Samsung Galaxy Note 2 w/ AT&T LTE is BLAZING fast!

1 May 2010
Boston, Ma
I just picked up my Samsung Galaxy Note 2 last month upgrading from the original Samsung Galaxy from Sprint from 2 years ago. I ran a recent speed test using in Cambridge, Massachusetts and was astound to see the results. 75 mbps! All other tests were north of Boston where I live. I'm was used to getting 8-12 mbps on Sprints "4g" Wimax but this LTE is on another level. Its faster than my home internet connection which I average about 34mbps. Has anyone else achieved these results or is Cambridge a super network city?


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Wow! That is outstanding!!

I don't get anywhere close to that on the LTE here in Tampa Bay
Hmmm I'm getting .29 download and .66 upload on Sprint 3G. I'll let you know what my 4G speeds are the next time I'm in an area that has a 4G signal. :rolleyes:
Samsung Galaxy Note 2 w/ AT&T LTE is BLAZING fast!

Wow. Talk about fast. That's faster than my home Comcast cable.
And sprint 3G does suck. I hate it
Those numbers are crazy fast. I don't get anywhere close to with Cox cable. Every once and awhile I might crack in to the double digits (supposed to get up to 12 Mbps down).

I haven't done any recent tests on Sprint 3G, but my first test on their 4G LTE network produced 5.64 Mbps down, 6.51 Mbps up. That said, I wasn't expecting to get ANY 4G LTE coverage in my neighborhood at all. Sprint has only just begun to roll out LTE in Los Angeles...and, not only that, I don't receive ANY 3G or cell signal on the street upon which I tested it.

Stupid thing is that I just noticed that I am getting less than 1 Mbps up or down via wi-fi in my bedroom. Methinks my ancient 802.11b router/access point needs to be replaced.
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That's fast, wonder how?

I don't think it hurts to have M.I.T. and Harvard in Cambridge. Maybe because Boston/Cambridge is the college/university mecca of the United States.

Another thing to is the phone itself. The Samsung Note 2 has a quad core chip and supports up to "100 Mbps" on LTE and 21 Mbps when only HSPA is available. Highest WiFi I achieved was 41 Mbps.

Wow there seems to be no signal in UTAH? Even at 76 Mbps it pales to the mandate South Korea has. Their goal is 1 Gbps for its citizens.

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