Saddam - Guilty: Death by hanging!

2 August 2005
Antelope, CA
Just got word on the news that Saddam Hussein will be hung for being found guilty of crimes against humanity

Let's all drink to that!
I'm not 100% sure, but they were talking about how his trials would still continue after his execution.

Either way, justice will finally be served!
From the bottom of my heart, I hope he rots in hell where he belongs. That man killed, raped, and tortured so many people, he has a special place in hell.
I think I read on CNN that bush has killed more civilians in iraq in 3.5 years then Saddam did in 23 years.

I'm sure this was a fair and just trial though. lol
I love it! I hope they put it on TV and we get to watch it. Get the beer and popcorn ready:biggrin:
Klayton said:

Whats wrong, are you a big fan of his or something?:confused:
nsxlover said:
From the bottom of my heart, I hope he rots in hell where he belongs. That man killed, raped, and tortured so many people, he has a special place in hell.

Seems to me that Hell may be a comfortable place for Saddam. His place may be sitting on the throne.
They should have the hanging on Pay-Per-View to help pay for the War!
What gets to me is that the man is as defiant as ever as he hears his sentence!!

He killed, terrorized and decimated his people. The thing that kills me is that he destroyed their spirit and tought many of them hopelessness and he himself is defiant even when assured a painful death!! That is just so unjust :mad: ! What kind of faith in a man's superiority removes even his ability to feel remorse for genoicide at that level ? :-(. I doubt he is even capable of seeing things the way his victims would. I for one will drink a celebratory beer when he is gone.

heaven forbid he be strung up for gassing iranians[ under our approval...] or for the atrocities against the kurds[ with some usa blessing, since they were killing iranians at the time...]
no, he dies for atrocities at Abu Ghraib.... sound familiar???

some perspective from the uk...
try some news outside the bipartisan media conglomerates.:wink:

whatta freakn' mess. vote tues nov 7.
think outside your envelope...
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Glad to see him go.

I hope we never torture people, such as water boarding or sleep depravation because then we start to become as bad as countries that torture and lose sight of what we are really about. Could we ever become the bad guy and not realize it?
joove said:
What gets to me is that the man is as defiant as ever as he hears his sentence!!

I would be too. There is nothing that would change what is going to happen to Saddam, he knows this to. We all knew he was going to get the death penalty. Why give the courts any courtsey when you know they are going to do the same damn thing either way.
I agree that he should pay for his crimes, but i dont see any good out of this whole situation. If anything, he will be a martyr and more blood will be shed. Let the man rot in prison...
jond said:
I think I read on CNN that bush has killed more civilians in iraq in 3.5 years then Saddam did in 23 years.

"In Pakistan, an opposition religious coalition claimed American forces have caused more deaths in Iraq in the past 3½ years than Saddam did during his 23-year rule, and insisted Bush should stand trial for war crimes."

Have some KoolAid buddy :biggrin:

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