Rest in peace yodie


15 July 2009
Guys woke up this morning let my 2 dogs outside to pee, all is good.
OK guys inside, they both come in happy and excited to get their breakfast and to see my mother that is here to pic up my kids so I can go to work. I walk outside to put the baby car seat in my moms car
I walk back inside and my mom says something is wrong with Yodie, I check his laying there and Yodie is not breathing I push his chest in for compressions I close his snout and blow as hard as I can thru his nose.
he is pissing all over the floor, I grab him in my arms and run to my NSX
and Pinned the needle redline, Yodie is made 3 gasps and dies,I ran a FULL redlight (safely) while 10 cops watched me do this I run into the Emergency Vet clinic thats right there. they did everything they could do
no blunt trauma, no poison, no seizures, perfectly healthy 2 year old dog
dies. I am broken today on my birthday. could ahve been an unseen heart defect but we will not know till they do a full autopsy.
Why did my dog die? now her sister is lonely. I am missing a peice of my soul. I am a good person I treat people the best I can. I am a great father and husband. I know not what to do. I remembered that rainbow bridge poem someone posted here on prime and I cried while whispering it into Yodies ear. I will see you again little guy.
only had her 2.5 years got her when she was a puppy with her sister.
to young to die like this. I loved Yodie with all my heart
So, so sorry man.
I lost both dogs and the cat last year. Still having a hard time with it but haven't been able to move on to a new friend yet.
Take care. Time will heal.
Sorry to hear Shawn. I am just wondering... We you being chased by 10 cops to the vet clinic OJ style?

Probably was a heart issue but sometimes dogs eat some crazy shit. I've had a dog die in my car too going to the vet clinic. It sucks.

So go save another dogs life man. There are a lot of really good dogs on death row at shelters. They don't deserve to die either. Find a good one to keep Yodie's sister company.
So sorry for your Loss Shawn. Always terrible losing pets. I know for many of us... they are as close as family members :/
I'm so sorry to read this Shawn, and on your birthday too. :(

Life just isn't fair sometimes, but you have a beautiful family and you're enjoying doing what you love, and these tragic events sometimes help to remind us to appreciate what we do have.
Sorry to hear about your loss. It sucks losing a pet and their unconditional love. After you have a little time to heal, do like Turbo said and go rescue a dog from a shelter.
so sorry to hear of your loss...

Last week I was minutes away from having to take my 12 year old pit/lab Macy to be put down...I haven't cried like that since I was a kid...As I bent down to give her a last hug and get her in the truck, I noticed the lump on her throat was gone and I instantly stood up and said "we aint going anywhere!!!"...Long story short Dr miss diagnosed an $1800 tooth infection for what seems to be some sort of spider bite(which I suspected the whole time) Macy is doing fine today all the facial swelling is gone!!!! It was a true miracle:biggrin:
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Sorry to hear this Shawn. Our pets are just as close to us as our humans and it hurts.

Are there any Bofu frogs in your yard. My dog licked one once and I rushed her to the vet for the antidote to the poison. Now I keep a five iron in the back yard and hit the frogs into the bushes. No poison frog is going to get the best of my pal.

Hang in there buddy.
So sorry Shawn:frown:
So sorry to hear. I to had to witness my best friend die in my arms as well. It was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I had her for almost 14 years. It does get easier as time heals all wounds. But there are times when you just wish you could see them again. Sorry for your loss.
thanks for all the texts and all the happy thoughts
I just cant understand it. 1500 bucks for an autopsy
200 to creatmate, blood tests 300 its all worth it in my heart.

I have to find out why she Died so I can try and prevent it in the future with my other dog Boomer. or if its poison my children could eat it. etc.
if its plants in the backyard then I will kill everything green in my backyard. if someone poisoned her I will sue their ass.

I am destroyed. I mean part of me is ripped out.

old age is one thing, hit by a car is another but perfectly healthy dog to drop like a stone and die in your arms. geez that just kills me

I knew how to give DOG CPR but only partially.
I know know how to give it now as I watched some training classes on youtube
how to do it. I could have possibly saved her
shoulda woulda coulda ya know

anyway thanks for the support guys
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Shawn- So sad to hear of your loss. My 2 doggies join me in sending condolences to you and your family - especially Yodie's sister, who is no doubt going to miss her brother. Giver her some time to adjust to the loss and then get her a puppy to train and be friends with. Yodie is now playing in the sunshine as she watches over you and your family.
thanks for all the texts and all the happy thoughts
I just cant understand it. 1500 bucks for an autopsy
200 to creatmate, blood tests 300 its all worth it in my heart.

I have to find out why she Died so I can try and prevent it in the future with my other dog Boomer. or if its poison my children could eat it. etc.
if its plants in the backyard then I will kill everything green in my backyard. if someone poisoned her I will sue their ass.

I am destroyed. I mean part of me is ripped out.

old age is one thing, hit by a car is another but perfectly healthy dog to drop like a stone and die in your arms. geez that just kills me

I knew how to give DOG CPR but only partially.
I know know how to give it now as I watched some training classes on youtube
how to do it. I could have possibly saved her
shoulda woulda coulda ya know

anyway thanks for the support guys

So sorry.
Spend the money. It's worth it for the others.
I spent the 5K on my mutt to try to save him. I'd have spent more. When he couldn't keep things down any longer, it was time for me to let go.
Thank God I live minutes from the Cornell Vet Hospital. They are so helpful and talented, but my dog Divot had a rare cancer.
Enjoy your friends every day.
Tell your family you love them... every day.
You just don't know sometimes what's around the corner.
Hang in there.

Hi Shawn!

We don't know each other, but I feel your pain and I'm terribly sorry for your loss. From one owner to another who has lost a beloved friend, I know the feeling is heartbreaking. I hope you find peace and comfort my dear friend.

R.I.P Yodie