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ScienceofSpeed Reinvents the Coolant Expansion Tank for the NSX - now w/ sight glass

Re: ScienceofSpeed Reinvents the Coolant Expansion Tank for the NSX - now w/ sight glass

Chris has been quick to respond to me via email...I agree it is the weekend.

Re: ScienceofSpeed Reinvents the Coolant Expansion Tank for the NSX - now w/ sight glass

Jeff, did you see this?
This is kind of what I was getting at.
Re: sos coolant serge tank
<HR style="COLOR: #d1d1e1" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->I use the push lock fittings pictured on the SoS tank, you have to push them in all way usually you will feel a small click when seated properly, then pull back slightly to lock it in place. Don't know if SoS has tried other fittings, but Parker make a fitting called Polytite which uses an acetal plastic compression sleeve and nut rated to 300psi. Only thing is they're brass. Hope this helps!
<!-- / message -->
Re: ScienceofSpeed Reinvents the Coolant Expansion Tank for the NSX - now w/ sight glass

I was charged $259.83 on the 17th just wondering if its been sent out yet? Thanks
Re: ScienceofSpeed Reinvents the Coolant Expansion Tank for the NSX - now w/ sight glass

I did try to re install today. The problem I had now is that the tube is really bowed so when I attempt to install the 2nd elbow into the tank, it is a far reach. I couldn't get the 2nd elbow installed. Obviously, it can reach cause it came that way from SOS. BUT, after removing it the tube it became very bowed...difficult to stretch. I spent 1/2 hour trying to install the tube without success. I may just use the plugs or request another tank. Now I am down 3/4 gallon of coolant along with a big mess on the garage floor.:mad:

Re: ScienceofSpeed Reinvents the Coolant Expansion Tank for the NSX - now w/ sight glass

I don't know much about the tank and fittings but from what I can see from the pictures it looks like a press-lock fitting similar to what I use for my high pressure lines on my paintball gun. They are good for hundreds of PSI so I think it should handle the coolant pressures if seated properly. I know if I don't get it to press-lock just right I'll get a constant slow leak and I'll have to reseat them several times.

If the tank is already leaking, and you don't mind experimenting (I take no responsibility for anything resulting from trying the below):

Press down on one of the lock jaws of the fitting holding the tubing in place. While holding the jaw down you should be able to pull out the tubing. Repeat with the other side and remove the tubing. Now with the tubing free check to see if the lock jaws are free to move up and down. Also check the ends of the tubing for excessive wear. Chances are, you'll have some teeth marks to where the jaws bit into the tubing.

If everything looks ok, pull one of the lock jaws up as high as it will go. Place one end of the tubing into the press-lock fitting with the jaws still held up. Then press down with the tubing extremely hard until you can press no more. Then pull back up on the tubing and the jaws in the press-lock to "snap" into place and hold the tubing tight. Test that fitting by putting some water in it and seeing if it holds.

Now here comes the tricky part. You'll need to do the same thing on the other side of the tubing. The problem is that you have no give in the tubing to press in and pull out because one end is already fixed in place. Do the best you can using the same technique. It will be a tough balance becuase as you tug on one end, it won't give on the other. Likewise, if you pull to lock the jaws on one side, it will release the other side.

I see this is a fundamental design flaw. On my paintball gun, I had a similar problem. To solve this problem I made the connections 90 degress from one another. So in the example of the coolant tank it would be as if the top connection was angled out and down (about 45 deg) while the bottom connection would be angled out and up (about 45 deg). This would put a bow in the tubing but it would still work the same based on Bernouli's principle. But the bow would give you enough "slop" to be able to push and pull each connection without affecting the other connection. Once once side is in place you can use the bow to bend as you push in the other side.

I don't know if any of this helped. But I thought I'd throw it out there since it sounded like an identical problem I had with my paintball gun.

Len3.8 I watched your video, holy crap!!!!

