Sad Sunday... sold my Baby

20 November 2003
Petersham, MA.
After 15 years of ownership I parted with my custom '91 e30 M3 this past Sunday. Always tough to part with a car you've owned for a long time, personalized and brought to a high level, especially an iconic car... but, it wasn't getting used much, I'm not getting any younger, and I needed to thin the fleet :smile:

I'm good now, but the drive home with an empty trailer from the Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix (where I delivered the car) was a lonely one.

Perhaps another "project car" is on the horizon? :smile:

Here's a few pics of my "former" car.






That is a tidy looking M3, what made you sell that over the M5?
After 15 years of ownership I parted with my custom '91 e30 M3 this past Sunday. Always tough to part with a car you've owned for a long time, personalized and brought to a high level, especially an iconic car... but, it wasn't getting used much, I'm not getting any younger, and I needed to thin the fleet :smile:

I'm good now, but the drive home with an empty trailer from the Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix (where I delivered the car) was a lonely one.

Perhaps another "project car" is on the horizon? :smile:

Here's a few pics of my "former" car.







Wow that's tastefully customized M3..I love that old school look as well! Too bad you had to let it go.

What a stunning automobile with well executed modifications. I can't image letting go of such a fine car, but at least you have a few others to enjoy.:smile:

It was a pleasure meeting you at the PVGP.

Sincerely, (long lost son)
That is a tidy looking M3, what made you sell that over the M5?

The M5 only has 43K on it (the M3 had 93k) and is a pristine euro'ized example of an even more rare car than the e30 M3... but, without the great racing history, etc. While it isn't a 2 door coupe and doesn't have quite the value (yet) of the e30 M3s, it is more functional, more comfortable, and a joy to drive. I also have another e30 M3 (my wife's actually:smile:) that has less than 50K miles. So, since something had to go, the custom M3 was the logical choice for me.
Wick you're my hero with all these cool cars. For a second I though the NSX was gone and was horrified. This was a beautiful M3. Can you post pics of the M5?
Don't take this personally, but I think your nuts:biggrin:. That is a spectacular car. I love that model.:wink:
Wick you're my hero with all these cool cars. For a second I though the NSX was gone and was horrified. This was a beautiful M3. Can you post pics of the M5?

Sure... here's a few pics of the M5.




Don't take this personally, but I think your nuts:biggrin:. That is a spectacular car. I love that model.:wink:

Probably... but, despite this sale, fortunately I still have one. :smile:
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I regret selling my E30. One of the most fun cars to drive I've ever had...

I too will probably regret selling it one of these days, but, when you're made an offer you can't refuse... well, you too may take the $ and run:smile:

These cars are going up in value every year... good stock ones (the ideal model, as oppose to modded ones) with less than 100K miles are selling in the $30s, some under 50K miles and mint are as high as $40K. Despite mine being heavily modded, I was offered at the top of the current range, so I took it!

If we didn't still have the wife's e30 M3, I wouldn't have sold it.
I too will probably regret selling it one of these days, but, when you're made an offer you can't refuse... well, you too may take the $ and run:smile:

These cars are going up in value every year... good stock ones (the ideal model, as oppose to modded ones) with less than 100K miles are selling in the $30s, some under 50K miles and mint are as high as $40K. Despite mine being heavily modded, I was offered at the top of the current range, so I took it!

If we didn't still have the wife's e30 M3, I wouldn't have sold it.

That's because your mods didn't include "poking and hellaflushing" it on some nicely stretched tires yo.

All the mods are classy and they fit the car. I am liking that M5. So many people don't even know M's were made back then. Kids.... LOL

I want to see the M5 in person Wick!
BTW do you live in Sherwood Forest? All your pics are so green! :smile: