Regularly scheduled coffee meets

I missed out on this one as I'm in Vancouver on vacation. Sounds like it was a good meet and I look forward to hopefully making the next one.

Down for a Napa run!
Napa run sounds like fun!

(How many cases of wine can one fit into the trunk of an NSX? I'm dying to find out.)
The answer is 6.5

but it gets way hot back there and ruins your wine...

Thanks for organizing the fun meet, really great group of people. See you next time.
It was a great time yesterday. The perfect weather, the beautiful cars and of course all of the fun people all conspired to make it a super start to these recurring meets. We even showed that we can all get along with Corvette owners :wink:

There was some talk about a Napa run. Who would be down for that? Maybe late spring to early summer time frame? Nothing set in stone, just looking for some feedback and gauging interest level.


If I'm in town, put me down for Napa. If not too many people, may be able to arrange a tour at my aunt's winery as well.
Napa run sounds like fun!

(How many cases of wine can one fit into the trunk of an NSX? I'm dying to find out.)

NSX isn't a good wine transport car. Unless you have boxes with some sort of cooling capability, you can't put anything in the trunk.

From my experience, with a passenger, you can only get about 1/2 to 1 case behind the seats, depending on how tall you and your passenger are. Without a passenger, you can probably get 4 or 5 cases. :wink:
I guess we won't be bringing home many souvenirs from a Napa run. But that's okay - we get up there often enough!

This makes me curious, though. We have one of those wireless barbecue thermometers. Maybe I'll put the transmitter in the trunk next time we go for a long ride, and monitor how hot it gets back there.
Here's a reminder for this coming Saturday's coffee meet.

This month it's at the Starbucks in San Mateo. (See post #1 for the address.)

This month, let's make the meet up time 10:08, since 10:07 was a little early for some. The Weather Channel app currently forecasts the weather for Saturday to have clear, sunny skies and mid- to low-60's temps.

I hope to see another good turn out.

01) 02#154
Saturday's coffee meet. March 3rd.

This month it's at the Starbucks in San Mateo. (See post #1 for the address.)

This month, let's make the meet up time 10:08, since 10:07 was a little early for some. The Weather Channel app currently forecasts the weather for Saturday to have clear, sunny skies and mid- to low-60's temps.

I hope to see another good turn out.

01) 02#154
02) 03 raw nsx
James on behalf of the Bay Area NSX community, I would like to Thank You for adding that extra minute to the meet time. I know all of will us appreciate the extra minute you have graciously added from last week's meet time. :eek:

You sir, are a scholar and a gentleman :biggrin:
James on behalf of the Bay Area NSX community, I would like to Thank You for adding that extra minute to the meet time. I know all of will us appreciate the extra minute you have graciously added from last week's meet time. :eek:

You sir, are a scholar and a gentleman :biggrin:

I see that I'm dealing with a bunch of slackers here in the Bay Area... Next month, 10:05!

Re: Regularly scheduled coffee meets
Originally Posted by MikeC_587
James on behalf of the Bay Area NSX community, I would like to Thank You for adding that extra minute to the meet time. I know all of will us appreciate the extra minute you have graciously added from last week's meet time.

You sir, are a scholar and a gentleman


I see that I'm dealing with a bunch of slackers here in the Bay Area... Next month, 10:05!

some say it's a poor man's ferrari... I say it's a smart man's ferrari

Thanks a lot Cruz... Provoke the man why don't ya.
Comon ppl... I know more than 5 want to drive and the weather is posted as sunny....San Mateo Right?

Yes, San Mateo this coming Saturday. Don't worry too much about the turnout, though. You can usually rely on a couple to show up without posting, though you can also expect one or two who've put their name down to not show up or have conflicting plans last minute.

I think that if we can get at least ten or so for the first few months, then the meet will have enough traction to remain a constant for quire a while.

Oh, if there's anyone out there who plans to go but hasn't indicated so, please do... the larger the lists for meets tend to get, the more people tend to want to go. And to be honest, we're just going to talk Sh!t about the people who don't show up, like Mike and Roger

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01) 02#154
02) 03 raw nsx
03) Edub
04) Postfix
05) Xetronic
06) Imducati
07) amgnsx + son

There was some talk about a Napa run. Who would be down for that? Maybe late spring to early summer time frame? Nothing set in stone, just looking for some feedback and gauging interest level.

Count me in!!!

Hope we can talk about this in the meet.
Spring/Summer is around the corner, we should plan this.
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01) 02#154
02) 03 raw nsx
03) Edub
04) Postfix
05) Xetronic
06) Imducati
07) amgnsx + son
08) smooth
I just rolled up and the 6speedoine guys were just leaving for a run

Carole & I enjoyed meeting so many of you this morning! Can't wait for the Napa run.


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Thanks James for organizing the C&C :smile:
and I'll have pastries for your when your ready, let me know the details maybe I can get a day pass to go :tongue:

It was great to meet up with everyone.

Congrats to Allen on his 91, welcome to the group :wink:

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Hi EVERYONE! Wow, long time no see for me! Had fun today and here are the pics to prove I went to a meet! You know, group shot, blah, blah, blah... But, there are a few random ones... Can't take us anywhere! (Just read Rich's post-OOOhhhhh pastries!!!)


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Hi EVERYONE! Wow, long time no see for me! Had fun today and here are the pics to prove I went to a meet! You know, group shot, blah, blah, blah... But, there are a few random ones... Can't take us anywhere! (Just read Rich's post-OOOhhhhh pastries!!!)

Thanks for the pics Lynn! Remember to get them all onto a cd for me, okay?


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