removing stock seats

31 December 2010
Upper Marlboro, MD
im not the biggest DIY person so i figured id ask before trying to knock this out. i want to remove my stock seats. im guessing pretty much remove the bolts holding them down and unplug sensors. please let me know if theres anything else i need to be aware of.
Great tip, I'd also think about covering the center console area too. Every time I take seats out it's hard not to bounce them off or scuff the side of the center console.

This^^ as well.

4 seat bolts, 1 seat belt bolt. One plug underneath. It's pretty simple, just be careful when putting in/out.
If Targa, remove roof when lifting seats in and out, will help allot.

Seats are fairly heavy so make sure you have lots of room, cleared tools out the way and have a good grip that will allow you to twist and turn the seat to get out the space of the door.

Sounds obvious but they will not lift straight out with out getting in the correct angle to get out the car without catching something so be prepared.

It's easy enough though
You got it, include the seat belt anchor and your done piece of cake.
Cool project. Looking forward to some follow up pictures.
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