoiler. did anyone else who purchased the spoiler have the same problem? and i want to know why there is a area for the third brake light with no brake light in it? it makes the middle of the wing really thick for nothing..... i dont know what to at this point THIS SUCKS!!!!!:mad: :mad: :confused: :mad: :mad:
well i tried to post a reply but it didnt come up so im posting a update. after weeks and weeks of waiting, i finally got the spoiler here and im just discusted that i had to wait so long for such a poor quality spoiler. first off, the spoilet does not fit. the passenger side fits ok but the driver side bolt holes are way off. two barely, and i mean barely fit, and the third hold is not even close. secondly, the spoiler does not sit flush to the trunk. the curves are off. third the carbon weave isnt even straight. and last but not least, the gel-coating on the spoiler is not on the entire spoiler. it had areas where there are no gel-coating at all. man, after all this waiting just to be dissapointed by a POS spoiler. did anyone else who purchased the spoiler have the same problem? and i want to know why there is a area for the third brake light with no brake light in it? it makes the middle of the wing really thick for nothing..... i dont know what to at this point THIS SUCKS!!!!!:mad: :mad: :confused: :mad: :mad:

I have one of his spoilers on my car and it has none of the defects that you've described. In fact this one was one of the original ones that he had used on his car for a while. Fitment is 100% with this one and yours is from the same mold, so...... I've seen at least a few of them and they all seemed okay. Perhaps you got shipped a bad one?
I am sorry, but I have to throw my 2yen.

First- You get what you paid for. The spoiler is 1/2~1/3 the price of other replicas. I have seen the spoiler, it is not as bad as you described.

2nd- There is always two sides of story. He offered you his own spoiler after your initial feedback, offered you to meet up while you was in California. He sent you two spoilers and ate the cost of the first one. In my book that is customer service. Are you a man of your words? Said one thing, then do another? I think he even talked to you over the phone.

3rd- This is my .02cent from my perspective. What if you did actually received the first spoiler, and now keeping two spoilers and asking for a refund. That is like getting the spoiler for free. This is NSXprime, not as bad as other site, but people still try to pull a quick one from time to time, a lot of time buyer is the one who try to pull the trick on the sellers. That is just f-up, karma will catch up with them, just matter of time.

I have 4181 positiver feedbacks on ebay zero negative feedback in span of 10 years (possible world record for most positive and zero negative ratio). That is just 1/4 of my business. You take care of people, people take care of you. Life 101. Trust me I have seen my share of tricks that customers tried to pull on me and fair share of chargebacks.

What goes around comes around. I believe if you the right thing, the karma will be good to you. I know John is the same exact type. He is not someone who would sell his soul for a feel bucks. He bent his back for you many....times, he deserve a break. Two spoilers for price of one, come on, that is too nice. When you are too nice, people take advantage of you.
well i tried to post a reply but it didnt come up so im posting a update. after weeks and weeks of waiting, i finally got the spoiler here and im just discusted that i had to wait so long for such a poor quality spoiler. first off, the spoilet does not fit. the passenger side fits ok but the driver side bolt holes are way off. two barely, and i mean barely fit, and the third hold is not even close. secondly, the spoiler does not sit flush to the trunk. the curves are off. third the carbon weave isnt even straight. and last but not least, the gel-coating on the spoiler is not on the entire spoiler. it had areas where there are no gel-coating at all. man, after all this waiting just to be dissapointed by a POS spoiler. did anyone else who purchased the spoiler have the same problem? and i want to know why there is a area for the third brake light with no brake light in it? it makes the middle of the wing really thick for nothing..... i dont know what to at this point THIS SUCKS!!!!!:mad: :mad: :confused: :mad: :mad:

Even though Scorp's spoiler is cheaper than all other venders, the fitment is not all that bad. I have seen 4 of them locally and none of them fits your description.

How about post some pictures so we know what you are talking about?
I am sorry, but I have to throw my 2yen.

