Roger's Revenge: The Transformation

28 March 2002
As most of you are aware, I have decided to exact my revenge on Roger for whining to some car show judges that my road rashed track rat is not worthy of recognition. I have decided not just to respray the front but to do the entire car so I will be able to see the reflection of Roger crying in every panel. So, Roger, it's time to chart the progress............

p.s. and, yes, those are the leaves from the Bear Mountain run still stuck in the front






And here is the jedi master himself overseeing the transformation while calculating how much of the tuition bills I have just covered for him.

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Bob you should take this oportunity to through on the front R braces and a front splitter and some brake ducts!:wink:
No whining here, I'll just have to get Tony to break your other leg, you can't drive a manual transmission with a leg in a cast. No problem!!!! All kidding aside, it'd be a pleasure to let you win this year, this constant battle as to how much $$$ you bribed the judge with the year you won, vs letting the better looking car win the next year has to stop. Will the car be ready by the show in September???:eek:
Stunning... can't wait to see the final result.
You will no longer qualify as "track rat", or unrestored DD, instead you'll have to enter events as "body off frame full resto" and go head to head with the "big boys". Car is looking mint, you'll have to buy a 2nd one to destroy!!:eek:
Next up:

Fenders, hood, trunk, wing, pillar garnishes, upper and lower bumper front and rear bumper covers, roof, rt and left windshield pillar mouldings, rt and lt roof side mouldings, both rocker mouldings and the side vents.

That's most likely will be two more booth loads and our target is to get them done tomorrow. WHEW!

Thank God for Dunkin Donuts coffee!
Joe and his crew will make sure to finish off Bob's paint proccess with thier patented excremento:tongue: Kinda like zaino,,but all natural:biggrin:
Looking good Bob, can't wait to see it in person!!! Now to Larry for the finishing touches!
You should mount one of my safes in the trunk. Then it would be perfect! Lol...

Looks great, man! Hope your leg is all better.

Car looks great. Do you have any updated shots?


Not yet. Joe is working on getting the 3M installed. He is so meticulous with his work that he didn't want me to have to drive it or even flatbed it to an installer and risk rock chips on the new paint so he is arranging to have an installer come in and do it at his shop. Now that is a vendor who cares!
Almost done.........

The painting is done and now it is at the shop for the clear bra. I needed to take the car for a "special appearance" at Lime Rock so I had to wait to do the clear bra. After that it just needs a coat of wax and it should be good to go.





Clear Bra:eek: you Girly Man!!:tongue:
My eyes!!!! :eek:

Absolutely beautiful.
Tony, if you notice in the above pictures, who's talking to Joe as Bob takes a picture of his car? Oh, you see it's me, do you really think that I'd take Bob up to pick up the car that is going to beat me at the next car show? No way that's going to happen, Joe does exceptional work, but remember who is now going to take care of the car, we're not talking about Mr. Clean, Bob's idea of detailing the car is to take it to WGI, go to the car wash near the KMart, and than drive it around the track real fast to dry it off, that just won't cut it. All that the clear bra will do, other than protect the nose, is to showcase how the car is supposed to look under the plastic. For now, the car looks sensational, let's see how it looks next week!!!!:biggrin: