Say a prayer for Vinny

I spoke with Mary and Vinny and they said the State Attorney has projected the trial to begin in June.

Also, Mary sent me this email:

I am not sure if we ever thanked everyone for all their help and support. It may seem a little late but the last 2 years have been a blur. Honestly, I could not even express the thoughtfulness and how much it meant to me and Vinny that the NSX members did this for us. If it hasn’t been done (I don’t remember) and if its not too late please let them know how sincere our thankfulness is. Mary
This process has been so painfully slow for Vinny and's been a travesty. Heather and I pray that justice will soon be served and Rob's loss will be accounted in the courts. Keep them in your prayers guys.
This story is tragic. I would react quite similar to the mother of the boy who lost his life. Some times the court system does not deliver justice as most would see fit. As the legal maxim goes, "better to have 10 guilty go free than one innocent be imprisoned." The burden of proof is set so high that one stupid mistake by the officer turned the whole thing upside down.
I am really saddened at this conclusion of the Hollar family's loss. I can only say that I hope none of us ever has to suffer this type of loss at the hands of irresponsible street racers.

My condolences to the Hollar family.
wow that verdict just adds more pain to the misery...I hope the Hollars can overcome the verdict and not let it rot inside them :frown:
i met the hollar parents when i attended rob's service on sr520. what a great family. after waiting this long for justice, only to be insulted by this ruling. i know it sounds trite, but my family and i will say a prayer for them tonight and only hope they can find some peace in the near future. rest in peace rob and god bless.

roger and family
I am so very disappointed for Mary, Vinny and the rest of us who knew and loved Rob. I pray the pain this injustice has brought upon the Hollar family will pass soon and that they will be able to find peace in their fond memories of Rob.
they could still bring a civil suit, wrongful death.......:confused:
I will say a prayer for the family. This plays like a bad TV episode of L&O. Not reality! How can a jury member not use a brain cell and say "Okay, so the officer didn't measure with two methods? As a juror, explain to me how the one measurement came up with a result of reckless speed when the driver "wasn't" speeding?" At the least, the jury should have been hung.

When there is smoke, there is fire. I'd have slept easy at night chosing guilty. I'm sure the fact the kid was cited for reckless speeding 3 months later was not allowed in the court, but a good judge would have told the jurors after a guilty verdict that the kid had a history of dangerous driving.

My heart goes out to the family and I wish them peace.
Based on the evidence I see, as a person trained in the legal profession, this is truly a sad miscarriage of justice. In my opinion, the prosecution dropped the ball. It should never have come down to measuring tire tracks. Truly disgusting. John is right- there is a civil suit option, where the burden of proof is much lower. They got OJ that way, so maybe they will get this scumbag too. My heart goes out to the family.
Unbelievable and I too am very sad for the Hollars. I will say a prayer for them. I tell you if there is a civil suite possible they should take it and get this kid before he does anymore damage. Too bad they didn't hand down a guilty verdict and lock him up as he deserves. Bet he's a spoiled rich kid and the parents are toads.

So sorry for their loss. Karma has a way of leveling these things out - have no fear! That kid will have his reckoning soon enough. Not soon enough for the Hollars perhaps.
Thank you to everyone for your kind words. We are still in shock over the verdict. For this kid not to even get a reckless driving verdict when he obviously was the cause of 2 people getting killed. He showed no remorse in the courtroom. If he knew he was innocent wouldn't you at the least say I am sorry to the families. He knows and his parents know he is guilty. His myspace is loaded with racing and he states he lives for racing. I was appalled when they took the jury out of the room so "they could talk". I kept asking the victims advocate "Why isn't the jury hearing all this?" Well "They are not allowed, too prejudicial". ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! We use to believe in the justice system --no more its a joke. Our hands are tied-we cannot sue civil either. I spoke with 4 lawyers and 1 told me "If you want justice-do not go to a courtroom". We need your prayers. I believe that is what is keeping us going. I do not know why God has all this sadness in our life plan but I wish He would start changing things for us. With heavy hearts, Mary and Vinny and family
thankyou for responding...Part of me says keep trying until you find a lawyer willing to try something and the other part says to move on and release all the loathing and hate for the system and the perp..reboot if you will your emotions....easy for me to say:frown: That said I'm sure you are not the only family with such a loss and verdict,maybe you could take your case public, reach out on fox or another news network to talk about the weakness in the system...
This verdict has absolutely floored me. I CAN NOT BELIEVE THIS HAS HAPPENED!!!

And for this kid not to be remorseful what so ever...:mad::mad::mad: His life path is already set for please do not worry about that.

Rob and this idiots' passenger have passed on and this fool survives and gets no jail time....Maybe one day I will understand...


I believe in Karma...

i also do... but this case proves that sometimes Karma needs a hand.

incredible... the car is flying arround, 2 people are killed and this guy gets... NOTHING !?!?!... i mean, nothing he would get for this would ever bring back to life those 2 victims, but everyone should have to pay for his bad actions.

i'm really completly in awe.

My most positive thoughts goes for Vinny and Mary.... hang in there.
