Run Out East VIII, Saturday May 1, 2010

RPM217 and Rich,

Indeed, we expect about 20 cars to be at Autosport Designs and your points about the LEO are well taken. That said, while there will likely be an exception or two, generally speaking the ASD crowd skews much more to the 'older/wiser' side than the 'look-at-me-go/testosterone' side, so I don't think it'll be quite as supercharged as you suggest (hopefully these will NOT prove to be 'famous last words!').

Anyway, in order to get out east more or less on time WITHOUT having to rush so much, we are now moving things up a little and plan on leaving ASD at 10:30 (arrive at Pinder 11:30-11:45). So we'll be at the shop by 8:30 for any early birds.

We also have a route planned that'll bypass the heavy traffic in Riverhead which should save a little time on the ride out.

See you all tomorrow!

Randy, Sam & Lenny:
Thanks guys, we really had a fun time today visiting your beautiful facility this morning and loved the drive out to the vineyard on the North Fork. Many nice cars and great people at this event.

Thanks also for letting me drive that black Evora ......... she is a beauty!
Rich & Jeanne :smile:
Great time had by all at last Saturday's ROE VIII! Thanks to all those who participated and who came to Autosport Designs! And AFAIK, no tickets for any participants!:biggrin:

Here's some NSX love...








Randy, Sam & Lenny:
Thanks guys, we really had a fun time today visiting your beautiful facility this morning and loved the drive out to the vineyard on the North Fork. Many nice cars and great people at this event.

Thanks also for letting me drive that black Evora ......... she is a beauty!
Rich & Jeanne :smile:

Our pleasure, Rich. Glad you enjoyed the day and the Evora test drive.

As you can see, you seemed to enjoy it!....

Hope to see you soon,



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