S2000 or 350Z?

I personally like S2000 more, but my wife prefers 350z. I think S2000 is a bit too pure for women...

btw, guess what S2000 guys are into :D

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:D Looks like Tiger found a good spot for NSXPO2005!!

By the way, I checked and there is a comparison of these two cars in this month's road and track, worth picking up if you have not already. The S2k wins in their overall ratings, including all of the performance categories. s2k they describe as more of a pure roadster, 350Z more suitable as a touring car.
The only thing I didn't like about the S2000 when I test drove one is you had to ring the sh** out of it to get it really going. You get tired of duing that after a while.

Still if it was my choice it would be the S2000.
nsxxtreme said:
The only thing I didn't like about the S2000 when I test drove one is you had to ring the sh** out of it to get it really going. You get tired of duing that after a while.

Still if it was my choice it would be the S2000.

S2000 owners consider that the fun part....mild and tamed below 6k rpm.....wild and loads of fun otherwise.......

i miss it every day after selling mine a year ago. there's a high chance i still may purchase one as a daily driver. personally, i will only go for 2002+ due to the rear glass window.....cleaning the plastic one was just too tedious..no defroster either. i just open the top when i can't see out the rear

Zipy said:
Is everyone really that impressed with the S2000? I just test drove a new one and although I didn't red line it (the salesman was with me) I did drive it quite briskly. My daily driver is a 98 GSR with IHE and I'm not sure that I couldn't have beat it, at least off the line. I guess I was just expecting more. And I know that I couldn't use it as my daily with the tiny amount of luggage space it has. I was expecting perf. more in line with my NSX even though I knew the low end torque wouldn't be there. My GSR is the perfect daily driver, lots of luggage space, good mpg, and just quick enough. Guess I'll have to buy a new RSX type S after all. :D

Respectfully, you missed the whole point of the car.

It's a roadster. If you want luggage space and a grocery getter, get a WRX wagon.

If you want a pure, drop top, race car for the streets that you do have to drive to get the most out of it, then look no further.
to clarify the point of the S2000....not my opinion but honda's executives.

i went to hong kong and collected whole bunch of S2000 videos (bestmotoring mostly)

it was in japanese with chinese subtitles.

here was honda's reply during the S2000 debut in japan.

"the main point of designing the Honda S2000 was to build something fun and target the sales to people that loves to drive. it's also a 50th birthday present to honda itself."

it was just a simple motivation that started the entire project and it proved to be a huge success.

the video had gone through the history starting with the honda S600 way back.....

it was designed to be a fun roadster.........period.
The purpose of the S2000 is simple, it is a four wheeled sport bike.
More a cross between an MG and a CBR than a convertible, baby NSX. It simply happens to be slightly more practical than it was ever intended to be. So please don't rag on its lack of torque or storage anymore. Thanks.
"boxster s, ok, but boxster=poor mans porsche..."

I would have to disagree. The Boxster is a far superior platform to the 911. There is a reason they dont make a coupe version.

As for the post - the S2K is an easy choice. The Z4 is a great car mechanically, but MAN is it ugly. The Nissan is too parts bin (I think every new Nissan has the EXACT same steering wheel) but a decent car in its own right?