Prepping to exact revenge on RPM217.....

Medical Update

Just got back from my orthopedist who told me I could lose the knee immobilizer in order to be able to flex and not atrophy too much over the next 3 weeks when I am not supposed to weight bear. He agreed with my reading of the films (see DocJohn, I don't limit my radiological nagging to you) that it is a questionable hairline fracture of the tibial plateau versus deep bone contusion. Not much fluid in the surrounding areas.

Now let's see if the crutches get me a better seat on the flight to the Daytona Rolex 24 this weekend.
Tony will do anything for a free meal, but that's just plain wrong!!!:eek:

RSO 34 said:
<table border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td class="alt2" style="border: 1px inset ;"> Originally Posted by RPM217
Tony will do anything for a free meal, but that's just plain wrong!!!:eek:
</td> </tr> </tbody></table>
I meant YOU would have her leg broken.......

I am glad Bob cleared the air as to who would have the leg broken. I just wanted to add that I only had one dinner and one dessert at the Holiday dinner Saturday night.

I will admit that I stopped at a supermarket on the way home to get a half gallon of Turkey Hill:smile:
I am glad Bob cleared the air as to who would have the leg broken. I just wanted to add that I only had one dinner and one dessert at the Holiday dinner Saturday night.

I will admit that I stopped at a supermarket on the way home to get a half gallon of Turkey Hill:smile:

I'm still upset that you all decided to SAVE me calories by allowing them to take the Carrot Cake off the table while I was talking to DocJohn :frown:
But Poohbear attempted to soothe my feelings by telling me it was not that great (nice try but everything was fantastic:cool: )

By the way Bob call ahead to make a special request to have your seat changed to bulkhead and they will sit you next to the "other" unruly children that usually get the bulkhead seats. It's the best seat in the plane if you need the extra leg room and room to move around.

Have fun at Sebring :smile:
By the way Bob call ahead to make a special request to have your seat changed to bulkhead and they will sit you next to the "other" unruly children that usually get the bulkhead seats. It's the best seat in the plane if you need the extra leg room and room to move around.

Have fun at Sebring :smile:

Thanks for the heads up. The embarrassing thing is that they put me the bulkhead but said that I have to use a wheelchair that they will provide for me. I said I just need the leg room and don't need to take up a chair for someone more needy but they insisted. I will miss resting my head on Poohbear's shoulder during the flights though......

p.s. we will be in Daytona this time for the Rolex 24 hours
Thanks for the heads up. The embarrassing thing is that they put me the bulkhead but said that I have to use a wheelchair that they will provide for me. I said I just need the leg room and don't need to take up a chair for someone more needy but they insisted. I will miss resting my head on Poohbear's shoulder during the flights though......

p.s. we will be in Daytona this time for the Rolex 24 hours
Bob, so sorry that because of Tony you won't be able to rest your head on Poohbear's shoulder, but I did check with the airline and here's a picture of your seatmate:

Have a great flight!
Bob, so sorry that because of Tony you won't be able to rest your head on Poohbear's shoulder, but I did check with the airline and here's a picture of your seatmate:

Have a great flight!

I step away for a while and return to see that you are still trying to put the blame on me after you clearly admitted guilt in an earlier post. Roger, I think you simply have too much free time on your hands.
Thanks for the heads up. The embarrassing thing is that they put me the bulkhead but said that I have to use a wheelchair that they will provide for me. I said I just need the leg room and don't need to take up a chair for someone more needy but they insisted. I will miss resting my head on Poohbear's shoulder during the flights though......

p.s. we will be in Daytona this time for the Rolex 24 hours

Here is the next step. Get a letter from the doc that you need a wheelchair at Daytona and you get moved to the front of every line :biggrin: Of course since TheDon and Poohbear are with you pushing you around they get preferential treatment as well. And by the way Wheelchairs make excellent camera mounting platforms :rolleyes:

Hope you recover quickly and have fun in DAYTONA :cool:
I step away for a while and return to see that you are still trying to put the blame on me after you clearly admitted guilt in an earlier post. Roger, I think you simply have too much free time on your hands.

Tony, I don't have much free time lately, with the way the markets have been acting, however, I just made some time to check previous posts and nowhere do I admit guilt, I do see that I accuse you repeatedly for your dastardly deed, and nowhere do you prove me wrong. :eek:
Tony, I don't have much free time lately, with the way the markets have been acting, however, I just made some time to check previous posts and nowhere do I admit guilt, I do see that I accuse you repeatedly for your dastardly deed, and nowhere do you prove me wrong. :eek:

Hmmm, in post #20 I see your admission of guilt.

