Give him a little time, he'll be jumping into an NSX sooner than you know it.
I might get an NSX also... Gotta convince the wife.
She won't let me get another pricey toy so soon getting this one. Maybe in 3-4 years....
Give him a little time, he'll be jumping into an NSX sooner than you know it.
We have done things on Sundays before and I'm sure we will again. But the meet in this thread is one that I hesitate to change because right now, everyone knows and can rely on a meet every first Satueday of the month.
I'll try to work on a Sunday meet. Maybe a drive.
Coconut, I got a Ferrari F360 Challenge Stradale (It is a limited edition F360 - kinda like the Zanardi edition of the NSX)
Dhalsim, dude!
that's harsh.
I think the car will be comparable to the NSX. Probably neck and neck.
Coconut, I got a Ferrari F360 Challenge Stradale (It is a lightened version F360 - kinda like the NSX-R)
Nice!!! Your car would destroy a stock NA2, both straight line and on the track. Heck I think its faster than a CTSC NA2!
Would love to check out your car one of these days. What part of Norcal are you in?
Coconut, I'm in mid peninsula.
straight line, yes. track? Depends on driver. Fast driver > fast car.
I personally don't see the relevance of the last 10 posts to the subject title!!! Wasted bandwidth!!!:biggrin:
BTW - I wasn't trying to be harsh and I assumed you were getting a Porsche based on previous comment by someone else. However there are Primers who have had an NSX.....bought a Ferrari.... and then came back to the NSX.
Next meeting:
Eastridge Mall.
PLenty of wide open parking.
At the corner of Quimby and Tully near Sears.
2200 Eastridge Loop, San Jose, CA 95122
December 1st Saturday
Thx for the pics!
Thanks for taking the pictures! It was good meeting you. Your Red NSX is super clean.
Wow! This even further away from me. Whats the draw here? I mean why is this spot better than the Fremont or San Mateo spot? And if we are going this far into San Jose why not just meet at Santana Row?
I think the real draw is the coffee places across the st.
I think the real draw is the coffee places across the st.