
19 January 2003
So, you may have seen the 91 NSX in the classifieds here on prime that's in PA. (red, $27,500 then bumped to $28 w/ 41K miles). I persuaded my wife that it was a deal to good to pass up, got my banker involved, got the insurance quote, negotiated all of the terms of the deal and....................

Tonight the seller calls me and backs out. I can understand not wanting to sell the car, which was the reason he gave, and I'm not out to rail on this guy (he's a nice guy), I'm just bummed as all get out. I put a helluva lot of emotional capital into this thing and its all for naught.

The whole process was quite miserable actually... We agreed to everything, we shook hands electronically, it was all done but for the formality of an inspection. Then he e-mails me that another prospective buyer offered more money. Relunctantly, I offered even more money. Yet, here we are...

Oh well, I tried my best, I met a new person and I got as close as I've been to getting a NSX.

I am not quite ready to get a sports car (financial agreements and milestones that I've agreed to with my wife that are not quite fulfilled-she was willing to allow me to get this one now though).

I'm thinking that I may get a C5 instead of the NSX. They are far more plentiful and though not as cool as the NSX, they have their good points...

Sad day...

Okay, for what its worth, if this is the worst thing that I have to go through in the foreseeable future, I'm in a pretty good place.

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Shopping can be half the fun! Buying an NSX takes patience. Also, check out C5's depreciation - especially when the C6 hits the street. Even announcing it has dealers discounting $10K - imagine if you just bought one!
Like the others said, don't give up on the X. I've learned in life that you should get what you REALLY want not to settle. Its not like a another really nice NSX is gonna show up. Keep at it.
Wait to get the NSX......

If it helps anything, I've experienced similar situations. Wait and get the NSX if that's what you really like. I know I am......
After over two years of searching for the right NSX I finally got mine this past January.

In that time I ran into some crooks, but mostly loving owners. Many of them had second thoughts about selling, and if you search around in here you will find that your not the only one who has had the prize snatched away right before the finish line. But in a lot of cases these same people ended up finding a better NSX in the end.

After two years of searching, I was just about ready to give up on getting an NSX, when mine kind of came out of no-where, and ended up in my garage. I had searched all over the country, and the perfect NSX for me showed up just 20 miles from my home. It figures.

Looking back on it though, I really had a lot of fun searching for my NSX. I looked at NSX’s all over Florida. All up the east coast from Georgia all the way to New Hampshire. Then I took a trip out west last fall to look as several in Texas, Nevada, and Arizona. And even though I came back empty handed each time, I still had a great time looking for the car, and enjoying the scenery and people I got to meet along the way.

Unless you are really into plain old "common" muscle cars, don't settle for some clunky Corvette. Pay off those bills you mentioned(those financial agreements and milestones). Take your time, take some trips, have some fun, and you'll find an NSX that you'll love.

"Its not just the kill, its the thrill of the chase" - Jethro Tull (I believe)
Backing out is understandable... I did it myself, luckily I didnt have anyone currently interested in my car.. UPPING the price while in the middle of a deal, thats just shady.. you're a better man than i am for agreeing to the higher price... Please don't get a vette. You may as well get a cavalier. I see just as many on the road. Stick with your dream.
Thanks for the kind words of encouragement everyone. The good news it that I can live up to the deal with my wife and keep marital harmony. Then when it's time (hopefully within the next 6-8 months), I can get the NSX with a clear conscious.

msgott said:
...I'm thinking that I may get a C5 instead of the NSX. They are far more plentiful and though not as cool as the NSX, they have their good points...

Sad day...

Okay, for what its worth, if this is the worst thing that I have to go through in the foreseeable future, I'm in a pretty good place.


Hey there!! Glad you are keeping a good attitude about it. I would shy away from buying a Corvette as a 'consolation prize' for not getting the NSX though. Unless you are just dying to get a C5 (which it does not sound like), you will never be as happy as if you saved and got what you really wanted. Just think, if you settle and blow all that money on a C5 you will be even FARTHER away from NSX ownership, and will be driving the C5 wondering 'what if'. See my point? Save and get the NSX. It is worth me. :)
Geez, dont get a Vette, fer chrissakes!