First- You get what you paid for. The spoiler is 1/2~1/3 the price of other replicas. I have seen the spoiler, it is not as bad as you described.

2nd- There is always two sides of story. He offered you his own spoiler after your initial feedback, offered you to meet up while you was in California. He sent you two spoilers and ate the cost of the first one. In my book that is customer service. Are you a man of your words? Said one thing, then do another? I think he even talked to you over the phone.

3rd- This is my .02cent from my perspective. What if you did actually received the first spoiler, and now keeping two spoilers and asking for a refund. That is like getting the spoiler for free. This is NSXprime, not as bad as other site, but people still try to pull a quick one from time to time, a lot of time buyer is the one who try to pull the trick on the sellers. That is just f-up, karma will catch up with them, just matter of time.

I have 4181 positiver feedbacks on ebay zero negative feedback in span of 10 years (possible world record for most positive and zero negative ratio). That is just 1/4 of my business. You take care of people, people take care of you. Life 101. Trust me I have seen my share of tricks that customers tried to pull on me and fair share of chargebacks.

What goes around comes around. I believe if you the right thing, the karma will be good to you. I know John is the same exact type. He is not someone who would sell his soul for a feel bucks. He bent his back for you many....times, he deserve a break. Two spoilers for price of one, come on, that is too nice. When you are too nice, people take advantage of you.
ok lets see now, where do i start. first of all i never received the first spoiler!!!! where is the tracking number for the first spoiler? and why in the world would i ask for another one when i have one? thats retarded. second of all why would i pay full price and shipping for a NEW spoiler and take the one off his car which is USED? i asked him just waive the shipping cost then OK. but he didnt want to do that. AND why should i fly up 3500 miles to pick up the spoiler from him. and pay the shipping cost? why should i have to loseout? its not my fault the spoiler never got to me. SO BEFORE YOU GO ACCUSING PEOPLE ABOUT TRYING TO RIP PEOPLE OFF YOU SHOULD GET ALL THE FACTS FIRST!!!!!! DONT SAY I GOT THE FIRST ONE WHEN I NEVER DID!!! So since you are saying all these things would you do what you are saying? would you pay for a NEW spoiler from a store, pay for shipping then wait weeks and weeks and finally the store says i have a used one you want to take this instead? then would you just take the loss and TAKE THE USED SPOILER? I DONT THINK THAT YOU WOULD!!! so dont say he bent over backwards for me and im being unreasonable when i have done the same for him. ask him when the payment was sent ask him for a tracking number for the first spoiler ask him if i was patient with him or not. ask him if i was ever unfair to him. YOU REALLY NEED TO GET THE FACTS FIRST!!!!!!!!! AND I NEVER ASKED HIM FOR A REFUND AFTER I GOT THE SPOILER WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? I JUST SAID THE SPOILER IS NOT ALL THAT GREAT!!! ONCE AGAIN GET THE FACTS STRAIGHT FIRST !!!!!! if you want ask the other prime members form HAWAII to meet up with me and i will show then the quality of the spoiler so you can have FACTS from other people too!!! AND ONCE AGAIN I HAVE TO CLEAR THIS UP FOR THIS FOOL HERE, I NEVER ASKED FOR A REFUND AFTER I GOT THE SPOILER IT WAS "BEFORE" I FINALLY RECEIVED IT THAT I WAS ASKING FOR MY MONEY BACK SO READ THE DATES CAREFULLY.
just to clarify everything here im not saying scorp is a BAD person or a bad seller, im just asking other members if they experienced the same problems or not. and here are the pictures of the spoiler and maybe people are right, maybe i just got the junk one out of the batch so what is so wrong with me posting that i got a bad one? nothing is perfect and i understand that but im very dissapointed at the fact that i had to wait sooo long for a spoiler that is not even GOOD quality, when he stated in his ad that it is an exellent fit and is molded from the original NSX-R spoiler, the weird thing is i have never seen an original NSX-R spoiler with a third brake light or the space for the light, but i could be wrong on that. and to show how off the bolt hole is, i painted the bottom of the spoiler white so you can see the contrast between the black bolt hole, white bottom and the yellow car. and just to clear things up once more for the people who do not read carefully, I DID NOT RECEIVE THE FIRST SPOILER AND AFTER I FINALLY RECEIVED THE SPOILER, I DID NOT ASK FOR MY MONEY BACK!!!!!!!!!


