Rest in peace yodie

Sorry, I to feel your pain I lost my 13year old Rottweiler on the same day. It's a terrible thing to deal with. Sorry for your loss:frown:
So very sorry for your loss.

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them, and every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough all of the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."
- Anonymous
Sometimes bad things just happen to good people. I feel for you.
Really sorry Shawn.
get another ASAP, two for good measure!!!

Hang in there Shawn, be strong & all will be well. Remember the memories w/ Yodie, and make some more w/ your new best-friend-to-be! You're a great doggy papa, so go out there & make another pooh's dream come true... :cool:
thanks guys

I got a call last night from the Vet that was doing the autopsy and we know what happened to my poor Yodie.

he said everything about the dog was Mint heart was strong no worms, no defects, the valves looked perfect, the liver mint, lungs perfect but had foam but he didnt know if the foam was caused after death or when the lungs deflated, colon fine etc. this dog should have lived 20+ years instead of 3, would have been 3 in a few days its was both pups birthday.

the found orange berries through out her stomach, and intestine

so Yodie eat some poison berries for at least 24 hours and that poison was enough to shock his heart. the name of this F_king_ orange little berry is
( Solanum Diphyllum ) Nightshade family of poison plants invasive to Florida.
link to this plant

now you ask why did this berry bush form in your backyard well I thought
it looked pretty and instead of mowing it down I let it grow.
So my lack of knowledge of Poison plants killed my own dog.

I asked the Vet well what about my other dog? the Vet said one dog might like the taste of a plant and the other may not. Boomer is fine, that plant is long dead now trust me. and my backyard after I am done Killing everything today will be brown free of anything that is green. extreme yes but will fill the void.

so people if you see cool funny little plants growing in your yard Kill them or find out what they are before your dog thinks they are candy.

as for getting another puppy, I am thinking about it but I dont think I am ready yet.

I also asked the Vet if the canine CPR works if I could have done it better, he told me 99.9% of the time it does not work on dogs.

thanks guy for all the support
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Hey Shawn. Sorry to hear about the loss of your pup. You should not blame yourself about the berries. Things happen and you could not have known. One of the hardest things I've had to do in my life was carry my Rottie into the vet to have her put down. She was 13 however. Still broke my heart.
thanks guys

I got a call last night from the Vet that was doing the autopsy and we know what happened to my poor Yodie.

he said everything about the dog was Mint heart was strong no worms, no defects, the valves looked perfect, the liver mint, lungs perfect but had foam but he didnt know if the foam was caused after death or when the lungs deflated, colon fine etc. this dog should have lived 20+ years instead of 3, would have been 3 in a few days its was both pups birthday.

the found orange berries through out her stomach, and intestine

so Yodie eat some poison berries for at least 24 hours and that poison was enough to shock his heart. the name of this F_king_ orange little berry is
( Solanum Diphyllum ) Nightshade family of poison plants invasive to Florida.
link to this plant

now you ask why did this berry bush form in your backyard well I thought
it looked pretty and instead of mowing it down I let it grow.
So my lack of knowledge of Poison plants killed my own dog.

I asked the Vet well what about my other dog? the Vet said one dog might like the taste of a plant and the other may not. Boomer is fine, that plant is long dead now trust me. and my backyard after I am done Killing everything today will be brown free of anything that is green. extreme yes but will fill the void.

so people if you see cool funny little plants growing in your yard Kill them or find out what they are before your dog thinks they are candy.

as for getting another puppy, I am thinking about it but I dont think I am ready yet.

I also asked the Vet if the canine CPR works if I could have done it better, he told me 99.9% of the time it does not work on dogs.

thanks guy for all the support

I’m very sorry to hear about your loss. I know it’s hollow, but try not to feel bad about the circumstances. There are dangers all around our pets, and we cannot be expected to intercept every single one.
Damn, that is crazy Shawn. What a tragic way to learn about something. :frown: Yodie's sacrifice was not in vain however, you've protected your other pets and children from this menace. Hope you can find some solace in that.

my condolences on the loss of your beloved companion, yodie.

as difficult as it must have been for you to do, i thank you **very** much for posting the results of the autopsy and the wikipedia link to nightshade. our family have always been animal companion folks, so i have taken the salient points, including the link, and posted them to my FB page for all of my animal companion-oriented friends to see. hopefully, they will share the message with their friends, too.

again, my condolences on losing yodie, shawn.

I just saw this. Sorry for your loss Shawn. When I get home today I'll hug my dogs an extra long time.

R.I.P Yodie
Dam..... I had a bad feeling it was something he ate. I'd tell all my neighbors with dogs. Wouldn't want to lose another.

Sorry Shawn.... I know you probably wanted to torch that plant.:mad: