rhymes with "hunt"

UPDATE 4:40 PM EASTERN: "Vagina Monologues" playwright Eve Ensler spoke to "Access Hollywood" and expressed her disappointment that NBC censored Fonda saying "cunt" during the west coast broadcast of this morning's show.

"Let me just say something about that word," she said. "The whole point of the play is to reclaim that word, and to make that word beautiful, and to make that word powerful, and not denigrating, and not ugly."

Interesting take * ;)

*and for 70 years old, WoW is all I can say*
UPDATE 4:40 PM EASTERN: "Vagina Monologues" playwright Eve Ensler spoke to "Access Hollywood" and expressed her disappointment that NBC censored Fonda saying "cunt" during the west coast broadcast of this morning's show.

"Let me just say something about that word," she said. "The whole point of the play is to reclaim that word, and to make that word beautiful, and to make that word powerful, and not denigrating, and not ugly."

Interesting take * ;)

*and for 70 years old, WoW is all I can say*

interesting take is right.

i like the playwright's hair on fire attitude, but think it's mis-applied in this case... though certainly not out of line (by much) with what's on public tv these days.


although she may well hear worse on her school playground, i wouldn't want my 11 year old granddaughter watching the today show and catching that bit of fonda-esque speech.
interesting take is right.

i like the playwright's hair on fire attitude, but think it's mis-applied in this case... though certainly not out of line (by much) with what's on public tv these days.


although she may well hear worse on her school playground, i wouldn't want my 11 year old granddaughter watching the today show and catching that bit of fonda-esque speech.

Do Agree * (include grandsons, as well) :wink:
Just because Ms. Ensler doesn't find the word obscene or vulgar doesn't mean the public and more importantly the FCC doesn't.

"Let me just say something about that word," she said. "The whole point of the play is to reclaim that word, and to make that word beautiful, and to make that word powerful, and not denigrating, and not ugly."

See above. *Point being advocating the word, which would be devoid of negative connotation .. :eek: :wink:

Has the c word ever been anything less than a vulgar word?

I agree in an era of political corectness many words have been hidden from vocabulary.

I'm pro woman, pro vagina even:eek: , but I don't think it is a word that can be reclaimed and made acceptable.


Has the c word ever been anything less than a vulgar word?
miamimermaid said:
EXACTLY! the playwriter's intention on awareness & change*

miner said:
I'm pro woman, pro vagina even:eek:
miamimermaid said:
LOL Love that hehe ;)
, but I don't think it is a word that can be reclaimed and made acceptable.

Well, Who's to say it Can or Cannot be?
Basically, words have born new definitions, over time, according to the era.
*Personally, I'm tired of female parts being referred to with a negative connotation. So, what will be, will be. (And I'm hoping something positive).. ;)
I think we can, over time, take just about any word and give it a negative connotation.:frown: That doesn't make it right, but it is what it is.Miner

.. One thing I love about the Future: You never know how it may change .... (history has taught us that) .... :wink:

Well, Who's to say it Can or Cannot be?
Basically, words have born new definitions, over time, according to the era.
*Personally, I'm tired of female parts being referred to with a negative connotation. So, what will be, will be. (And I'm hoping something positive).. ;)
personally, i always think of female parts in a positive, err, light ;)
ksxnsx said:
lol.... :tongue: (just had a flashback to the SuperBowl)

personally, i always think of female parts in a positive, err, light ;)
;) Mermi luvs and gives much respect to you (as always), Hal. :wink:

You've got a lucky granddaughter.... :smile:
Well being a guy, and hanging with guys... you drop words that you just don't drop in normal everyday speech. And even then the ol' "C" word as we like to call it is generally reserved for a very special breed. So even in groups of men, drinking and cussing like sailors it usually isn't used. So..... regardless of an "empowering" play.... I seriously doubt you're going to take that word and make it.. uh.. what was it? Beautiful and empowering? :rolleyes:
Well being a guy, and hanging with guys... you drop words that you just don't drop in normal everyday speech. And even then the ol' "C" word as we like to call it is generally reserved for a very special breed. So even in groups of men, drinking and cussing like sailors it usually isn't used. So..... regardless of an "empowering" play.... I seriously doubt you're going to take that word and make it.. uh.. what was it? Beautiful and empowering? :rolleyes:

Lol... who knows .. ? :tongue:

but, one thing for sure, the Original (anatomical--not 'slang) definition of the aforementioned word : is nothing to be ashamed of.... :biggrin:
Well being a guy, and hanging with guys... you drop words that you just don't drop in normal everyday speech. And even then the ol' "C" word as we like to call it is generally reserved for a very special breed. So even in groups of men, drinking and cussing like sailors it usually isn't used. So..... regardless of an "empowering" play.... I seriously doubt you're going to take that word and make it.. uh.. what was it? Beautiful and empowering? :rolleyes:

pretty much true for me. I hardly ever use the "C" word.