Redshift's NSX pics

24 September 2005
Gilbert, AZ
Anyone recognize this pile? (before the custom REDSHIFT plate) :D j/k Erin...... Not sure if you posted these or not, I just found them in my files and thought they looked so nice (before you met Mr. Curb :)) I had to show everyone....







That's my car alright :biggrin: ... what's it doing at your house? :wink:

Changes since then:

1. put a custom scratch in my passenger side WW front lip - wouldn't see it from these pics anyway - I hit a curb

2. New rear tires

3. My licence plate now reflects my username :biggrin:

4. Removed the wipers

5. about 3K miles :eek:

6. I bought my wedding invitations :smile:

Ever consider going 2-tone w/ the '91-'01 rear valance (gloss-black & Formula One red) and some gun-metal or black hex-mesh? :cool:

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Orange Peel said:
Hey you have that Darth Vader option now too!!! :D
Oh yeah, I got a CAIS too :smile:

Osiris_x11 said:
Ever consider going 2-tone w/ the '91-'01 rear valance (gloss-black & Formula One red) and some gun-metal or black hex-mesh? :cool:
:cool: Wow, that looks really cool... I never really thought of that... can I see it in black mesh?

zahntech said:
are those ADVAN 5 wheels?
Nope, they're ADR Kasais which are made to look like ADVANs. I bought the car with them already on, otherwise I would have got the real deal from Yokohama... still might. :biggrin:

rickysals said:
IMHO, that car is perfect.
:biggrin: :biggrin:

redshift said:
:cool: Wow, that looks really cool... I never really thought of that... can I see it in black mesh?

Nope, they're ADR Kasais which are made to look like ADVANs.
:biggrin: :biggrin:

I'll do some PhotoShop later this evening w/ a darker mesh-style, ie. black or slate-grey. I'm planning to do the same w/ my NSX, but I have a Berlina black to begin w/ so the rear valance color won't be all that obvious (gloss-black lower diffuser w/ flat-black license plate & center areas.

After seeing the ADR Kasai's, if I was running 18/19's I'd get them in a heart-beat -or- if I had a 4door luxo-sports sedan/coupe/SUV. They are quality in appearance. Too bad weight-reduction on the NSX is an addiction... :redface:

Main Entry: an·es·ex·orex·ia
Pronunciation: "en-es-esk&r-'rek-sE-&
Function: noun
Etymology: New Latin, from Greek, Honda/Tochigi-speak, N- new/novus + S sports/disporten + X concept/concipere from a- + orexis appetite, from oregein

1 : loss of weight whether sprung or unsprung causing discomfort due loss of i. conventional convenience amenities - ii. diminished pocketbook girth from re-allocated funds.

a serious disorder in automobile modification primarily of men in their late teens to middle age (very rarely in women, if so it's a keeper; also see Princess, Nobel Laureate Supermodel, and OPEC secretariat) that is characterized especially by a pathological fear of ricer-competition and domestic-displacement leading to increased spending on aftermarket parts to replace perfectly good OEM parts, drastic D.I.Y. tendencies, obsessive-compulsive behavior towards carbon fiber, acting-out & repression in the presence of bling-bling, and usually obscenely excessive expenditure of currency & time.

See also: "go-fast crackpipe"
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