I tried to buy a boat a while back, signed a bill of sale, gave the guy a deposit check, etc, etc. The guy then dissapeared, thought I got scammed but the check had not cleared the bank. About a week later got a letter in the mail, contained no note or anything, just a million little pieces of check! I guess he decided not to sell! No other communication from the guy.

Then when I sold my boat, guy showed up in a new BMW, talked a good game, gave me a deposit, etc. Told the dude I would be out of town for next few days, he could come pick it up that weekend with balance of funds. So I am sitting at the airport and my wife calls, says the Marina security guy has a fella at the storage area with my boat hooked to his truck, saying he bought it, presents a bill of sale, etc. I knew the security guy from going up to the lake alot, and he thought the deal felt fishy. Guy unhooked and hightailed it. Lesson- pays to be nice to
the "little people"
One other idea, I have bought lots of cars/boats, and the one thing that always works is to bring cash and an assortment of money orders/bank checks. For example if the car is listed at 20K, bring maybe $5K in cash and a MO for $15K. This allows you to adjust to any price, close the deal on the spot and drive off before the guy can have a case of seller regret. I have done this many times.

Bottom line is that if any car is priced right and is quality, it will go to the first buyer who knows anything, so jump on it if you know it is a good deal. Do your research beforehand and you will then feel good about acting fast.

FYI, I bought my NSX on the internet, had it inspected locally by a third party, flew in and drove it home- no probs!

Good hunting!
Vegas Boy said:
...Then when I sold my boat, guy showed up in a new BMW, talked a good game, gave me a deposit, etc. Told the dude I would be out of town for next few days, he could come pick it up that weekend with balance of funds. So I am sitting at the airport and my wife calls, says the Marina security guy has a fella at the storage area with my boat hooked to his truck, saying he bought it, presents a bill of sale, etc. I knew the security guy from going up to the lake alot, and he thought the deal felt fishy. Guy unhooked and hightailed it. Lesson- pays to be nice to
the "little people"

Yeah....and never give a Bill of Sale to someone who has not paid you. got real lucky. That security guy just earned a big tip. :eek:
I forgot to say the "bill of sale" was forged, I only gave the guy a receipt for the deposit. Good call though, that is a common rip, take the bill and change it.
Vegas Boy said:
I forgot to say the "bill of sale" was forged, I only gave the guy a receipt for the deposit. Good call though, that is a common rip, take the bill and change it.

Very true. That is why I was wondering. Did you have the number for the guy that tried to steal your boat?? I would have the police visiting him.
If he's dishonest enough to back out of a deal he has agreed to, what are the chances that he's dishonest enough to have lied to you about the car's condition and history?

There are plenty of honest owners who have cars for sale. Keep looking and you'll find one of them with the right NSX for you.
dnicho05 said:
"Its not just the kill, its the thrill of the chase" - Jethro Tull (I believe) [/B]

It was Deep Purple
SCS2k said:
It was Deep Purple

TyraNSX PM'ed me with that correction as well. Hope I didn't offend any Deep Purple fans. The Late 70s and early 80s are all a blur to me. ;)
:) You know what they say....if you remember the good 'ol days then you really didn't have THAT good of a time.;)
I hope that doesn't happen to me when I am ready to buy one. :(
Fastrunner said:
If NSX is what you wanted, don't settle for anything else and don't give up, it took me 9 months of searching before i found mine.

Good luck.

I did search my NSX for 2 years ... :o

Still, ask yourself what you really want; and just go for it ...

Seriously, don't be too hurry to buy one, be careful to get one !
And then you will defnly enjoy this machine :D
Very true. That is why I was wondering. Did you have the number for the guy that tried to steal your boat?? I would have the police visiting him.

I did, but never heard anything back, assume they dont pay much attention to this kind of thing in Atlanta (where I was living at the time) what with all the pimpin', murderin' and crack dealin' going on.....;)