Say you won the lottery.......

I would buy 6 NSX's and a garage to keep them with 2 lifts. Every tool necessary and a huge load of every OEM part just to stash. The first NSX would be totally stock 1991 white with black top, in perfect condition, as low orig. mileage as can be found. Of course, I would have to offer way more than it is worth, just to tear it away from the orig. owner.

The second one would be a 2005 yellow/yellow as close to the last one as possible with almost no miles and in mint condition.

Thirdly, 1999 Zinardi black mint.

Fourth, an early coupe in need of many things that could be built up with every track performance mod practical and a track-type interior and paint job. Maybe seven or eight sets of wheels/tires to go with it.

Fifth, a right-hand drive Honda NSX-R built to spec. in near perfect condition.

And finally, a 1997 red Targa to use as a daily driver.

For winter snow, a new Range Rover Sport.

I would spend all the rest $$$$ at NSXPO 2010 Vegas at the craps tables and hosting hospitality suites and parties for all the NSXCA members and spouse/GF's in attendance! :biggrin::biggrin:
I The first NSX would be totally stock 1991 white with black top, in perfect condition, as low orig. mileage as can be found. Of course, I would have to offer way more than it is worth, just to tear it away from the orig. owner.

There was a 1991 Red/Black with 5,200 original miles for sale here last week. I went and checked it out for a potential buyer.

What a beautiful car that was.
There was a 1991 Red/Black with 5,200 original miles for sale here last week. I went and checked it out for a potential buyer.

What a beautiful car that was.
That sounds nice and would be feasible, however, the car I would be after would be one that is white and not for sale whatsoever. Keep in mind, this would be a lot of money (lottery winnings) and usually the best of the best are not for sale. Remember, ........ everything has it's price!
I could hire an agent to scour the country and make lucrative offers to get exactly the NSX I wanted. Otherwise, I could just go out and buy a new Ferrari without searching (no fun).
How about the part where we all party in Vegas on my winnings! Any good? :biggrin:
1.) Increase the jazz CD collection.
2.) Increase scotch inventory.
3.) Move to private island with the wife.
4.) Drink.
5.) Listen. cars......alcohol..... :wink:


I never play the lottery because I consider it to be an idiot-tax, due to the probability of winning. It's almost as improbable as being killed by terrorists, which is highly unlikely.

Yet our government wastes over a trillion dollars provoking the counties that produced the terrorists under the premise of eliminating terrorists while inadvertently it's making more. I can also attest to the high numbers of lottery players that play this impossible game, people just don't make any sense sometimes... Lol, than again I can totally justify buying a mid-engined sexy hunk of aluminum for $50k, when I can just as well go buy an old Sentra for $4k and still just from point A to point B just as fast, I guess I'm a hypocrite when it comes to cars.

If I won 31 million dollars..
0) Give half it to TAX so Podus can bail out more Banks and his police state.
1) Buy NSX
2) Buy moderately sized house and a couple acres of land in Guam or Saipan (55yr lease) with high speed internet access
3) Get the hell out of California
4) Buy solar panels for the roof, and water osmosis, try to get off the grid.
5) Check gun laws, then buy some assault rifles and lots of ammo
6) Install a secure metal shed, stock it with canned food etc, purchased cheap and in bulk. Plant a garden.
7) Buy surrounding properties if they're cheap, rent them out.
8) Print out all the pages on wikipedia about survival, or save them to my HD. Buy some books about it.
9) Don't buy gold, but get that money out of US dollars and into something else ASAP. Maybe start a solar panel company and buy some more real estate..
10) Buy a prius, or maybe by then a Nissan Leaf.
11) Sit back, wait for hyperinflation and the American version of 1980's collapse of the USSR.
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Buy a fat crib in San Diego with a 5 car garage powered by solar panels with updated electronic gadgets. Invest in vacation homes in Hawaii & Tahoe.

Pick up a Saleen s7, ferrari, lambo, 05 NSX t-top, boat, etc

invest in a few biz, global warming, charities, donate, support our troops

I'm sure there's more, but this will do for now...
I would take the lump sum,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and then payoff (bribe) high level nsa/nasa officials to let me talk to the aliens...I have a lot of questions.