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well just to clarify this once more for people who are judgemental, I NEVER RECEIVED THE FIRST ONE AND WHY WOULD I PAY FOR A NEW ITEM AND PAY FOR SHIPPING JUST TO GET A RECEIVE A USED ITEM AND PICK IT UP MYSELF? LETS NOT BE HYPOCRITICAL HERE IF YOU WOULDN'T DO IT, DONT TELL OTHERS TO DO IT. have you ever gone to the dealership and bought a new car and the sales man said you know what sorry its taking so long, here take my used one instead would you take it and walk away? probably not. this post wasnt meant to start something but to simply ask a question. Why NSXSUPRA wuold you judge me like this and say things that are not true? if you are publically posting and saying BAD things about people, you should get the facts first. since you believe so much that i have 2 spoilers and im ripping scorp off, why dont you show everyone? get the tracking number for the first spoiler from him and post it here. im just as curious as you are where the first spoiler went. and bent over backwards? and what was i doing waiting patiently for 2 months? i even offered to take other parts he had in stock if he had a hard time with the spoiler. so who i doing who a favor? i waited 2 months before even posting anything negative about him so why are you on my case? because he is your friend? so he is perfect and everyone else is not? dude, im way too busy to be scamming people on the internet so you should just keep your OPINIONS to yourself and stop writing them like if they were facts. i might be a new member here but i have done business with other here and you should ask them if i am a crook. oh ya by the way FYI i have actually bought other items from scorp (DEFI-HEADS-UP) used and that was a smooth transaction. so dont say that im RIPPING peple off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
well the pics are up and i want your opinions on what people think. is this what is considered an "excellent fit" ? because it is not in my book. it was advertised as excellent fit and it sure doesnt seem to fit very well. and i was waiting for some sort of reply/apology from NSXSUPRA as i sent him a pm, but i guess i will not be getting one, so i will write this so everyone can read it. PLEASE DO NOT JUDGE PEOPLE WITHOUT ALL THE FACTS AND PLEASE DONT BE A HYPOCRITE!!! YOU HAVE SAID THAT I AM BEING UNREASONABLE AND THAT SCORP HAS BENT OVER BACKWARDS FOR ME AND THAT I AM SOME HOW RIPPING HIM OFF. IF I AM RIPPING HIM OFF THEN, PLEASE PROVIDE ME A TRACKING NUMBER OR EVEN A GLIMMER OF PROOF THAT THE FIRST SPOILER WAS EVER SENT OUT. SECONDLY, AS FOR SCORP OFFERING ME THE SPOILER ON HIS CAR, WELL AS I SAID IT TO YOU AND I WILL SAY IT AGAIN, WOULD YOU PAY FOR SOMETHING NEW AND PAY FOR SHIPPING ON TOP OF THAT AND ACCEPT A USED PIECE AND HAVE TO PICK IT UP? WOULD YOU GO TO A NEW CAR DEALERSHIP, PAY FOR A NEW CAR AND TAKE A USED ONE FOR THE SAME PRICE BECAUSE THE DEALERSHIP WAS TAKING TOO LONG? well i feel as if i was more than fair to him in waiting for weeks and weeks without leaving him a negative comment. and to SCORP, you should be the one to clarify that i have been patient with you and that i am not ripping you off. and by the way looking at your other post with DALI RACING, i guess karma is true as NSXSUPRA said it, you know how it feels to pay for something that the vendor has "IN STOCK" and have to wait for weeks and weeks and weeks. maybe DALI RACING can offer you the used one on his car and have you pick it up from them.................