RPM217 said:
I had my "boys" take him out of competition.
on the first turn, "my boys" put Bob into the barrier, the barrier lifted and came crashing down on his left leg (knee area), immediately causing him to lose feeling in his foot, followed by excrutiating pain and swelling.
I don't think that Bob will be threatening me any more, as a matter of fact, he probably will help me clean my car before the next auto show.
Bob, so sorry to have to deal with your threats in this manner, but you really left me no other choice.
Wouldn't hold up in a court of law, ask Sitko!!!

I believe the statement below from an excellent lawyer says it all - I would take his word over Sitko's anyday. I find it very surprising that you would even associate yourself with Sitko!!!!:eek: Perhaps you really are overworked and simply not thinking clearly.

Now that I have Roger's confession memorialized before he can edit his post, I am sure my leg will heal much faster knowing that I will soon have all of his money. First, I will get my fee on 1/2 of his assets when I represent his future ex-wife and then I will file suit against him for intentionally causing my injury. Notice that I throw in the word "intentionally". That is because if I said "negligently" his homeowner's insurance would cover the lawsuit and I want his money, not the carrier's.

Thank you, Roger, for bringing me to and waiting for me in the hospital. But an extra thank you to you for being my first witness in the trial as to my pain and suffering.

Cha ching...............
I believe the statement below from an excellent lawyer says it all - I would take his word over Sitko's anyday. I find it very surprising that you would even associate yourself with Sitko!!!!:eek: Perhaps you really are overworked and simply not thinking clearly.
I haven't logged on to NSX Prime since last Saturday, don't know who's stolen my identity and made all of these fraudulent posts on my account, the only one other than Bob and Climbero with enough tech know how to do this, is none other guessed it, Tony D.. Bags, I don't know how you do it, living with someone of his non existant moral character, but maybe the next time you sit with Bob, you can have him file a TRO against Tony, and we can finally set you free. This indentured servitude that he has you, cooking, cleaning, waiting on him hand and foot (he bragged about this at the dinner), slaving so that he can buy new camera equiptment, and at the same time, unwilling to spend the $$ on you to attend the dinner is just unacceptable. I hope that the Prime Mods can track down whomever (Tony D) gained access to my account and ban him from posting in the future. :eek:
I haven't logged on to NSX Prime since last Saturday, don't know who's stolen my identity and made all of these fraudulent posts on my account, the only one other than Bob and Climbero with enough tech know how to do this, is none other guessed it, Tony D.. Bags, I don't know how you do it, living with someone of his non existant moral character, but maybe the next time you sit with Bob, you can have him file a TRO against Tony, and we can finally set you free. This indentured servitude that he has you, cooking, cleaning, waiting on him hand and foot (he bragged about this at the dinner), slaving so that he can buy new camera equiptment, and at the same time, unwilling to spend the $$ on you to attend the dinner is just unacceptable. I hope that the Prime Mods can track down whomever (Tony D) gained access to my account and ban him from posting in the future. :eek:

This is very interesting - Bob had warned me prior to the Holiday dinner that you would be attempting this type of deception and twisting of facts. Due to his timely warning I had brought a tape recorder with me to the party. If you remember I had my coat on while you were describing how you injured Bob. I never checked my coat, which had the recording device in the pocket. After reviewing your taped confession, I sent the tape to Bob for safe keeping and to use as evidence against you in a future court appearance where you will ultimately lose most of your net worth plus some...
This is very interesting - Bob had warned me prior to the Holiday dinner that you would be attempting this type of deception and twisting of facts. Due to his timely warning I had brought a tape recorder with me to the party. If you remember I had my coat on while you were describing how you injured Bob. I never checked my coat, which had the recording device in the pocket. After reviewing your taped confession, I sent the tape to Bob for safe keeping and to use as evidence against you in a future court appearance where you will ultimately lose most of your net worth plus some...
Once again you lie Tony, this act of unauthorized taping (which is inadmissable in court anyway) is exactly what I anticpated from such a predictable person as yourself. I had a very powerfull magnet in my pocket, as well as a digital scrambler, just in case you tried something like that. I have seen how you photshop things and figured you for cutting, splicing and dubbing whatever I said. That being the case, there's no way that you were able to record anything other than static and gibberish as a result of my counter measures. Have a good day my friend, you're going to need it when Bags gets hold of the next credit card bill and sees that you've been getting new equiptment that she has yet to work off the old purchases.:eek:
Once again you lie Tony, this act of unauthorized taping (which is inadmissable in court anyway)

Au contraire, Leg Breaker. As long as one person to the conversation consents to the recording it is legal and admissible. I am presuming that Tony consented so that is all that is necessary.

I will be spending your money this weekend in Daytona. I might buy a ride in the 24 Hours so kiss about 50k goodbye.
Well I guess I now owe a thank you to Roger for helping me get noticed. Just got back from Daytona and found this "get well" greeting waiting for me.....

Don't mention it!!

No, really, don't mention it!!!:biggrin: