Safe Parking Garage in New York City?

28 December 2001
Berwyn, PA
Does anyone know a safe parking garage in New York City where I can leave my car for a day (overnight)?

Thank you.
I've been to NYC many times and l'll never drive my NSX there. Getting in and out of traffic with the NSX makes you seem classless when you have to compete with the Yellows. Besides, I haven't seen a parking garage in NYC that is not valet. They always have a warning sign saying, "We are not responsible for exterior damages, blah blah blah..." and IMHO, that is not safe at all.

I assume you're posting this thread because you're thinking of where to park the car the night before the wedding. If I were you, I'll kindly ask the folks at the River run if any of them has a spare car you can borrow for a day while leaving your car there. Bring the car back the next, hop back in your NSX and on your way home!!
Tiger gettin' married? Congrats! Have some beers on me! :D

Thanks, NSXJOY and Bob for the information!!

I haven't checked the off topic section :) !!


Yes, I am getting married again, and we will be going on a honeymoon the next day to the NSX meet, lol!! J/k
It's a wedding of a friend of my wife as Nsxjoy mentioned.

I wouldn't mind being a polygamist, but then again, I will have to feed two wives = no money on mods ;)