River Run - RSVP by June 18

21 March 2000
Allentown, NJ
Hi Folks,

Details of the River Run were sent via email to all our faithfull Northeast region NSXCA members. If you didn't get the email that means either 1) shame on you because you didn't join the NSXCA or 2) shame on me because we have the wrong email address in the club's database. I'll be happy to help you fix either issue.

For those that suffer from #1 (not being a member), the boss has approved a special one-time only River Run trial NSXCA membership. Only $20 for a half year membership to the NSXCA (membership expires 12/31). You'll get our famous NSX Driver magazine plus get to join the fun at local events (like the River Run) and national events (like NSXPO 2010 in sunny Las Vegas). To join via this special deal you must contact me directly via PM. We hope that this will entice you to become a full time member of the Northeast chapter of one of the best clubs in America.

Here is the list of paid attendees to date:
1. PeterMills
2. The Hawk
3. RSO34
4. Howard Greenberg
5. Passline
6. The Big E
7. DSwartz
8. TonyD
9. Pooh
10. TheDon67
11. Gary Sender
me worky:frown:
1. PeterMills
2. The Hawk
3. RSO34
4. Howard Greenberg
5. Passline
6. The Big E
7. DSwartz
8. TonyD
9. Pooh
10. TheDon67
11. Gary Sender
12. LarryB
I changed e-mail addresses, I have not received any email because of it. I should change it in my profile. I will be there, hopefully with a "big surprise", I promise I'll pay you!!!! E-mail me at either my home [email protected]
or my office at [email protected]
I still haven't received an email!!!:frown:
Confirmed: :smile:
1. PeterMills
2. The Hawk
3. RSO34
4. Howard Greenberg
5. Passline
6. The Big E
7. DSwartz
8. TonyD
9. Pooh
10. TheDon67
11. Gary Sender
12. Chuck and Fernande
13. Blenz91
14. AnyNSX
15. Simon
16. Wick
17. RDJ1022

Check is in zee mail
1. LarryB
2. Jukngene
3. RPM17
4. Honcho
5. Sparkman
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New guy here! I'd like to join the River Run and meet some fellow NSX owners. I just dropped my check in the mail, so you can include me on the list. :smile:
The list is growing nicely

1. PeterMills
2. The Hawk
3. RSO34
4. Howard Greenberg
5. Passline
6. The Big E
7. DSwartz
8. TonyD
9. Pooh
10. TheDon67
11. Gary Sender
12. Chuck and Fernande
13. Blenz91
14. AnyNSX
15. Simon
16. Wick
17. RDJ1022
18. jh_NSX
19. RPM217
20. Jukngene

Check is in zee mail
21. LarryB
22. Honcho
23. Sparkman
24. ClimberAO
25. Dynamic-uzed-auto
26. FTuhy
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Vaclav and Janecek are hiking through the woods, when they stumble upon a bear family feeding on berries. The startled bears charge at them, and Janecek being the fastest runner escapes. He returns with a forest ranger, who points his rifle at the bears and shouts – which one devoured your friend? To which Janecek responds:

The Czech is in the male! :biggrin:

I told you those pain killers after my shoulder surgery had no effect on me. :tongue: I've been cleared to drive, so Jan and I will see you there.
The list is growing nicely

1. PeterMills
2. The Hawk
3. RSO34
4. Howard Greenberg
5. Passline
6. The Big E
7. DSwartz
8. TonyD
9. Pooh
10. TheDon67
11. Gary Sender
12. Chuck and Fernande
13. Blenz91
14. AnyNSX
15. Simon
16. Wick
17. RDJ1022
18. jh_NSX

Check is in zee mail
19. LarryB
20. Jukngene
21. RPM17
22. Honcho
23. Sparkman
24. ClimberAO
25. Dynamic-uzed-auto

Who's this RPM17 character!!??:eek:
All these chex in da mail? What's up wid dat? You somehow seem to me like a PayPal kinda guy! :biggrin::biggrin: