Revenge of the Sith Teaser

27 March 2000
Palos Verdes, CA
So, what did you guys think? It gives me hope...but, then again, all of the teasers gave me hope...


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I still feel that Episdoes 4-6 are the best.

I totally agree...and I'll add "pre-Special Edition".

As for when Ep 3 will be released, see attached:


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I dont care for the Star Wars series... but i respect you guys do. So is this the episode where Randy finally turns into the Fury?!?!? :D

Episode I was ...... why did they put that stupid annoying character in it.. "jarjar" or something ???

Episode II was more of the same, but one thing i thought was executed very well was the love story. That's something Hollywood screws up continually. At first i started rolling my eyes, but Ep.II gave the characters a depth and an almost realistic bitter/sweet relationship. Anyway, i thought was superb though many people will disagree with me. Their falling in love was sweet but with a sense of doom (hey, sounds like a first marriage, eh? :p :D )

BTW, which you guys were feature in the video clip here: ???? :D :D :D
NeoNSX said:
but one thing i thought was executed very well was the love story

What?!?!? Seriously?!?!?! That was the part that ruined Ep II for me! I actually felt uncomfortable whenever Anakin and Padme were alone together....there was something very awkward in the acting and the direction in those scenes. Those scenes were as bad as the Jar Jar scenes from Ep I.

BTW, watching the classic Trilogy on DVD reminded me of all the reasons I loved this series...while pointing out how skewed Lucas' judgment has become.
Are they not going to use james earl jones for the voice of vader? That would be silly. It sure doesn't sound like him.
<B>akira3d</B> : Yeah, i was being serious. Maybe i need to re-watch it again but i thought that was the strongest point of the film (and this shocked myself because hollywood love stories are usually crap and shallow). The sets for those love scenes were slightly overthetop cliche though stunningly beautiful. when they get married (ok, this bit sucked a bit) i felt a sense of "awwwww whatever" but also that the marriage was doomed. that was cool; usually film marriages convey a sense of just "happily ever after". :rolleyes:
NetViper said:
It sure doesn't sound like him.

It IS him...and I thought it sounded like him. Of course, I think he sounds different in Episode 4 than in 5 and 6.
NetViper said:
Are they not going to use james earl jones for the voice of vader? That would be silly. It sure doesn't sound like him.
On the contrary, I think it did sound like him. Less like the EP4 version, but more like his voice in the Jack Ryan series.

akira3d said:
It IS him...and I thought it sounded like him. Of course, I think he sounds different in Episode 4 than in 5 and 6.
Yup, just like that. I thought I was the only one who thought Vader sounded different between EP4 and EP5.
Some things that looked cool/interesting:
1) The Emperor going medieval with a lightsaber. Bitchin'!!
2) Capital ships dukin' it out. Sa-weet!
3) Fire! Exploding lava!!

Kinda funny:
1) Amidala with Leia style hair buns.

I'm still not convinced I want to see the Wookie homeplanet. I think I'm still having flashbacks to the Star Wars Thanksgiving Special.

akira3d said:
BTW, watching the classic Trilogy on DVD reminded me of all the reasons I loved this series...while pointing out how skewed Lucas' judgment has become.

Akira, I would like to point out that Lucas had no direct control over the first 2 films. He was told what to eliminate (the retarded scenes he eventually tried to add back in years later!) and what to include by people who actually had $$$$. Now that he has his own $$$$ and control over his films, you can see the result. George Lucas doesn't have a clue of what audiences like to see. He needs to give control back over to studio execs who would in turn hand the reins to someone who doesn't suck.