Rumour Control - What's Happened to PHOEN$X

2 October 2001
As many of you may have noticed, the number of posts by <B>Phoe<FONT COLOR=red>N$X</FONT></B> have grown less and less... :(
As a friend of his, I'd like to attempt to put an end to any false rumours as why he has disappeared.

Ok. Who'd like to start speculating what's happen??? :D :D :D

i bet he took a f355 for a test drive and hasn't come back! :p
Once again Detective Gheba is onto something!!! :D except it a Ferrari F50. ;)

Now if we can just implicate David Hasslehoff in the Ferrari F50 theft, we can post David's picture again! :D ROFL....
gheba_nsx said:
Wasn't it the Enzo that we were talking a couple weeks ago? :p
Now that you mention it, I have been playing with my new rides. :D

There's nothing like a gossip thread to bring <B>Phoe<FONT COLOR=red>N$X</FONT></B> out from hiding.

And nothing brings <B>Phoe<FONT COLOR=red>N$X</FONT></B> to tears as much as this attached pix. :p
Apparently David recently acquired an Enzo & an F50... i wonder he got them???? :D


  • david hasslehoff.jpg
    david hasslehoff.jpg
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oh thats just wrong and evil Neo! kung pow style- its wrevil.

That little red spaceship off to the left isnt part of an eighties big blue robot by any chance?
ajnsx said:
oh thats just wrong and evil Neo! kung pow style- its wrevil.
WAY wrong!

ajnsx said:
That little red spaceship off to the left isnt part of an eighties big blue robot by any chance?
Yes, good eye! However, that's the only piece I have of him (my favorite piece). I suppose the rest of him is out there, somewhere...

man... those toys are really old. i had one of the "transformers" i think... anyone heard of them? i feel old.


<B>Phoe<FONT COLOR=red>N$X</FONT></B> was forced to steal the Enzo because he was blackmailed with David Hasselhoff's photo. :D Sorry <B>Phoe<FONT COLOR=red>N$X</FONT></B>... i didn't mean to post that photo... if the conspiracy theory is right, i guess you stole the enzo for nothing. :p
PHOEN$X said:
Yes, good eye! However, that's the only piece I have of him (my favorite piece). I suppose the rest of him is out there, somewhere...


Looks like Voltron, Defender of the Universe if I remember correctly...
Syonara said:
Looks like Voltron, Defender of the Universe if I remember correctly...

I have Voltron somewhere in my parents garage in a box. Good memories :)

PHOEN$X said:
Yes, good eye! However, that's the only piece I have of him (my favorite piece).

Yup, my favorite part too.
i thought it might be voltron! the first incarnation was the vehicles, the second incarnation was the lions.

The best transfomer was jet fire (looked like a macross jet) he was the most expensive of the first run in the eighties. I still have a few back home in storage. Soundwave (ghetto blaster) had the coolest voice ever, kinda sounded like a cylon from battlestar galactica. Starscream was another favourite i like the psychotic characters ;)

In Japan they have just started showing the new transfomers cartoon with updated original members and new characters, a movie is supposedly in the works too.

Geek rant over :D

edit; the smurfs have hired him as some kind of enforcer?:D
Mr wolf wont be happy, cutting into his clientele!
ajnsx said:
i thought it might be voltron! the first incarnation was the vehicles, the second incarnation was the lions.
Actually there were three Voltrons. Voltron I was the Vehicle Voltron, Voltron II was a little known (and not exported outside of Japan) Robot Voltron called Albegas, and Voltron III was the Lion Voltron.
ajnsx said:
The best transfomer was jet fire (looked like a macross jet) he was the most expensive of the first run in the eighties. I still have a few back home in storage.
They are probaly worth a lot of money then. I sold some of my Jetfires for over $100US/ea, and I didn't even have the box. I've seen mint-in-box Jetfires go for $200-$300US. Of course I used the proceeds to purchase the Robotech Masterpiece Collection but there are so many toys on my wishlist I would have to sell my NSX to buy them all!
thanks for the info phoen$x, i never knew of the second one!

I have a few transformers back in storage all boxed and to think i tried to sell them years ago and no-one wanted them!

Good point Mr wolf, although in the avatar it looks more like a contemplative look than a displeased one ;)
I saw PHOEN$X at NSXPO 2003 and he was nowhere near a computer. That could explain his recent inactivity.

Come to think of it, he might not be the only one... ;)
Wow! Macross fans here! Actually, it makes a certain kind of sense. Ahhh...there's no place like home.
nsxtasy said:
I saw PHOEN$X at NSXPO 2003 and he was nowhere near a computer. That could explain his recent inactivity.

Come to think of it, he might not be the only one... ;)

That's right... he wasn't near a computer.

MYNSX told me he was seen leaving NSXPO with three Samuari babes... Bill was spewing. :D But how <B>Phoe<FONT COLOR=red>N$X</FONT></B> drove them all home to their mother's place in his NSX is a mystery i wouldn't mind knowing.... ;)
NeoNSX said:
MYNSX told me he was seen leaving NSXPO with three Samuari babes... Bill was spewing. :D
Hehe. DollaBill tried to make off with one of my women, so I had Mr. Wolf take care of him. ;)
NeoNSX said:
But how <B>Phoe<FONT COLOR=red>N$X</FONT></B> drove them all home to their mother's place in his NSX is a mystery i wouldn't mind knowing.... ;)
Two of 'em followed me in the MYNSX (since DollaBill won't be needin' it no more :D).

ROFL.... that's the funniest conspiracy theory i've ever read... and the way you've flawlessly used my dribble to base your own story is funny as...

So what's the Single Samuari girl's name? Did u get her number? (i don't mean her line number! :D )