Running of the Bulls

5 November 2003
Plano, TX
Are there any other DC area MD or VA guys attending this June 12? They don't list a MD area meeting point for a caravan up to the CT based Consumer Reports.

We should make some plans.
What do you mean expensive? Gas, the fee, or what?

Is there anyone from MD or VA going?
It will be even more expensive because I won't be one of the Taconic 8 again this year since I will be at Lime Rock that day. That means you will not have your lawyer with you should this happen again.

And in case it does happen and I am not there, remember my sage legal advice:

When they give you one phone call, use it to call for pizza because we will both be hungry by the time I can get there.
anyone heading down from the MA/NH area? i'll be attending just havent been able to find a convoy to meet up with coming from this direction.
where is the lambo webboard that talks about this event? the form i was mailed talks about joining up with a convoy or going directly to the test facility but gives no info on where anything is, including directions to the facility.
Exactly my point. On the mailer there was no mention of a convoy from MD or DC area. I'm trying to see who's going so we can arrange a convoy head up to the closest listed convoy so we can make it to the test facility.
i called consumer reports and got an address for the place. too bad it doesn't show up in mapquest. i was told the facility is at

3 hall aillbourne rd
colchester, ct 06415

(note: not east haddam, ct)


Photos curtosey of Rob Ferretti
I think it's off Rt. 16 heading west from Colchester. Only been there once when it was Colchester Drags many moons ago. I can check a map for you when I get home. anyone care to smuggle me in with them??;)
you want to ride in the trunk? :). thanks for the info. im now exchanging info with someone from the viper club and have another contact at the lambo club. i'll share whatever info i come up with. the viper guys are feeling just as confused as we are.
Hey Guys! there is a Hall & Kilbourne Rd in Colchester. I think I solved your typo. It's on mapquest. From my house it's about a 14-16 mi bike ride (i'm guessing). I'll check it out this wknd & let you know if that's the right place. Anyone looking for cheap pit crew labor that day?? Hint, hint.
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THANK you!! i was on mapquest zoomed in and panning all over looking for a similar street name. that one never came up.

heres the link (nevermind, the link isnt working very well, just search mapblast or mapquest yourself). mapquest likes hall killbourne (without the and) for the street name.[/url](t3dxow551r0isb55vgukpf55)/map.aspx?L=USA&C=41.52127%2c-72.36100&A=7.16667&P=|41.52127%2c-72.36100|1|3+Hall+and+Killbourne+Rd%2c+Colchester%2c+CT+06415|L1

3 hall and killbourne rd
colchester, ct 06415
I have to say this is one of the most unorganized events I have ever participated in. After several emails back and forth with the organizers, I am amazed that this was put together at all.

After talking about a couple of convoy departure points (without discussing where they will be other than the state) the invitation goes on to say, "For those who cannot meet at one of the departure points, go directly to the Auto Test Facility in East Haddam, CT..." but provides no address or directions.

Email responses:
"I don't have directions to share yet either. David Champion provided me with directions from each region, but I don't recall where I put them. Your best bet is to meet up at one of the convoy's, or wait till the date gets a little closer so that we can get the directions worked up."

Technically the facility is in East Haddam, CT, but when you look at a map, that is never listed. It's too small, but Colchester is. When more responses come in, I will have a better idea of who's coming from what area, and we'll be able to link up the MA people. If there are any other like minded souls like yourself who have exotics and would like to join us, please let them know, and send them to our newly constructed website for all the info."

Everyone is saying when the event gets closer, more info will become available... it's in TWO WEEKS!!! The website listed above just contains the text that was in the invitation, no further info.

Thankfully with the help of this newsgroup, I have an address and am sharing with the Viper club who is also frustrated with the lack of details. ARGGGHHH!!!!
Last year's run had its share of problems also. Many of use did not get anything more than one slice of pizza despite all paying the same amount to participate and by my calculations we estimated that the lambo club pocketed a few thousand dollars out of the event. It was an enjoyable drive but more than a few of us felt a little "shortchanged" by the experience. Also, the "tout" that we would get a chance to drive the Gallardo was very misleading.
This year they had us make the checks out directly to Consumer Reports so I don't think they are making a cent from this event. I'll pack some snacks just in case, thanks for the heads up.
Guys, after I bike on over this wknd to make sure it's the right place I can post directions from various out of state directions to get you in the ball park and detailed directions for the actual facility. For now, for those coming from NY, MD, NJ, PA, etc.
Take your favorite way to get on 84E (probably bypass NYC), 84E to exit 23 (I think) puts you on 691E, end of 691 becomes Rt. 66 E (beware of construction). 66E into Middletown(there is a left turn to Main St. Middletown you don't want to miss or you'll be on rt. 9. Go over big bridge, take rt to continue on 66E. In East Hampton look for Rtr. 16E (it's a rt fork). Take 16E towrd Cochester, follow local directions. This is the direct but not simple route.
The not direct but simple route is stay on 84E all the way into Hartford, pick up Rt.2 E into Colchester, take exit 18 onto Rt.16 heading west (toward E. Hampton & Middletown, look for signs to make sure you are going right way. If not you'll end up in Lebanon). Follow local directions

Robr- take Mass Pike to 84W to Hartford & as above or come down Rt. 195 (exit 68) or Rt.32 (not sure of # but in Willington) to Willimantic. From Willimantic pick up Rt. 289(aka Mountain Rd.) to Lebanon Green, right onto Rt. 16W all the way to downtown Colchester. Continue on Rt. 16W & follow local directions.

If coming on I95 pick up Rt.85 N in New London (it's called Broad St. at the start in New London). Runs right into downtown Colchester then left onto Rt. 16W

Now doesn't someone have a spare seat for that day? The Lambo club told me it was a closed event due to the facility.
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as long as that address is right, ill find it :) - have GPS, will travel. thanks for checking it out for us. no open seat here, my buddies were breaking down my door to go to this one (i'm dropping my wife off at her friends in CT and picking up her friends husband whom some of you have met at the poker rally in 2002).
More from Richard Solomon:

Hi Rob,

Thank you for your inquiry. What I plan to do is in the next few days, put up directions, and maps on our site, so keep your eyes open, and within a few days you should have all the information. By the way, there seems to be a pretty good size contingent coming from the Boston area. When I get more RSVPs, I'll try to hook people up.
Forgive my crappy photography, I'm a point and shoot sort of guy with my wife's Canon G1. I also didn't realize that I took the 128meg CF card half filled with baby pictures (which I couldn't delete per wife when I called her), so I ran out of room very early on.

I'm bummed I didn't get pics of the Modena 360's (one of which was hit in front right quarter by another driver on the way to the event ... ouch!!), the Gallardo's (I have to say, these really reminded me of the NSX, though the back end looks like a Celica GT), or ANY pics of me in Dack Patriarca's Diablo (Thanks for the ride Dack!!)

Pics are here in 800x600. Many are crap, I didn't weed anything out yet. If you want any of these at full resolution let me know (2048x1536).