ScienceofSpeed NSX get together at NSXModified (Huntington Beach, CA - this Sunday)

Is that the final product or just a beta? I've had a few factory turbo cars and the turbo has always radiated unbelievable amounts of heat. I'm surprised there is no heat shielding around the turbo. Also, I think it looks very functional, but it looks a little homemade and not very finished, however, I'm very interested in turbocharging my NSX. Has Larry mentioned a target price? Looking for any info you guys have.

1994 Red/Black NSX #418
It's already complete on a few cars including a 3.2L model. I think the price is around 5K installed, but unsure. You're just paying for parts and labor. No real markup since he's making the money off install, moreso than the parts themselves. In fact, it's pretty custom in that you can choose your parts. If you want a better turbo you can pay more and get a better one. Same goes for fuel management, intercooler, etc. He has a basic package, but has already put together more expensive packages as well. It's pretty much whatever you want to spend plus labor. What you see in the pics is mostly basic around the price above I think.
Best way to get more info is just to talk to him and ask.

He's a bit stubborn with the looks. He has the ability to hide it under the car, but does not want to sacrifice performance. He would rather have it above the motor because his design performs much better this way. He claims the design of the bell kit is one of it's biggest faults under the motor the way it is. You could probably convince him to do it the other way, but I'm not sure he is too gung-ho about it.

[This message has been edited by ilya (edited 10 May 2002).]

[This message has been edited by ilya (edited 10 May 2002).]