Rubix Cube solver powered by Android

27 November 2002
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What I noticed in the first android rubix cube is that the automated mechanism cannot rotate the center cross section. How does it solve with when it can only rotate the outer cubes?
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Really cool...but at the same time I second the question "why?". Clearly it took some good brain cells to create the app and the machine, but really, you couldn't use those same cells to create something to help society? How about a cure for cancer? Or is that too much to ask or too easy? This is not meant as a gripe or to take away from the persons obvious talent. Just wondering what goes through the persons mind to stand up and say "I am going to create an app that solves the rubiks cube!!". :confused:
Really cool...but at the same time I second the question "why?". Clearly it took some good brain cells to create the app and the machine, but really, you couldn't use those same cells to create something to help society? How about a cure for cancer? QUOTE]

You really think they dont already have the cure for all these things ?
It's not that hard, guys :biggrin:

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Because it proves that the Android platform beats the iPhone.

Lol.. what? Proves I'm not a dork and I like my iphone.

If you need your damn phone to solve rubik's cube puzzles, you're a damn dork.
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Really cool...but at the same time I second the question "why?". Clearly it took some good brain cells to create the app and the machine, but really, you couldn't use those same cells to create something to help society? How about a cure for cancer? QUOTE]

You really think they dont already have the cure for all these things ?

It's all a conspiracy by the drug companies I tell you!! :wink::tongue::biggrin:
Really cool...but at the same time I second the question "why?". Clearly it took some good brain cells to create the app and the machine, but really, you couldn't use those same cells to create something to help society? How about a cure for cancer? Or is that too much to ask or too easy? This is not meant as a gripe or to take away from the persons obvious talent. Just wondering what goes through the persons mind to stand up and say "I am going to create an app that solves the rubiks cube!!". :confused:


Are you kidding me? Is this supposed to be a joke, or are you serious?

I have the technical know-how to build that robot and write an app to use the camera to capture the pattern on all sides, pass it through a solver algorithm, and generate a set of commands to control the servos or lego controller or whatever. What the person did was impressive, but I know that I can put something similar together in probably a few days of work.

HOWEVER I don't have the first fricking clue how to cure cancer. Half the time, I'm confused as to what medication I should take to cure my runny nose. How are the two things even remotely similar? Why would this person have the requisite expertise in a completely different field, let alone to single-handedly solve a problem that tens of thousands of experts have spent decades and hundreds of millions of dollars on already?

This is just a robot. Why do people make robots? Most of them are useless, but you can continue to refine the designs and apply them to solve real life problems. You don't go from nothing to creating a robot that can spot weld and repair undersea wells that are spewing out of control. You start off with something small and work your way up until it does something useful. To me this isn't useless at all. It's one step towards making something even more impressive...
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+1 Very cool project. Hit home for me because we just got my son (he's 9)into the Lego Smart Start program for this coming September. Although he will not be doing anything this intense to start (or with my Droid :) ) seeing projects like this and the learnings that come from it are fantastic.

Legos, cameras and software have come so far it is truly amazing. :cool:
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Do people still buy rubics cubes?


I have hm 6 of them. It's Rubiks and not Rubix/Rubics.

Actually have one beside me here in bed. I did not solve it by myself. I learned it at a young age and I never forgot.

I was in a pretty bad accident three years ago where my head made a bump in the road. I have recovered alot, but I will never fully recover.

For some reason it made me feel better that I could still solve the cube. I was also very pleased I could still use my HP200LX palmtop.

My personal best was below 2minutes. Not that good compared to the super fast guys. But it makes me happy solving it from time to time.

I don't care what anyone says , Lego is the best educational toy for any young aspiring engineering mind. I still have my first Lego comp certificate and I'm more proud of it than any of my Degrees.
If you have busy minded kids , buy them Lego :biggrin:

Man I feel old :frown:


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