Remote Entry Problem

26 September 2002
Baltimore, MD USA
My remote doesn't work anymore. The remote itself seems to have power (small red light) but nothing happens. It worked fine before I had to replace the battery. Is there a fuse to the remote ?...I looked in my glove box like some of the posts say and didn't see anything. I checked trunk, rear window, hood, etc to make sure they were closed. There isn't anything in the manual about it.
Any help would be appreciated......Jim

I am not really sure if this will work, but it is worth a try.

When I purchased a used Accord recently the dealer went through a procedure to "activate" the remote.

Turn ignition on. (Not to start)
Push remote
Turn igition off

Repeat 3-4 times

After a few times at this the remote started working. On the Accord (1998) it will "learn" the remote code and start to operate. My thinking is that when you disconnected the battery the code table in the remote CPU lost it's brains.

Took about 3 minutes to program both of my remotes. The system in the Accord is capable of storing maps for two remotes. I had three. When we repeated the process with the third remote, the first one was disabled.

Agan, I have never done this on an NSX, but for the few minutes to try it, it may work.

Let us know how it turns out.

I had this happen yesterday. I had hit the buttons and hit the switch at the same time and it got confused. I could not even start the car (no alarm sounded).

Pulled the battery cable for 1 min, reset the clock and the radio - problem solved.
Thanks to Larry Bastanza and Matteni. I tried your solutions but, unfortunately, they didn't help. I finally figured it out though. If you unscrew the panel under the glove box the Remote Entry Unit is right there. There is a fuse in line with the wires and it was blown (3 amp). It's nice to see that we all try to help each other out.
thank you for posting your solution for the rest of us to find out some day.

few people do this and it is a shame.

now if we could get people using the search feature!


Cool, Glad it worked out for you. Also as Nick points out, we all will benefit from your finding.