Well, I hope mine is fixed before it is shipped out, and I'm sure we'll hear from Chris before the end of the day.
Re: ScienceofSpeed Reinvents the Coolant Expansion Tank for the NSX - now w/ sight glass

hi guys --

I'm sorry for any inconvenience you have had with installation of the tanks. I'm unsure of why some of the tanks on the first batch were sent out with out the sight glasses properly seated in the fittings. The tanks are pressure checked and sight glasses seal is inspected before shipping. Some of these may have been knocked out during shipping.

Please contact us directly for a replacement sight glass assembly. We will be shipping these out with a softer tubing material that will make customer installation easier. In the meantime, please install the supplied 1/8" plugs that are supplied in the kits.

If you have any other questions, please contact us, and we will take care of you.

-- Chris
Re: ScienceofSpeed Reinvents the Coolant Expansion Tank for the NSX - now w/ sight glass

Chris made it a point to call me asap...great customer service. Will keep everyone posted on the results w/ the new sight glass.

Re: ScienceofSpeed Reinvents the Coolant Expansion Tank for the NSX - now w/ sight glass

hi folks -- We were able to replicate the problem today that some of our customers have experienced with our tanks. We have determined that the first batch of tanks were shipped out with sight tubes that were cut one millimeter too short. The problem was exasperated by the extreme amount of coil wind that was evident in this batch of tubing we received. The sight tubes may have then been knocked out during shipping.

This problem is isolated only to the first batch of tanks that have been shipped out.

We are sending by overnight replacement sight glasses to our customers who have contacted us. These sight tubes feature a softer material that is easy to install on the car. We are also offering full refunds to customers who wish to return their product instead.

I am very sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you. It is unfortunate that this oversight spoiled an introduction of a great new product that has extensive R & D behind it. Irregardless, we're set on making the situation right.

Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns on this.

take care,
-- Chris
Re: ScienceofSpeed Reinvents the Coolant Expansion Tank for the NSX - now w/ sight glass

Good news. Installed the new sight tube and it works well. I got the car up to operating temp. However, I did not drive the car at all so don't know how it works under more severe conditions...will follow up if any issues. Per SOS, the new tube is not as clear. IMO, it works and it looks fine. I think the older clear tube would have worked but was cut too short. Tank looks beautiful!! Thx SOS.

Re: ScienceofSpeed Reinvents the Coolant Expansion Tank for the NSX - now w/ sight glass

Good news...went on a spirited 5 mile drive....the tank had no issues w/ leaking. :smile:

Re: ScienceofSpeed Reinvents the Coolant Expansion Tank for the NSX - now w/ sight glass

any word on the second batch I STILL HAVENT GOT MINE?????!

Re: ScienceofSpeed Reinvents the Coolant Expansion Tank for the NSX - now w/ sight glass

hi Brandon --

Second batch ships out Monday or Tuesday.

Please let me know if you have any questions in the meantime.

-- Chris
Re: ScienceofSpeed Reinvents the Coolant Expansion Tank for the NSX - now w/ sight glass

I got mine, and installed it, and it's working without any problems whatsoever. I must admit when I saw that flexible tube that actually twists freely when it's not pressurized, I was very doubtful. But, so far so good. And it came with a spare tube and also what look like closed plugs for the fittings on the ends of the clear tube to seal it off in the future if needed. Hopefully I won't need it. But for now, it's great. Really looks good, huge improvement over the "milk jug" as my wife called it.

Pictures below. Got some reflections from the trees in the pics, but they're ok.


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Re: ScienceofSpeed Reinvents the Coolant Expansion Tank for the NSX - now w/ sight glass

I finally got to drive the car 170 miles round trip!! NO leaks/overheating issues at all. :smile:

Re: ScienceofSpeed Reinvents the Coolant Expansion Tank for the NSX - now w/ sight glass

anyone care to sell their good, (not leaking), used OEM ones?
sorry to butt in on the thread, but thought that this post would be most likely seen by people replacing and have more visibility than the parts wanted.:rolleyes:
Re: ScienceofSpeed Reinvents the Coolant Expansion Tank for the NSX - now w/ sight glass

I would sell mine. Matter of fact, I bought it new less than a year ago, when the original in my '92 cracked and leaked. So it's almost like new - just slightly yellowed in one section. New ones are about $100. PM me with an offer if you would like.
